Ivaylo Nedyalkov

Excellence in Teaching, 2021

Mechanical Engineering

Ivaylo Nedyalkov

Dr. Ivalyo Nedyalkov demonstrates an uncommon commitment to teaching and his students. Since he joined the faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2015, he has excelled at teaching a broad array of courses including fundamental courses, labs, and project-based courses. He routinely and actively seeks opportunities for professional development to advance and improve his pedagogy. Learners indicate their appreciation for his teaching approach: “He uses a combination of in-class questions and online tools like Piazza to make his classes interesting and push students to involve themselves in every lecture.”

Beyond teaching important fundamental skills, Ivo prioritizes the professional development of our students. He is engaged in and encourages students to explore applied research activities including studies in the flow physics facility, the world’s largest scientific quality boundary-layer wind tunnel facility. One student noted, “The implementation of theory into practical and real-life scenarios bridged the gap that otherwise is usually skewed toward theory in the academic world of engineering.” In addition, he guides an astounding array of senior capstone projects, which serve as a culmination of our students’ educational experience.

In course evaluations, students frequently praise Dr. Nedyalkov’s genuine concern: “He really cares and would always ask us how we are doing,” “He really wants his students to excel” and “He is always available to help.” His student-centered approach to teaching has paid meaningful dividends, particularly during these past two years, which have presented significant challenges to us all. He truly deserves this recognition.

About this Award
Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
