Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
» http://www.colsa.unh.edu/
Animal Science (ANSC)
» http://www.animalsci.unh.edu/
» Click to view course offerings
Professor: David L. Berlinsky, William E. Berndtson, Laurie Chapman-Bosco, Andrew B. Conroy, Peter S. Erickson, Thomas L. Foxall, Robert L. Taylor Jr., David H. Townson, Paul C. Tsang
Associate Professor: Patricia D. Bedker, Elizabeth P. Boulton
Assistant Professor: Andre F. Brito
Lecturer: Christina Keim, Sarah H. Rigg
Teacher/Trainer: Elizabeth L. Oertel
The undergraduate program in animal science is designed to prepare students for a variety of careers by providing strong fundamental and applied education in animal nutrition, reproduction, genetics, physiology, health, and large animal management. On-campus animal facilities available to provide practical experience with agricultural animals include the Fairchild Dairy Teaching and Research Center, the Lou and Lutza Smith Equine Center, the nearby organic dairy housed at the Burley-Demeritt Farm, and aquaculture facilities. Program graduates may be employed in farm ownership, management, marketing, the pharmaceutical industry, agribusiness, finance, manufacturing, public relations, extension, vocational education, or consulting. The animal science B.S. is designed for students interested in animal agriculture. Students who are considering continuing their studies through graduate school or veterinary school are advised to take the recommended additional courses in chemistry, math, and physics.
Animal Science Foundation Courses
BIOL 411, Introductory Biology: Molecular & Cellular
BIOL 412, Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity, Ecology
CHEM 403, General Chemistry I
CHEM 404, General Chemistry II
BIOL 528, Applied Biostatistics, or BIOL 555, Experimental Design & Analysis Lab, or equivalent (SOC 502 or PSYC 402)
BMS 503, General Microbiology
BMCB 501, Biological Chemistry
(Students interested in graduate school should take two semesters of Organic Chemistry and one semester of Biochemistry.)
CHEM 651/653, Organic Chemistry I/Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 652/654, Organic Chemistry II/Organic Chemistry Lab
BMCB 658/659, General Biochemistry/General Biochemistry Lab
Requirements for All Animal Science Majors
AAS 439, Fundamentals of Animal Health
ANSC 406, Careers in Animal Science
ANSC 421, Animal Agriculture Today
ANSC 511, Anatomy and Physiology
ANSC 512, Anatomy and Physiology
ANSC 543, Technical Writing in Animal Science or equivalent (ENGL 501, 502, 503 or 419) (WI)
ANSC 609, Principles of Nutrition
ANSC 612, Genetics of Domestic Animals
Ethics Course
ANSC 602, Animal Rights and Societal Issues (WI)
Disease Course (choose one)
AAS 574, Dairy Cattle Disease Seminar
ANSC 620, Equine Diseases
Reproduction Course (choose one)
ANSC 701, Physiology of Reproduction
ANSC 715, Physiology of Lactation
ANSC 724, Reproductive Management and Artificial Insemination
BMS 702, Endocrinology
Animal Science Electives
Three electives must be chosen and approved by the student's faculty adviser. At least two electives must be at the 500 level or above. For classes less than three credits, two classes must be taken together to count as one requirement. Electives: http://animalsci.unh.edu/electives.
Capstone Experience: The capstone requirement may be satisfied through a course (e.g., ANSC 698, ANSC 728W, ANSC 795, or ANSC 797), created work or product, or some form of experiential learning (e.g., honors theses, mentored research projects, and other special student activities).
Requirements for Animal Science Students Interested in Graduate/Veterinary School
BMCB 658 and 659, General Biochemistry
CHEM 651/653, Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 652/654, Organic Chemistry II
MATH 424B, Calculus for Life Sciences
PHYS 401, Introduction to Physics I
PHYS 402, Introduction to Physics II
Students interested in veterinary medicine should consult the Pre-Veterinary Medicine Program website (http://www.prevet.unh.edu/).
Animal Science: Dairy Management B.S.
The ANSC: Dairy Management option is designed to provide students with solid training in areas important to the successful management of a dairy enterprise, for employment in related agribusinesses (e.g., pharmaceutical and feed industries), or for those wishing to pursue additional training leading to the M.S. or Ph.D. degree in dairy science or its related disciplines. Dairy management students receive training in areas such as nutrition, reproduction, diseases, genetics, lactation physiology, forages, agribusiness finance, personnel management, computer science, and public relations. In addition, junior and senior students enrolled in this program will be given complete responsibility for managing the UNH teaching herd with other students, thereby acquiring actual management experience along with their basic subject matter training. The UNH Teaching and Research Center, a modern dairy facility, houses approximately one hundred milking cows plus a similar number of non-lactating animals. Additional information and questions regarding the option in Dairy Management may be obtained by e-mailing Dr. Peter Erickson.
Students are responsible for the completion of the Animal Science Foundation Courses and the Requirements for all Animal Science Majors (both sets of courses listed above). In addition, Animal Science: Dairy Management B.S. students must also successfully complete:
AAS 423, Dairy Cattle Selection (Little Royal)
AAS 425, Introduction to Dairy Herd Management (may waive ANSC 421)
AAS 432, Introduction to Forage and Grassland Management
AAS 574, Dairy Cattle Disease Seminar
ANSC 602, Animal Rights and Societal Issues (WI)
ANSC 650, Dairy Industry Travel Course
ANSC 698, CREAM (2 semester course)
ANSC 708, Ruminant Nutritional Physiology
ANSC 710, Dairy Nutrition
ANSC 715, Physiology of Lactation
ANSC 724, Reproductive Management and Artificial Insemination
ANSC 727, Advanced Dairy Management I
ANSC 728, Advanced Dairy Management II (WI); will also fulfill the Capstone requirement
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
GPA Requirements for All Students in Animal Science
Students will be required to earn a C- or better in the foundation courses and all required courses for the animal science major to receive credit toward graduation. Students failing to do this will need to retake the course in order to receive credit.
Minor in Animal Science
A minor consists of 20 credits with C- or better and a 2.0 grade point average in subjects that the minor department approves. A maximum of 6 credits can be taken at the 400-level. Courses taken on the pass/fail basis cannot be used for a minor. No more than 8 credits used to satisfy major requirements may be used for the minor.
A student should write a letter to the department in which he/she plans to minor declaring his/her interest in earning a minor. This should be done during the junior year. He/she should file an application for a minor during his/her final semester.
Additional information and questions regarding the animal science B.S. degree or minor may be obtained by e-mailing Dr. Elizabeth Boulton, elizabeth.boulton@unh.edu.
Minor in Dairy Management
For a minor in dairy management, students are required to register for AAS 425, Introductory Dairy Herd Management; ANSC 710, Dairy Nutrition; ANSC 715, Physiology of Lactation. An additional 4 credits of coursework, approved by the student's minor adviser, must also be taken. Acceptable courses used to satisfy this requirement may include (but are not restricted to): AAS 423, Dairy Selection; ANSC 701, Physiology of Reproduction; ANSC 724, Reproductive Management and Artificial Insemination; EREC 411, Introduction to Resource Economics; and EREC 504, Business Management. The conditions stated above for MINORS apply also to a minor in dairy management.
Additional information and questions regarding the minor in dairy management may be obtained by e-mailing Dr. Peter Erickson.