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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2015-2016

College of Health and Human Services


Athletic Training


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Professor: Erik E. Swartz
Associate Professor: John P. Miller
Clinical Associate Professor: Daniel R. Sedory

Athletic trainers are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians. The services provided by athletic trainers are comprised of prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. The athletic training major has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) since 1991 and prepares professionals qualified to attend to the athlete, the fitness-conscious jogger, the skilled professional athlete, or anyone engaged in physical activity.

Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or better in all KIN-required courses and BMS 507-508.

Students gain clinical experience within the UNH Department of Athletics, UNH Campus Recreation, and at off-campus clinical sites. Successful completion of the entire program, including supervised clinical experience, qualifies students to take the Board of Certification (BOC) certification exam. Students who wish to pursue both BOC certification and public school teacher certification should also see the Department of Kinesiology Physical Education Option. This double course of study will require between five and six years.

Students are admitted to the UNH athletic training major with conditional status. Specific competitive criteria must be met during the student’s first year before he or she may apply for full-time status in the major, which is awarded only to students demonstrating exemplary performance in classes and directed observation. Detailed criteria may be found at Additionally, major technical standards establish the qualities considered necessary for students to achieve the knowledge, skills, and competencies associated with the program. Candidates for full-time status will be required to verify they understand and meet these technical standards or that they can meet them, with reasonable accommodation. Interested students should consult with program coordinator, Dan Sedory, regarding entry criteria and the technical standards.

Students in athletic training complete KIN 718, Career Preparation in Athletic Training, as the capstone course for the major.  This course is designed to provide students with a means to integrate and augment concepts, skills, and knowledge gained in all previously-completed major course requirements. Prerequisites include KIN 665, sections A-D.



Required Courses

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
KIN   506   Concepts of Athletic Training   4  
KIN   507   Concepts of Athletic Training Lab   1  
KIN   585   Emergency First Responder   4  
KIN   620   Physiology of Exercise   4  
KIN   652   Clinical Kinesiology   4  
KIN   653A   Musculoskeletal Assessment   2  
KIN   658   Evaluation & Care of Athletic Training Injury I   4  
KIN   658L   Evaluation/Care of Athletic Training Injury I Lab   1  
KIN   659   Evaluation & Care of Athletic Training Injury II   4  
KIN   659L   Evaluation/Care of Athletic Training Injury II Lab   1  
KIN   660   Therapeutic Exercise in Athletic Training   4  
KIN   661   Therapeutic Exercise Lab   1  
KIN   662   Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Training   4  
KIN   663   Therapeutic Modalities Lab   1  
KIN   665   Laboratory Practicum in Athletic Training    
  665A   Level I   2  
  665B   Level II   2  
  665C   Level III   2  
  665D   Level IV   2  
  665E   Level V   2  
KIN   667   Pharmacology in Athletic Training   2  
KIN   668   Ergogenic Aids in Sports   2  
KIN   670   General Medical Conditions in Athletics   4  
KIN   710   Organization/Admin of Athletic Training Programs   4  
KIN   715   Seminar in Athletic Training   4  
KIN   718   Career Preparation of Athletic Training   4  
KIN   780   Psychological Factors in Sport   4  

University Required Courses

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
NUTR   400   Nutrition in Health and Well Being   4  
PSYC   401   Introduction to Psychology   4  
Statistics Course       4  
BMS   507-508   Human Anatomy and Physiology   8  

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