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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

College of Liberal Arts


Linguistics (LING)


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Coordinator: Rochelle Lieber
Assistant Professor: Maya Ravindranath Abtahian, Soo Hyon Kim
Core Faculty: Holly R. Cashman, Richard E. Clairmont, Willem A. deVries, Aleksandra Fleszar, Piero Garofalo, Mardi J. Kidwell, Lina Lee, Rochelle Lieber, Gregory McMahon, Paul McNamara, Christina Ortmeier-Hooper

Linguistics is the study of one of the most important characteristics of human beings—language. It cuts across the boundaries between the sciences and the humanities. The program is an excellent liberal arts major or preprofessional major for education, law, medicine, clergy, and others. It is a particularly appropriate major for students who want to teach English as a second language. Dual majors with a foreign language, international affairs, business administration, and the like are quite feasible.

Students interested in the major or the minor should consult with the program coordinator or with any professor who teaches linguistics courses. To declare a major in linguistics, a student must meet with the linguistics coordinator to design a course of study. Information is available from the Advising Center, Hood House, and at

A minor in linguistics also is available and consists of any five linguistics courses, including LING 405 or ENGL 405, approved by the linguistics coordinator.

Requirements for the Major
All of the following
LING 405, Introduction to Linguistics
LING 605, Intermediate Linguistic Analysis
LING 793, Phonetics and Phonology
LING 794, Syntax and Semantic Theory

One course in historical linguistics
CLAS 506, Introduction to Comparative and Historical Linguistics
ENGL 752, History of the English Language
ITAL 733, History of Italian
RUSS 733, History and Development of the Russian Language
SPAN 798A, History of the Spanish Language

Two years college study (or equivalent) of one foreign language

One of the following cognate specialties
One year college study (or equivalent) of a second foreign language from a different language family or subfamily (Old English may count as the second foreign language if the first foreign language is not in the Germanic family)

PSYC 712, Psychology of Language (with its prerequisite, either PSYC 512, Psychology of Primates, or PSYC 513, Cognitive Psychology)

Two elective courses from the list below
Anthropology: 670, Language and Culture; 795, 796, Reading and Research in Anthropology: B. Anthropological Linguistics
Communication: 572, Language and Social Interaction; 666, Conversation Analysis 
Communication Sciences and Disorders: 522, The Acquisition of Language; 738, Linguistics of American Sign Language; 775, Advanced Language Acquisition
English: 444F, Language Matters in America; 606, Languages of the World; 715, TESL: Theory and Methods; 716, Curriculum, Materials, and Assessment in English as a Second Language; 718, English Linguistics and Literature; 719, Sociolinguistics Survey; 727, Issues in Second Language Writing; 752, History of the English Language; 790, Special Topics in Linguistics; 791, English Grammar
LLC: 791, Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
Italian: 733, History of Italian
Latin: 795, 796, Special Studies in Latin (when topic is appropriate)
Linguistics: 444F, Language Matters in America; 606, Languages of the World; 620, Applied Experience in Linguistics; 719, Sociolinguistics Survey; 790, Special Topics in Linguistics; 795, 796, Independent Study
Philosophy: 550, Symbolic Logic; 618, Recent Anglo-American Philosophy
Psychology: 512, Psychology of Primates; 513, Cognitive Psychology; 712, Psychology of Language (Students may count either PSYC 512 or 513 toward the linguistics major or minor, but not both.)
Russian: 733, History and Development of the Russian Language
Spanish: 641, Spanish Phonetics; 645, Introduction to Spanish Linguistics; 798A, History of the Spanish Language 

Discovery Program Capstone Experience
Either LING 779, Linguistic Field Methods, or LING 695, Senior Honors

Other courses may be substituted, with the permission of the student’s adviser and the Linguistics Committee, when they are pertinent to the needs of the student’s program.

Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of each individual major program. Bachelor of arts candidates must also satisfy the foreign language proficiency requirement.

Major courses taken to satisfy major requirements cannot be used to satisfy Discovery category requirements, UNLESS Linguistics is your second major.

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