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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2015-2016

College of Liberal Arts


Africana and African American Studies Minor

The Africana and African American studies minor provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to central issues in African, African Diaspora, Caribbean, and African American history, literature, and culture. The minor permits students to concentrate in one of these areas or to combine courses from among the many offerings to create a distinctive program.

The Africana and African American studies minor encompasses the multidisciplinary and comparative study of African history and culture, and the study of the African Diaspora throughout the world, from Europe to Asia as well as to North and South America. The program recognizes the global and transnational dimensions of contemporary African Diasporic experiences in the United States, the Caribbean, and Latin American nations. It thus offers a wide variety of courses that are taught across several disciplines in the University. Students are strongly encouraged to select courses reflecting the breadth of offerings in the minor across the University of New Hampshire’s undergraduate curriculum.

The program presents strong offerings in Africana studies because an understanding of Africa is central to the study of the African Diaspora. The program also features many courses in African American Studies because many aspects of African American history and culture have been central to the development of the United States, highlighting both the nation’s problems and its promise, and affecting virtually all areas of academic study through the years, from the humanities and social sciences to the physical sciences. Students are encouraged to take courses from a variety of departments and disciplines. The minor therefore is designed to serve the needs of all students, regardless of their ethnic or cultural background, complementing their work in their major fields of study while serving also as a focused corrective to traditionally marginalized approaches to Africana, African Diasporic, Caribbean, and African American experiences.

Africana and African American studies consists of five 4-credit courses, including one course from a list of introductory courses related to the student’s choice of concentration and four other approved offerings. Students must take at least one course at the 600 or 700 level. The required introductory course provides students with a general understanding of the broad and diverse spectrum of Africana and African American subjects. Electives enable students to develop their understanding in more focused courses (listed below) in various fields of study. There is an opportunity to earn credits toward the minor through a study abroad experience in Ghana, in West Africa (contact the Center for the Humanities for details). There is also an independent study option under the AFAM 795 designation, which allows students to work closely with a faculty member on a research project and/or internship relevant to any aspect of Africana and African American Studies. Students must earn a C- or better in each course, and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average in courses taken for the minor. Electives may include special topics courses, as approved by the program, a senior seminar, internship, or study abroad credits.

Students interested in minoring in Africana and African American studies should contact Jessica Fish,, 322 Huddleston Hall, (603) 862-0939.

Introductory Courses (one of the following)
ANTH 500D, Peoples and Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa
ENGL 517/AMST 502, Introduction to African American Literature and Culture
ENGL 609, Ethnicity in America: The African American Experience in the 20th Century
INCO 450, Introduction to Race, Culture, and Power
HIST 505 or 506, African American History
HIST 531, Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean
HIST 587/588, History of Africa
HIST 444D, Slavery and Society in Pre-Colonial Africa

Elective Courses
Electives are approved for the minor and announced each semester on the Africana and African American studies website. Courses that are partly devoted to the concerns of Africana and African American studies may count for the minor, if the instructor will allow the students to focus a significant amount of coursework on this field of study. Approval by both the minor coordinator and the course instructor is required for such courses.

Pre-approved Electives
ANTH 500B, Peoples and Cultures of South America
ANTH 500D, Peoples and Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa
ANTH 627, Urbanization in Africa
ANTH 686, Gender, Sexuality, and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
ANTH 760, Race in Global Perspectives
ARTS 671, Egypt and Nubia: Art, Architecture, and Rediscovery
CMN 632, Communication Theory
EDUC 797/ANTH 790, Seminar: Teaching Race
ENGL 581/581H, Introduction to Post-Colonial Literature in English
ENGL 609, Ethnicity in America: The African American Experience in the 20th Century
ENGL 681, Introduction to African Literatures in English
FREN 526, Introduction to Francophone Cultures
FREN 676, Topics in Francophone Cultures
FS 757/851, Race, Class, Gender, and Families
HIST 444D, Slavery and Society in Pre-Colonial Africa
HIST 497, The Civil Rights Movement
HIST 531, Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean
HIST 587/588, History of Africa
HIST 589, Islam in Africa
HIST 600.02, Race, Gender, Science, and African-American Experience
HIST 611, History of the Civil War Era
HIST 625, Southern History and Literature Since the Civil War
HIST 684, History of Southern Africa Since 1652
HIST 688, African Religions
HUMA 609, Ethnicity in America: The Black Experience in the 20th Century
MUSI 460, Jazz Band
PHIL 540, Philosophy of Race and Racism
POLT 519, Civil Rights and Liberties
PSYC 791A02, Psychology of Race
SOC 530/530W, Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 745, Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality
WS 401.06, Introduction to Women’s Studies
WS 595, Black Women in America

American Studies Minor

American studies is the interdisciplinary study of United States culture in all its varied aspects. Students learn to connect history, art, politics, religion, popular culture, literature, and other features of American life and to examine both the differences and the similarities among, for example, different racial and ethnic groups, historical periods, and media. Students may wish to focus their coursework in the minor around a coherent topic, either chronologically or thematically. Examples include, but are not limited to, a specific historical period (for example, the twentieth century); race, ethnicity, gender, or class in America; popular culture; the arts; Native American studies; regional studies; urban, rural, and natural environments; American institutions (such as education, sports, religion).

The American studies minor consists of five courses. Students must take AMST 501, Introduction to American Studies, as early in their careers as possible. In addition, students must take at least one course concentrating on issues of race, gender, or ethnicity in America. No more than three courses of the five may be at the 400/500 level (departmental prerequisites may be waived for American studies students at the discretion of the instructor). Ordinarily, not more than two electives may be taken from the same academic department. A relevant internship may be substituted for one of the electives. Students should consult with the minor coordinator before registration. Students must earn a C- or better in each course and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average in courses taken for the minor.

Students interested in completing an American studies minor should contact Jessica Fish,, 322 Huddleston Hall, (603) 862-0939.


Please note that additional courses may count; please visit the program website for the most up-to-date information. 

AMST 444B, New Orleans: Place, Meaning, and Context
AMST 444E, Fly Fishing and the American Experience
AMST 501, Introduction to American Studies
AMST 502, Introduction to African American Literature and Culture*
AMST 503, Introduction to Native American Studies*
AMST 604, Landscape and American Culture
AMST 605, Film in American Culture
AMST 607, Religion in American Life and Thought
AMST 608, Women Artists and Writers, 1850-Present*
AMST 609, The African American Experience in the Twentieth Century*
AMST 610, New England Culture
AMST 611, Indigenous New England*
AMST 612, Periods in American Culture
AMST 613, Regions in American Culture
AMST 614, Native American Studies Topics*
AMST 615, Asian American Studies Topics*
AMST 695/6, Special Topics in American Studies
AMST 697/8, Seminar in American Studies
AMST 795, Independent Study
*These courses concentrate on issues of race, gender, or ethnicity in America.

Elective Courses
Electives are approved for the minor and announced each semester in the Time and Room Schedule and on the American studies website.

Architectural Studies Minor

The minor in architectural studies provides students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the history, theory, and methods of architecture and its symbolism. The program allows students who are interested in this field to receive programmatic recognition of their work. It is designed to assist those who are contemplating enrollment at a school of architecture; are particularly interested in architectural history; want to supplement their technical majors (e.g., civil engineering) with strong academic minors; or plan to pursue careers in preservation, education, community service, and public relations.

Minor Requirements
Five courses (18-20 credits), which consist of the following:

ARTS 532, Introductory Drawing   
ARTS 574, Introduction to Architectural History

One of the following:
ARTS 455, Architectural Design Studio
ARTS 525, Woodworking
ARTS 567, Introductory Sculpture 
THDA 652, Scene Design (may be used in this category or as one of the two electives)

Two electives from the list below chosen in consultation with the minor coordinators:   

ARTS 600C, Internship in Architecture
ARTS 625, Wood/Furniture Design Workshop
ARTS 654, 17th and 18th Century American Architecture
ARTS 655, Early Modern Architecture
ARTS 656, Contemporary Architecture
ARTS 678, Romanesque and Gothic Art
ARTS 796G, Independent Study in Architecture
CIE 444, Housing: Everyone Needs a Place to Live (3 credits)
CIE 780, Building Information Modeling (3 credits)
CIE 795, Independent Study (with approval) (1-4 credits)
CIE 796, Special Topic: Green Building Design (3 credits)
CIE 796, Special Topic: Residential Construction (3 credits)
CLAS 510, Building Rome (a J-term course)
TECH 564, Fundamentals of CAD (Computer Aided Design) (3 credits)

For more information, contact the minor coordinators: Patricia Emison, art and art history, or Tat Fu, civil engineering.

Asian Studies Minor

To appreciate the Asian peoples—their languages, their history, their society, their political/economic systems—and the Asian experiences in the United States, the Asian studies minor is designed to be broadly inclusive. Students are required to choose five courses from a variety of Asian courses offered at UNH, no more than three of which can be from one individual discipline. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in Asian languages classes at UNH as well as explore Asian courses at other U.S. and Asian institutions. For further information, please contact Lawrence C. Reardon, coordinator, Department of Political Science, 241A Horton Social Science Center, (603) 862-1858, e-mail

The following are a list of courses that count toward the minor. Please note additional courses may also count. Visit the program website for the most up-to-date information.

ANTH 500E, People and Cultures of South Asia
ANTH 501E, World Prehistory: Asia
ARTS 697, Arts of the Far East
CHIN 400, Conversational Chinese
CHIN 401/2, Elementary Chinese
CHIN 425, Introduction to Chinese Culture and Civilization
CHIN 503/4, Intermediate Chinese
CHIN 521, Chinese Literature in Translation
CHIN 632, Advanced Chinese II
CHIN 795/96, Independent Study in Chinese
CLAS 413/4, Elementary Sanskrit
ENGL 581, Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures in English
ENGL 616C, Asian American Film
ENGL 738, Beauty Queens and Silver Screens
ENGL 750, Asian American Literature
ENGL 777, Postcolonial Novel
FS 444, We Don't All Play Violin
FS 773, International Perspectives on Children and Families
GEOG 541, Geography of Japan
HIST 425, Chinese Civilization
HIST 579, History of China in Modern Times
HIST 580, History of Japan in Modern Times
HIST 681, Modern China Topics
HIST 797, American Century in Asia
JPN 401/2, Elementary Japanese*
JPN 425, Introduction to Japanese Culture and Civilization
JPN 503/4, Intermediate Japanese*
JPN 631/2, Advanced Japanese
JPN 795/6, Independent Study in Japanese
PHIL 520, Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
POLT 403H: U.S. in World Affairs: Asia
POLT 545, People and Politics in Asia
POLT 546, Wealth and Politics in Asia
POLT 556, Politics in China
POLT 566, Foreign Policies in Asia and the Pacific
POLT 569, Chinese Foreign Policy
POLT 797, Seminar in Chinese Politics
*Japanese taught at UNH. Other Asian languages studied elsewhere may be substituted by approval.


Cinema Studies Minor

The minor in cinema studies offers a variety of opportunities to study a predominant contemporary form of narrative, aesthetic, and social discourse: the moving photographic image. Film is the primary medium of study for the minor, but the cinematic practices of video and television also may be included as potential areas of interest. Courses consist of interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of cinema, covering works from the silent period to the present, from the U.S. and other nations, and from “mainstream” and “alternative” groups. Students learn the art, geography, history, technology, economics, and theory of cinema, while also learning the language for analyzing its forms and practices. The minor allows for organized and meaningful study of the moving photographic image, from a wide range of scholarly interests and approaches that complement the increasingly significant place of cinema in many major disciplines and other programs. Students in this program become keenly aware of themselves as members of a culture of the moving photographic image.

Cinema studies students are required to take five courses. Students must earn at least a C- in each course and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average in courses taken for the minor. “Double counting” of minor course credits with major course credits will be left to the discretion of existing major departments, with the exception that no more than eight credits, if approved, will “double count.” Courses in cinema studies should be taken in the following sequence: first, one introductory course, ENGL 533 or CMN 550; followed by one history or theory of film course, LLC 540 or ENGL 618; followed by at least two of the more advanced and/or focused courses; and one of the elective courses.

Interested students should contact the cinema minor coordinator, Matt Konzett, Department of English,, (603) 862-0261.

Introductory Course
ENGL 533, Introduction to Film Studies

History and Theory of Film (one required)
LLC 540, History of Film
ENGL 618, Film Theory

Advanced and/or Focused Courses (two required)
CMN 650, Critical Perspectives on Film
ENGL 616 A, Studies in Film: Genre
ENGL 616 B, Studies in Film: Authorship
ENGL 616 C, Studies in Film: Culture and Ideology
ENGL 616 D, Studies in Film: Narrative and Style
ENGL 733, Special Studies in Film
GERM 523, Women and German Film
GERM 524, Special Topics in German Film
ITAL 525, Italian Cinema
LLC 440, Cultural Approaches to Film and Fascism
RUSS 426, Film and Communism
SOC 670, Sociology and Nonfiction Film

Elective Courses (one required)
Electives are drawn from an approved list of courses for the minor, which is compiled and announced every semester. Students also may choose from the advanced and/or focused courses. Elective courses have a significant cinema studies component and may have another disciplinary focus as well. Contributing departments and/or programs include: American studies, anthropology, arts, communication, English, French, geography, German, history, humanities, Italian, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, Russian, sociology, Spanish, theatre and dance, and women’s studies. Students should check with the cinema minor coordinator each semester for approval of the elective.


Forensics Minor

The forensic minor provides students with the opportunity to explore the different components of forensics through the interdisciplinary study of biology, psychology, sociology, and justice studies. This well-rounded curriculum will enable students to build upon their interests in justice studies by specializing in an area of increasing importance. Students must receive a grade of a C- or better for a course to count toward the minor requirements. Once students have decided to pursue the minor, they are required to meet with the coordinator, academic counselor, or appropriate affiliated faculty adviser at least once per semester for regular review and assessment of their program, learning outcomes, and progress toward the degree.

Required Courses
The forensic minor requires five courses (20 credits) drawn from a list of approved courses. The five courses include:

Two introductory courses
JUST 401, Introduction to Justice Studies
BIOL 420, Introduction to Forensic Science


Three additional courses from the list below
JUST 405, Technology, Crime & Society
*JUST 591/PSYC 591, Forensic Psychology
SOC 515, Introduction to Criminology
SOC 535, Homicide

*If JUST 591 or PSYC 591 is not being offered, you may take PSYC 755, Psychology and Law, or PSYC 756, Psychology of Crime and Justice, in its place.

*Two courses can double count toward your justice studies dual major. These courses are most commonly JUST 401, Introduction to Justice Studies, and SOC 515, Introduction to Criminology.

History and Philosophy of Science Minor

What is science? When people ponder this question, they often are led to seek answers outside the sciences themselves. This interdisciplinary minor helps students address historical and philosophical questions about science. The history of science asks: How did we come to hold the beliefs we do about the natural world? How were the great scientists of the past led to the discoveries for which they are remembered? Why did people in the past have very different ideas on issues like the motions of the heavens or the nature of the human body? It is a puzzling reality of world history that the human understanding of nature, society, and the mind has varied greatly with place and time. This intriguing variety also raises philosophical questions: What separates science from pseudoscience or religion? How can we decide whether scientific knowledge will have good or bad consequences for humanity? Can science ever reach the ultimate truth about the universe?

The minor in history and philosophy of science offers courses in such diverse departments as economics, history, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology. It presupposes no specialized scientific background and may be combined with any undergraduate major. Five 4-credit courses are required for the minor, with no more than three from any single department.

Students interested in taking the minor should contact the coordinator, Jan Golinski, Department of History, Horton Social Science Center, e-mail

ECON 615, History of Economic Thought
ECON 698, Topics in Economics*
ECON 798, Economic Problems*
HIST 521, The Origins of Modern Science
HIST 522, Science in the Modern World
HIST 621, 622, History of American Thought
HIST 651, 652, European Intellectual History
HIST 654, Topics in History of Science
HUMA 651, Humanities and Science
MATH 419, Evolution of Mathematics
PHIL 424, Science, Technology, and Society
PHIL 435, Human Nature and Evolution
PHIL 447, Computer Power and Human Reason
PHIL 630, Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
PHIL 683, Technology: Philosophical and Ethical Issues
PHIL 725, Philosophy of the Social Sciences
PHIL 780, Special Topics in Philosophy*
PSYC 571, Pioneers of Psychology
PSYC 591, Special Topics in Psychology*
PSYC 770, History of Psychology
PSYC 771, Psychology in 20th-Century Thought and Society
*with approval

Humanities Major and Minor

Because the humanities program offers both a major and a minor, the program description and details are listed in the Programs of Study section of the catalog. See the humanities program.

International Affairs Dual Major and Minor

The international affairs program is administered by the UNH Center for International Education. For program description, see Special University Programs.

Justice Studies Dual Major and Minor

Because the justice studies program offers both a major and a minor, the program description and details are listed in the Programs of Study section of the catalog. See the justice studies program.

Latin American Studies Minor

The Latin American studies minor provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Latin America. People of Latin American or Latino heritage comprise the largest minority group in the U.S. Knowledge of Latin America is especially valuable for students who plan to work in education, international organizations, government, social services, and business, as well as for those who plan to undertake graduate study in Latin America. The minor requires five courses representing three disciplines. Latin American history (HIST 531 or 532) is required. A minimum of high-intermediate level proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese must be reached through coursework or other means. Academic study in Latin America is strongly recommended. Elective courses must be approved by the Latin American studies minor coordinator or committee and at least 50 percent of any selected course must focus on Latin America. At least three courses must be taken in residence. All coursework required for the Latin American minor must be completed with a grade of C or better. Courses for the minor may not be taken pass/fail.

The following are a list of courses that count toward the minor. Please note that additional courses may also count. Visit the program website for the most up-to-date information.

ANTH 500B, Peoples and Cultures of the World: South America
ANTH 501, World Prehistory: Meso America
ANTH 697, Mayan Culture
CMN 515, Analysis of the News**
EC 535, Environmental Conservation*
HIST 425, Foreign Cultures**
HIST 531, 532, Modern Latin America
HIST  632, Latin American History
POLT 554, Politics of Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean
POLT 559, Politics of South America
POLT 565, United States-Latin American Relations
POLT 651, Selected Topics in Comparative Politics**
SPAN 526, Latin American Culture and Civilization
SPAN 641, Phonetics
SPAN 647, Hispanic Cultural Studies**
SPAN 648, Current Periodicals
SPAN 653, 654, Introduction to Latin American Literature and Thought
SPAN 771, Latin American Drama
SPAN 772, Latin American Novel
SPAN 774, Major Latin American Authors
SPAN 797, Latin American Literature
*Since less than 50 percent of this course deals with Latin America, students must talk to the professor at the beginning of the semester and declare their intention to apply it to the Latin American studies minor. All research paper/projects must focus on a Latin American topic.
**When course content is relevant.

For more information on the Latin American studies minor, contact Mary Malone, Latin American studies minor coordinator, Horton Social Science Center, (603) 862-1406, e-mail:

Please visit us at

Linguistics Major and Minor/TESOL Minor

Because the linguistics program offers both a major and minors, the program description and details are listed in the Programs of Study section of the catalog. See the linguistics program.

Middle Eastern Studies Minor

The minor in Middle Eastern studies will acquaint students with the many facets of Middle Eastern civilizations through the interdisciplinary study of languages, history, politics, geography, and anthropology. Minor coursework will enable students to understand the Middle East as a dynamic region in a global and comparative context. The Middle Eastern studies minor thus encompasses not only the study of the region itself, but also the flows of migration, diasporas, refugees, ideas, literatures, social movements, war, and natural resources that make the region pivotal to world history and the global economy. In addition, participation in the minor will prepare students for study abroad experiences, help students acquire skills and qualifications for graduate study, and enhance employment opportunities.

Minor Requirements
The Middle Eastern studies minor requires five courses (20 credits) drawn from the list of approved courses or from exceptional courses and opportunities approved by the affiliate faculty in respective disciplines. The five-course requirement will include one general introductory course chosen from the following:

HIST 425, Islamic Cultures and Civilizations
ANTH 550C, Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
GEOG 540, Geography of the Middle East
POLT 559, Comparative Politics of the Middle East

Students must receive a grade of C- or better for a course to count toward the minor. Courses for the minor may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.

Foreign Language Study: The study of a Middle Eastern language or language relevant to Middle Eastern studies is strongly encouraged but not required. Students are encouraged and permitted to count Arabic toward the five-course requirement. Students who have studied Hebrew, Turkish, Farsi, or other Middle Eastern languages at other institutions may apply for transfer of their credit toward the minor. Through petition to the minor coordinator and with support of affiliate faculty in the respective discipline, students may apply for European languages, such as French and Italian, to count toward minor requirements, provided these are relevant to their research and study interests in the region.

Transfer or Articulation Agreements with other Institutions: Transfer of credits may be approved by the coordinator to count toward the minor if the transfer is accepted by the University and fits within the scope of the minor.

Students interested in the minor should contact the coordinator and/or affiliated faculty to discuss their program of study. The coordinator, Svetlana Peshkova, may be reached at, (603) 862-1848.

You can visit the program's website at

Neuroscience and Behavior Major

This interdisciplinary major is jointly housed in the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture.

See description under College of Life Sciences and Agriculture for full program information.

Queer Studies Minor

The queer studies minor provides students with opportunities to research and understand a rapidly growing field whose focus is the study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and allied peoples, their histories, and cultures. Queer studies is a method of inquiry that explores the role of same-sex desire and constructions of gender across and among cultures and histories. In these classes, students will consider sexualities and genders as identities and social statuses, as categories of knowledge, and as lenses that help to frame how we understand our world. The minor consists of interdisciplinary coursework in queer studies and is open to all students. Students who wish to pursue the queer studies minor should consult with Jessica Fish at or (603) 862-0939.

Queer Studies Course Offerings 

Please note that additional courses may count. Please visit the program's website for the most up-to-date information.

ANTH 625, Female, Male, and Society
ANTH 685, Gender, Sex, and HIV in Sub-Sahara Africa
CMN 583, Gender and Expression
CMN 697, Gender and Sexuality in U.S. Public Culture
ENG 586, Women Writers of the 19th and 20th Century
ENG 693/798Q, LGBT Writing, Queer Reading
ENGL 746, No More Drama: Studies in American Drama
ENGL 785, Virginia Woolf:  Public Intellectual, Cultural Icon
FS 746, Human Sexuality
FS 757/857, Race, Class, Gender, and Families
HIST 497, Gender and Sexuality in African History
HIST 595, Colloquium: Gender and Sexuality in Pre-Modern Europe
HIST 595, Colloquium: Sex and Sexuality in Islamic History
HIST 596, Introduction to Gay and Lesbian History
HIST 665, Sex in the City
HUM 401, Sex and Love in Literature and Philosophy
INCO 404, Honors Seminar: History of Body and Sexuality
JUST 695, Topics in Race, Gender
POLT 525, Multicultural Theory
PSYC 595, Applied Psychology (Research, Field, or Academic Experience)
SOC 520, Sociology of the Family
SOC 570, Sexual Behavior
SOC 630, Sociology of Gender
SOC 675, Sociology of AIDS
SW 715/815, Social Work Practice with GLBT People
WS 405, Gender, Power, and Privilege
WS 444, Trans/Forming Gender
WS 444B, Gender and Diversity in Sports
WS 505, Survey: Violence Against Women
WS 505, Survey: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Visual Culture
WS 632, Feminist Thought (depending on instructor)
WS 632, Honors Thesis (or other departmental designation)
WS 795, Independent Study (or other departmental designation)
WS 798, Colloquium: Race, Gender, and Representation
WS 798, Colloquium: Gay Marriage and Kinship
WS 798, Colloquium: Women in Prison

Electives (require program approval and may vary by instructor)
ARTS 690, Women Artists of the 19th and 20th Century
CMN 567, Gender, Race, and Class in the Media
CMN 697, Seminar: Contemporary Feminist Rhetoric
EDUC 507, Mentoring Adolescents
EDUC 705/805, Contemporary Educational Perspectives
ENGL 786, 20th Century British Fiction
ENGL 618, Film Theory
ENGL 685, Women's Literary Traditions: Dreamgirls: Black Music, Black Beauty, and Diva Autobiography
FS 545, Family Relations
HUMA 401, Introduction to Humanities: Marriage
INCO 450, Introduction to Race, Culture, and Power
LLC 440, Cultural Approaches to Film and Fascism
POLT 522, Dissent and Political Community
POLT 721/821, Feminist Political Theory
PSYCH 763, Community Psychology
SOC 630, Sociology of Gender
SOC 570, Human Sexual Behavior
SOC 697, Women, Health, and Illness
SW 840, Implications of Race, Culture, and Oppression for Social Work Practice
THDA 762, Women in 20th and 21st Century Theatre
WS 401, Introduction to Women’s Studies
WS 444A, Race Matters
WS 595, Topics: Feminisms and Global Perspectives
WS 595, Topics: Activism: VAW, Poverty, Repro Rights
WS 632, Feminist Thought
WS 796, Capstone Experiences
WS 797, Internship (or other departmental designation)
WS 798, Colloquium: Violence Against Women/Activism


Religious Studies Minor

The religious studies program at the University of New Hampshire currently offers an interdisciplinary minor, bringing together courses in several fields that address religion as a cultural, logical, or expressive phenomenon in human history. A religious studies major is available through the self-designed major program. Religious studies courses at UNH avoid theological or confessional biases and emphasize multicultural tolerance and diversity.

Requirements of the religious studies minor include the basic two-semester sequence, History of World Religions (RS/HIST 483) and Patterns in World Religions (RS/HIST 484); the advanced Minors’ Seminar in Religious Studies to be taken in the student's senior year (RS 699); and at least two other courses either cross-listed in religious studies or otherwise relevant to the study of religion (by student’s petition to the program director). Students especially interested in religious studies are encouraged to combine the minor with further pertinent coursework in one of the established departments contributing to the program: history, philosophy, anthropology, and English. The religious studies self-designed major involves seven courses beyond the minor requirements, at least five of which are 600 level or higher.  The program director can aid in advising such a major program.

Courses ordinarily have some degree of focus on issues related to the academic study of religion, conceptualizing religion, or religious influences as a principal problem, asking comparative questions, and/or developing models of cross-cultural usefulness. Courses listed here generally are offered at least once every two years:

RS/HIST 483, History of World Religions
HIST 585, Middle East History to the Medieval Islamic Era
HIST 587, Africa South of the Sahara
HIST 589, Islam in Africa
HIST 642, Religious Conflict in Early Modern Europe
HIST 688, African Religions

PHIL 417, Philosophical Reflections on Religion
ANTH 616, Religion, Culture, and Society
RS/HIST 682, Cults and Charisma
RS 699, Senior Seminar in Religious Studies

ENGL 518, The Bible as Literature
HIST/RS 576, The Hebrew Bible in Historical Context
HIST/RS 601, Seminar in Religious Texts

Interested students also should be alert for special topics courses in history (HIST 600), English (ENGL 697/698), anthropology (ANTH 500), religious studies (RS 600), and other disciplines that might be relevant to the study of religion. 

Students interested in the religious studies minor should see the director to fill out an intent-to-minor form by the beginning of their junior year. For more information, consult the director, Funso Afolayan, Department of History, 415 Horton Social Science Center, (603) 862-3026, e-mail

Technical Writing and Public Speaking Cognate

The cognate in technical writing and public speaking (TWPS) offers students intensive instruction in oral and written communication as important means of addressing technical, professional, or practical problems whose solutions require others' cooperation. Students learn practical precepts for analyzing those "communication situations" and for making informed, strategic decisions when composing oral and written responses in response to them. Students also undergo extensive practice creating standard and, thus, widely applicable forms of spoken and written communication. All students acquire a foundation in effective expression by taking introductory courses in public speaking and in professional and technical writing. Students then build upon that foundation and complete the cognate with one advanced course in either public speaking or professional and technical writing. This cognate is attractive to students who recognize that effective expression is valued in nearly any field of endeavor they are likely to pursue in their post-graduate lives.


12 credits (3 courses)

Two introductory courses:

CMN 500, Public Speaking
ENGL 502, Professional and Technical Writing

One advanced course:

CMN 600, Public Speaking as a Civic Art
ENGL 602, Advanced Professional and Technical Writing

Please contact John T. Kirkpatrick for additional information,, (603) 862-2062, 110 Murkland Hall.

Women's Studies Major and Minor

Because the women's studies program offers both a major and a minor, the program description and details are listed in the Programs of Study section of the catalog. See women's studies program.