Presidential Award of Excellence, 2015
Conferences and Catering
Lead Conference Service Worker

Anyone in the UNH community who has enjoyed a reception, conference or meeting at Holloway Commons likely recognizes Gina Kemp, and her exceptional attention to detail and service. As lead conference service worker, Gina is instrumental in helping the department retain and attract new clients – and her outstanding work ethic even convinced one guest to encourage his daughter to enroll at UNH.
In many ways, this staff excellence award reflects the numerous compliments that clients have made about Gina’s commitment to great service over the years.
An email from an instructor who presented a workshop at Holloway Commons typifies the kind of feedback Gina’s work attracts. The instructor wrote: “I was teaching a course in the Piscataqua Room and our coordinator was Gina. She consistently went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure everyone had a positive experience at UNH.”
Appropriately enough, the instructor that day was teaching a customer service course to other UNH employees – and Gina proved to be exhibit A.
One of the most remarkable compliments paid to Gina came from a guest who attended a law enforcement training program.
“Gina Kemp personally greeted me the first morning as she fussed over the already impressive continental breakfast,” the guest wrote. “I was surprised to see Gina continue in this manner from the start of the first day until the end of the last day. Gina is truly a prize employee – take care of her and let her know how appreciated she is…My daughter is hoping to attend UNH next year so we have visited the campus several times before for swim meets and the open house. The experience at this training just reinforced my pleasure with what UNH has to offer. Gina embodies customer service and hospitality. More importantly, Gina strives to treat all members of our community with the same respect and outstanding service that makes UNH the elite college it is.”
That kind of unsolicited praise is truly inspiring.
About this Award
All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the Presidential Award of Excellence nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from Human Resources and forwarding it to the Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.