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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2015-2016

College of Health and Human Services


Health Management and Policy (HMP)


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Professor: Barbara Arrington, Charles Drum, Leslie N.H. MacLeod, John W. Seavey, Lee F. Seidel, Robert S. Woodward
Associate Professor: Rosemary M. Caron, Marc D. Hiller, James B. Lewis, Robert J. McGrath
Research Associate Professor: Monica McClain
Assistant Professor: Semra A. Aytur, Mark Bonica
Research Assistant Professor: David J. Laflamme, Amanda Reichard
Clinical Professor: Edgar J. Helms Jr.
Clinical Assistant Professor: Susan Fox, Prashant Mittal
Lecturer: Ann-Marie Matteucci

Undergraduates majoring in the health management and policy program are prepared to embark upon management careers in a wide range of health care delivery and financing organizations, public health, and health policy. Graduates work in many settings, including health care delivery systems, hospitals, nursing homes, health maintenance and other managed care organizations, public health departments, community-based and home-health agencies, mental health facilities, regulatory bodies, consulting companies, and insurance companies.

The academic program is interdisciplinary, with undergraduates taking courses in many academic units of the University. Students gain a broad view of health and health care while developing analytical skills in health care management and policy. The department uses a computer laboratory that is integrated throughout the curriculum.

The department’s undergraduate program maintains full certification by the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA). Students have the opportunity to become student members in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), the Health Care Financial Management Association (HFMA), and the American Public Health Association all of which are represented by student chapters at the University. There also is an organization for students interested in public health issues. The department curriculum is approved under the New England Regional Student Program.

Academic Program

Competencies are achieved through three components of the curriculum: University Discovery program requirements, HMP collateral courses, and HMP courses, which include a field practicum and a capstone course. Students work closely with their assigned faculty advisers to develop a plan of study to achieve completion of each of these components. Upper-division HMP courses are sequenced in a two-year progression as described in departmental handouts to all majors. Students are expected to follow this sequence; any exceptions are made by petition. Late transfers may have to plan for an extra year. All HMP students are required to take a core of introductory courses generally completed before their junior year in the major. 

HMP Introductory Core Courses - Required of All Majors

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits Fall Spring
HMP   401   U.S. Health Care Systems   4   X   X  
HMP   501   Epidemiology and Community Medicine   4   X   X  
HMP   403   Introduction to Public Health   4   X   X  
MATH   420   Finite Math   4   X   X  
Statistics     Any UNH statistics course satisfies the requirement   4   X   X  


For HMP majors only: HMP 401 will not meet the social sciences requirement.



Required Courses - Health Management and Policy

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits Fall Spring Summer
HMP   511   Introduction to Health Information Systems   4     X    
HMP   621   Pre-Practicum   2   X      
HMP   622   Field Practicum-summer session between junior/senior year   3       X  
HMP   624   Post Practicum   2   X      
HMP   631   Health Issues Seminar II   2     X    
HMP   642   Health Economics   4     X    
HMP   711   Health Systems Research I   4     X    
HMP   712   Health Systems Research II   4     X    
HMP   721   Managing Health Care Organizations I   4   X      
HMP   723   Health Planning   4   X      
HMP   735   Social Marketing   4   X      
HMP   740   Health Care Financial Management I   4   X      
HMP   742   Strategic Management for Health Care Organizations   4     X    
HMP   744E   Health Ethics   2   X      
HMP   744L   Health Law   2   X      
HMP   746   Health Policy   4   X      

HMP Elective Courses

Student must select any two of the following electives:

HMP Elective Courses

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits Fall Spring Summer J-Term BS
HMP   722   Management of Health Care Organizations II   4     X       X  
HMP   741   Health Care Financial Management II   4     X       X  
HMP   715   Environmental Health   4     X       X  
HMP   569   Behavioral Health   4     X       X  

Field Practicum:

A full-time practicum (or administrative internship) that integrates class work with a supervised field experience constitutes an essential part of the academic program and is required of all majors. It allows students to explore an area of special interest in depth. Courses comprising this component of the major include HMP 621, Pre Practicum Seminar; HMP 622A, HMP 622B, HMP 622C, Field Practicum; and HMP 624, Post Practicum Seminar. The field experience is divided into three concurrent components: HMP 622A, Field Practicum Organizational Analysis; HMP 622B, Field Practicum Management Skills Development; and HMP 622C, Field Practicum Project Analysis. Field practicum sites are selected by faculty with student involvement and are concentrated in central and Northern New England. Given sufficient timing of student requests, efforts will be made to arrange practica at distant sites based on special needs.

HMP field practica occur during the summer between the junior and senior year within the curriculum. They begin in late May and end in late August and require a full-time commitment of a minimum of 400 hours.

Students must retain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher at the end of their junior year to be granted permission to enroll in the required summer internship (i.e., HMP 622 A, B, C). This ten-week internship may not be paid, involves a minimum of 400 hours, and requires registering for a 3-credit summer course. Financial is not applicable to summer courses.

Academic Requirements:

HMP majors must obtain a minimum of a C- in all HMP core courses and must pass all HMP-required collateral courses. Majors must have an overall grade-point average of 2.75 by the end of the semester preceding their practicum. Students not maintaining an overall grade-point average of 2.75 are reevaluated by the faculty and may be counseled into another major at the University.

The faculty reviews student performances during the semester before the practicum to determine each student’s readiness. Students who do not successfully complete prerequisite courses may not be permitted to advance through subsequent courses in the major.

Applications for Major:

Students interested in additional information or in applying for admission to the health management and policy major should contact the department’s director of undergraduate studies. Efforts should be made to complete this process during the freshman year or early in the sophomore year to ensure sufficient time to complete all of the required collateral courses as well as those in the major in a timely manner. Admitted UNH students can apply to the major at any time, and admission decisions are made at the end of the semester in which the student applies. Admitted students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.

Honors in Major:

The department offers an honors-in-major program. To qualify, students must meet the department’s requirement of having an overall 3.4 grade-point average at UNH and a 3.4 grade-point average for required HMP courses taken by the end of the fall semester of  junior year. Honors-in-major students take honors courses during the last half of junior year and senior year and complete an honors project. Students work with a faculty member in the department in the development of the honors project. Students should contact the department's honors-in-major adviser for further information.

Academic Minors:

HMP offers two academic minors: a minor in health management and one in public health.  Health management and policy majors are not eligible for minors in HMP.

Academic Minor in Health Management:

The department offers an integrated minor in health management designed for students in any major. Students seeking to minor in health management must meet with the department’s director of undergraduate studies before commencing the minor. The health management minor includes the following courses:

Academic Minor in Health Management

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits Fall Spring Summer
HMP   401   U.S. Health Care Systems   4   X   X    
HMP   501   Epidemiology and Community Medicine   4   X   X    
HMP   735   Social Marketing   4   X      
HMP   721   Managing Health Care Organizations I   4   X      
HMP   740   Financial Management of Health Care Organizations I   4   X      

Student may take HMP 740, Financial Management of Health Care Organizations I, during the fall semester or HMP 710, Financial Management for Clinicians, during the spring semester.

Academic Minor in Public Health:

The department offers a minor in public health. Public health deals with the health of populations and focuses on health promotion and disease prevention as well as access to the medical system. The minor introduces students to many of the foundation areas of public health and provides basic exposure to key concepts and skills in the five core disciplines of public health, as articulated by the Council on Education for Public Health. The minor is open to any baccalaureate student at UNH. The public health minor includes the following courses:

Academic Minor in Public Health

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits Fall Spring Summer
HMP   403   Introduction to Public Health   4   X   X    
HMP   501   Epidemiology and Community Medicine   4   X   X    
HMP   569   Human Behavior and the Public Health   4     X    
HMP   505   History of Public Health   4     X    
HMP   715   Environmental Health   4     X    

Students may take HMP 735, Social Marketing, or HMP 715, Environmental Health.

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