Excellence in International Engagement, 2019
Political Science

Professor Jeannie Sowers is a nationally and internationally renowned scholar who conducts research on pressing global issues. Her scholarship is a vital tool for informing citizens and public policy debates.
Her work is of critical importance for people living in conflict regions, as well as for policymakers struggling to address global crises. Her classes are often full, and students regularly praise her teaching abilities. She mixes lively lectures with class discussions, and students learn to articulate their views based upon empirical evidence while respecting their peers. This learning continues outside of the classroom, where she has been instrumental in planning global issues lectures through seminars and the Sidore Lecture Series.
In 2009, Professor Sowers helped create the Middle East studies minor. This minor has held appeal for students and assisted them in securing prestigious jobs. Not surprisingly, alumni maintain regular contact with her.
In her department, Professor Sowers shoulders an exceptional amount of the daily work. She is instrumental in recruiting top candidates to expand our expertise and mentors them once they arrive. Her mentoring extends beyond the department, developing a series of workshops for junior faculty about the tenure process. Faculty find the events enormously helpful and praise her work.
Professor Sowers is passionately dedicated to UNH’s mission of internationalization and student engagement, and this dedication drives her research agenda, teaching, public engagement and service. It is with great pleasure that I present her with the university’s 2019 Excellence in International Engagement Award.”
About this Award
This award recognizes exceptional international engagement by a current UNH faculty member. Nominees should have a well-established and ongoing record of international education and/or research while on the UNH faculty. Such activities should include several of the following: directing UNH managed programs abroad, individual research, collaborative research with international partners, exchange teaching, encouraging and supporting student involvement in international research (e.g., IROP), evidence of global perspectives within curriculum, service on international boards and task forces, consulting and/or publications/performances. UNH benefits-eligible faculty members are eligible, except recipients within the last five years. This award is supported by the Global Education Center.