Jayson Seaman

Excellence in Teaching, 2019


Jayson Seaman

Jayson Seaman models a lifelong investment in learning. Through his areas of teaching, which include outdoor education theory and research, human development and whitewater canoeing expeditions and courses, he invites students to walk alongside him in that process.

A common thread across Professor Seaman’s courses is his enthusiasm for the subject matter, his focus on experiential learning and teaching method and his practice of challenging students to move beyond where they thought possible. Student comments attest to his passion for engaging students in course material. One student observes, “Jayson seems to have that gift of meeting each individual student just a little bit beyond where they are, asking — demanding — that they strive ahead a little further in their curiosity, critical thinking and intellectual questioning of the world around them.”

And Professor Seaman has the same expectations for himself: Outside of his teaching load, he recently organized an independent study course for two of his colleagues and four graduate students. As a group they are reading original works of Erik Erikson: “Childhood and Society”, Identity: Youth and Crisis,” and “Young Man Luther,” challenging texts that are critical for the study of identity. Under Professor Seaman’s leadership, the group discusses these works and each has committed to write a manuscript based on an issue of individual interest.

About this Award
Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
