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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

College of Life Sciences and Agriculture


Zoology (ZOOL)


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Professor: John F. Burger, Donald S. Chandler, James F. Haney, Larry G. Harris, W. Huntting Howell, Marianne Klauser Litvaitis, James T. Taylor, Winsor H. Watson III
Research Professor: Raymond E. Grizzle
Affiliate Professor: Maryellen M. Lutcavage
Associate Professor: Jessica A. Bolker
Affiliate Associate Professor: James E. Byers, Richard Langan
Research Assistant Professor: Elizabeth A. Fairchild
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Dwight D. Trueblood, Barry J. Wicklow
Clinical Associate Professor: Mary Katherine Lockwood

The zoology majors (B.S. and B.A.) build on the common background of the biology core curriculum (two semesters of introductory biology, ecology, and genetics), with an additional six (B.A.) or seven (B.S.) courses that include morphology; physiology; three choices between courses in development, evolution, and animal survey; and one (B.A.) or two (B.S.) electives in a biological science.  The B.A. also has a foreign language requirement.  Zoology majors are required to achieve a 2.0 average and a minimum of C- in each biological science course.  The zoology majors also require passing grades in chemistry (three semesters for the B.A. and four for the B.S.), physics (one semester for the B.A. and two for the B.S.), and mathematics (calculus or biostatistics for the B.A. and both courses for the B.S.).  Students will have opportunities in these majors to specialize in areas of their own interest, such as completing a minor in animal behavior.

The University’s location and facilities provide unique opportunities for the study of aquatic and terrestrial animals due to its access to the seacoast and the lakes region of New Hampshire, the White Mountains National Forest, and the presence of two coastal marine laboratories, as well as estuarine and freshwater facilities. There is a strong teaching and research emphasis on ecological and physiological processes in aquatic animals and ecosystems. Major strengths of our program are our hands-on approach to teaching and emphasis on involving undergraduates in research.

For a detailed list of curriculum requirements, go to the zoology homepage at

In addition, courses for the Discovery Program and the University Writing Requirement must be completed.

New England Regional Student Program
The bachelor’s degree in zoology is one of the specialized curricula recognized by the New England Board of Higher Education and participates in the New England Regional Student Program.  Under this program, students from the state of Massachusetts pay the UNH in-state tuition rate plus 75 percent.  

Students who are interested in a zoology major should contact James Haney, Department of Biological Sciences, (603) 862-2105.

General Science Certification
See Department of Education and COLSA/Degrees.

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