Presidential Award of Excellence, 2013
Study Abroad Program, Global Education Center

Traveling abroad can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences during a student’s academic career. Thanks to Beth Kilinc, educational program coordinator in the Center for International Education, the University community can be assured it’s likely to be a safe experience as well.
Sometimes in this volatile world, violence erupts or a natural disaster strikes. When it does, Beth is right there to help locate a student or faculty member caught in the middle. Beth has been a leader in improving safety for all in the University community who study abroad. She facilitated the adoption of a new travel insurance program and has been a key participant in creating a web-based travel registry that tracks students overseas.
Outside of UNH, Beth is a well-recognized authority in international education. She has served on the State Department Overseas Advisory Council and as an advisory board member for Academic Programs International.
After an analysis of the center’s practices showed improvements needed to be made, Beth led the way in developing procedures to professionalize the way overseas programs were run at UNH. Beth also led a full review of international programs, working not only with outside contractors who offer study abroad opportunities, but also with teams of UNH faculty and staff to ensure all were meeting the approved criteria.
Overall, Beth’s work is impeccable. She is focused and deliberate, able to explain complex concepts and procedures in a clear way. Beth is capable of tackling even the most difficult tasks, from finding a student in a crisis to completing a lengthy report over a weekend. And her warm demeanor and great sense of humor make all in her office feel welcome.
Because of Beth’s hard work, students, faculty and staff are safer abroad and have greater access to enriching programs.
About this Award
All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the Presidential Award of Excellence nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from Human Resources and forwarding it to the Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.