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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics


Hospitality Management (HMGT)


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Chairperson: Clayton W. Barrows
Professor: Clayton W. Barrows
Associate Professor: E. Hachemi Aliouche, Nelson A. Barber
Assistant Professor: Valentini Kalargyrou, Pei-Jou Kuo
Lecturer: Amy L. Crosby, Carl E. Lindblade, Anna Romagnoli, Daniel R. Winans

The program in hospitality management is an integral part of the offerings of the Peter T. Paul College. It is one of only a few programs worldwide accredited by both the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA). Graduates are prepared to assume leadership development, management trainee, and management positions in all sectors of the service industry, with primary emphasis on the hospitality industry.

Graduates have accepted positions in the lodging and food service sectors (and their allied businesses and wholesalers), software companies, tourism, travel and recreation industries, and in retirement facilities, hospitals, and college and university food service operations.

In order to have a well-rounded university education, students take courses in liberal arts as well as foundation courses in business administration and economics. The hospitality management curriculum builds upon this foundation and provides experience and in-depth education in the lodging and food service-related industries, as well as the broader industries that comprise the hospitality discipline.

The program includes a mix of practical experiences along with classroom activities. These practical experiences are provided by major consulting projects to industry as part of classroom activities, lecture series, seminars, and field trips; through a minimum of 800 hours of an approved work experience practicum; and by involvement in the food service and lodging operations with University Hospitality Services (UNH campus dining services).

The Department of Hospitality Management curriculum comprises 12 required courses and three required hospitality electives, two economics courses, six business administration courses, and one mathematics course. Freshman and sophomore years consist of 13 core courses in the above mentioned disciplines. Sophomore-, junior-, and senior-level courses include the functional hospitality and business discipline courses required for one to develop into a successful manager. HMGT 703, Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry, is the capstone course for the major and satisfies the capstone requirement of the University Discovery Program. A wide range of elective courses, independent studies, and internships can complement the required curriculum. Students satisfy the Inquiry requirement of the Discovery Program before the end of the sophomore year by completing an Inquiry or Inquiry-attribute course within the Paul College, or another course offered by another college at the University.

To graduate, students must obtain a 2.3 grade-point average in all major required courses and a minimum grade of C- in each major course. Graduates of this program who are qualified for, and interested in, further allied studies are well prepared for advanced degree programs in hospitality, tourism, business, law, and institutional or health administration. Students may earn up to six total credits in internships, independent studies, field experience, and supervised student teaching experiences.

A typical plan of study is as follows, showing the requirements of the program. Students complete 16-18 credits per semester, which includes major requirements, electives for the major, Discovery Program requirements, the Inquiry requirement (completed by the end of the sophomore year), and free electives.

Freshman Year
HMGT 401, The Hospitality Industry: An Historical Perspective and Distinguished Lecture Series
HMGT 403, Introduction to Food and Beverage Management
HMGT 404, UHS Hospitality Practicum I (1 credit, credit/fail grading)
HMGT 405, Introduction to Food and Service Management

ADMN 405, Freshman Academic Experience I (1 credit, credit/fail grading)
ADMN 406, Freshman Academic Experience II (1 credit, credit/fail grading)
ADMN 403, Computing Essentials for Business
ECON 401, Principles of Economics (Macro)
ECON 402, Principles of Economics (Micro)
MATH 420, Finite Mathematics or MATH 424A, Calculus for the Social Sciences

Sophomore Year
HMGT 554, Lodging Operations Management
ADMN 420, Business Statistics
ADMN 502, Financial Accounting
HMGT 618, Uniform Systems for the Hospitality Industry

Junior Year
HMGT 600, Hospitality Marketing Management
HMGT 625, Hospitality and Employment Law
HMGT 635, Hospitality Human Resource Management
HMGT 661, Event Design, Planning and Management
ADMN 575, Behavior in Organizations
Hospitality Management Elective*

Senior Year
HMGT 655, Hospitality Finance and Development
HMGT 667, Advanced Food and Beverage Operations Management
HMGT 703, Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Management Electives*

*Three elective courses in hospitality management (or two electives and an internship, teacher assistantship, or independent study analysis) are required for graduation.

A minor in hospitality management comprises five courses. 
HMGT 401, Hospitality Industry: Historical Perspectives and Distinguished Lecture Series
HMGT 405, Introduction to Food and Service Management
HMGT 554, Lodging Operations Management
HMGT 635, Hospitality Human Resource Management
ADMN 502, Introductory Financial Accounting

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