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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

Special University Programs

Marine Science and Ocean Engineering

Professor: Kenneth C. Baldwin, David L. Berlinsky, Barbaros Celikkol, Wayne R. Fagerberg, Larry G. Harris, W. Huntting Howell, Nancy E. Kinner, Marianne Klauser Litvaitis, Aaron B. Margolin, Arthur C. Mathieson, Larry A. Mayer, Subhash C. Minocha, Christopher D. Neefus, Stacia A. Sower, M. Robinson Swift, Paul C. Tsang, Igor I. Tsukrov, Charles W. Walker, Colin Ware, Winsor H. Watson III
Research Professor: Janet W. Campbell, Jim Gardner, Christopher W. Glass, Raymond E. Grizzle, James Irish, Paul H. Kirshen, Michael P. Lesser, Yuri Rzhanov, Frederick T. Short
Affiliate Professor: Andrew Armstrong, Richard Langan, Christopher E. Parrish
Associate Professor: Jessica A. Bolker, Allen D. Drake, Diane L. Foster, Joel E. Johnson, Anita S. Klein, Thomas C. Lippmann, Jonathan R. Pennock, James M. Pringle, Robert A. Robertson, Thomas G. Safford, May-Win L. Thein, Cheryl A. Whistler
Research Associate Professor: Lee Alexander, David M. Burdick, Brian R. Calder, Stephen H. Jones, Douglas C. Vandemark, Cameron P. Wake, Larry G. Ward
Assistant Professor: Margaret S. Boettcher, Rosemarie E. Came, Vaughn S. Cooper, Kelly L. Cullen, Joel E. Johnson, Linda Kalnejais, Thomas Weber, Martin M. Wosnik
Research Assistant Professor: Elizabeth A. Fairchild, Adrienne I. Kovach, Gregg E. Moore, Joseph Salisbury, Alison W. Watts
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Jennifer Dijkstra, John Kelley
Clinical Assistant Professor: Elise R. Sullivan
Extension Professor: Julia M. Peterson
Affiliate Research Associate Professor: Shachak Pe'eri

Undergraduate programs in marine science and ocean engineering at the University of New Hampshire reflect the diversity of the ocean itself and are enriched by easy access to a variety of natural laboratories, including tidal rivers, estuaries, coastal areas, and the open ocean. Studies in marine science and ocean engineering are offered through various colleges and departments of the University and are supported by the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering and a number of marine research programs and institutes. 

Curricula in Marine Science and Ocean Engineering
Students interested in marine science and ocean engineering generally identify specific degree programs in those areas or degree programs in core disciplines ranging from, for example, zoology to earth sciences to mechanical engineering, with marine specializations or minors related to that area of study. There are currently two undergraduate majors and four minors in the marine science and ocean engineering. The College of Life Sciences and Agriculture offers a B.S. in marine, estuarine, and freshwater biology through the Department of Biological Sciences, while the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences offers an oceanography concentration as part of its B.S. in Earth sciences through the Department of Earth Sciences. In addition to these offerings, students can declare a major in any established discipline and augment it with a minor in marine biology, ocean engineering, oceanography, or wetland ecology. Students are encouraged to declare their intention to follow these programs as soon as possible.

B.S. in Earth Sciences, Oceanography Concentration
See College of Engineering and Physical Sciences: Earth Sciences

B.S. in Marine, Estuarine, and Freshwater Biology (MEFB)
See College of Life Sciences and Agriculture: Marine, Estuarine, and Freshwater Biology (MEFB)

Marine Biology Minor
See College of Life Sciences and Agriculture Interdisciplinary Programs: Marine Biology.

Ocean Engineering Minor
The ocean engineering minor allows undergraduate engineering students to acquire a nucleus of knowledge about engineering pertaining to the ocean and the coastal zone.

To meet the University minor requirement, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of five courses from the following list: ESCI 501, Introduction to Oceanography; OE 690, Introduction to Ocean Engineering; ESCI 752, Chemical Oceanography; ESCI 758, Introductory Physical Oceanography; ESCI 759, Geological Oceanography; OE 710, Ocean Measurements Lab; OE 744, Corrosion; OE 754, Ocean Waves and Tides; OE 756, Principles of Naval Architecture and Model Testing; OE 757, Coastal Engineering and Processes; OE 765, Underwater Acoustics; OE 771, Geodesy and Positioning for Ocean Mapping; OE 795, Special Topics in Ocean Engineering; ENE 747, Introduction to Marine Pollution and Control; and TECH 797, Undergraduate Ocean Research Program. Ordinarily, students typically take ESCI 501, TECH 797, and OE 690 plus two additional engineering courses from the above list to complete the minor.

Students wishing to take the ocean engineering minor should indicate their interest to the ocean engineering minor adviser, Kenneth C. Baldwin, (603) 862-1898 or no later than the beginning of the junior year. During the final semester, students must apply to the dean to have the minor shown on their transcript. 

Oceanography Minor
The minor in oceanography is available to all students in the University interested in obtaining a broad background in oceanography and is offered through the Department of Earth Sciences. The minor consists of a minimum of five courses with grades of C (2.0) or better and no pass/fail courses. No more than eight major requirement credits may be used. All courses in the program are selected in consultation with the oceanography minor adviser, James Pringle, ( Students should contact him to complete an Intent to Minor form no later than their junior year. Forms can be picked up in the Earth Sciences departmental office, 214 James Hall.

Required courses include 1) ESCI 501, Introduction to Oceanography; 2) two of the following courses: ESCI 750, Biological Oceanography; ESCI 752, Chemical Oceanography; ESCI 758, Introductory Physical Oceanography; or ESCI 759, Geological Oceanography; 3) any two of the following courses, or a suitable substitute approved by the minor adviser (at least one of these courses should be in the biological sciences): PBIO 625, 722; CIE 757; ENE 747, 753; ESCI 653, 658, 754, 756, 760, 770, 771; MICR 707; OE 690, 710, 753, 754, 757, 785; EREC 611; TECH 797; ZOOL 503, 560, 674, 720, 725, 730, 751, 753, 772, 775; or ZOOL/ESCI/750. During the final semester, students should apply to the dean to have the minor shown on their transcript.

Wetland Ecology Minor
See College of Life Sciences and Agriculture Interdisciplinary Programs: Wetland Ecology

School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering
The School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SMSOE) provides a campus-wide umbrella for marine activities and maintains specialized facilities to support efforts of faculty in individual departments and organized research units. The SMSOE is administratively housed within UNH’s Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS).

The SMSOE directly supports academic graduate programs focused broadly on ocean engineering, oceanography, and marine biology, and supports experiential learning and research opportunities for undergraduates beyond the formal classroom.  The on-campus Chase Ocean Engineering Laboratory houses both educational and research activities including large acoustic and wave research tanks. Estuarine research is pursued at the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory on Great Bay, which is designated as a National Estuarine Research Reserve. The Gregg Marine Science Complex, including the Coastal Marine Laboratory, a flow-through seawater laboratory, and a research pier is located in nearby Newcastle, N.H.  Research on salmonids and other freshwater animals is conducted at the Anadromous Fish and Aquatic Invertebrate Research Laboratory, located near the Durham reservoir. Off-shore and coastal studies are carried out aboard the University’s 50-foot research vessel, Gulf Challenger, and a number of smaller boats. 

Each of the SMSOE facilities features modern, specialized equipment and opportunities for undergraduate students to work and carry out independent research. There are many opportunities for undergraduates to participate in marine research under the supervision of SMSOE faculty.

The University has a Sea Grant College Program that supports research, teaching, and service projects through numerous partnerships with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Marine research projects are also supported through the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Naval Research, and other state and federal agencies, foundations, and private donors.

Extensive research, interdisciplinary academic programs, and the extraordinary variety of marine environments and facilities allow students to observe and learn about the frontiers of science and technology being explored in the ocean. For further information about marine opportunities, contact the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering at or through the website at

Shoals Marine Laboratory
Of particular interest to undergraduate students, the Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML), operated by UNH and Cornell University, is a summer field station located on Appledore Island, Maine, the largest island in the Isles of Shoals archipelago in the southwestern Gulf of Maine, about six miles offshore from Portsmouth, N.H. Students and faculty live together in a small, closely knit academic community away from mainland distractions. Facilities include vessels (research vessels 47 ft. John M. Kingsbury and 36 ft. John B. Heiser), waterfront and diving facilities, dry and wet laboratories, classrooms, dining, and residence halls. SML offers introductory and advanced courses in marine biology for undergraduates (generally 2-4 credits each); opportunities for student research; college courses for high school students; and public education programs. Appledore Island also provides a superb setting for investigations in sustainable engineering through courses and the summer Sustainable Engineering Internships. The fee includes all costs: full tuition, room, board, field trips, and transportation to and from the island. SML is proud of its ability to make several forms of financial aid available to applicants in need, and short-term work positions are available to students enrolled in SML courses.

SML courses can help a student decide whether marine science is the right major or career; fulfill university major and minor requirements; and provide a hands-on, field-based academic experience. Join our island community!

For more information visit:; e-mail:

Diving Program
UNH has maintained an active research diving program for nearly 40 years to provide assistance for faculty, staff, and students with both instruction and support for research diving, allowing many certified student divers to participate in University-sponsored underwater research projects. Today, the UNH Diving Program consists of two areas: the academic portion where students, faculty, and staff may enroll in courses for academic credit (through the Department of Kinesiology), and the research portion, which supports faculty and student divers in University-sponsored underwater projects.

For further information about the UNH Diving Program as well as the offered workshops in rescue diving and diving accident management, contact Liz Kintzing (, diving program officer, through the Diving Program Office at (603) 862-3896.

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