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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

Thompson School of Applied Science


TSAS Mathematics (MTH)

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Lecturer: Stephanie Vander Els-Davis

Mathematic courses fall under the science, math, and technology general education category. Placement in a recommended math course is based on a math assessment that is administered during new student orientation. Either MTH 202, College Algebra, or MTH 203, Algebra and Trigonometry, is required for graduation. Check program of study listings for specific requirements/options for the various program areas. During orientation, if a student is placed in MTH 201, Elementary-Intermediate Algebra, the student may use this course as an elective; it does not fulfill a science/math/technology general education requirement. 

General Education Mathematics Requirement

A math assessment is administered as part of the new student intake process which is used to make a recommendation regarding a math class that is challenging but not overwhelming to the student. MTH 201, Elementary-Intermediate Algebra, may be recommended to some students. However, this class may NOT be used to fulfill the Thompson School mathematics requirement. Course credits may be used as elective credits; only MTH 202, College Algebra, or a higher math course may be used to fulfill the mathematics graduation requirement.

Students are encouraged to ensure their math skills are at acceptable college levels by using available on-line resources before attending their respective new student orientation.  

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