Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
College of Liberal Arts
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German (GERM)
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Professor: Edward T. Larkin
Associate Professor: Mary E. Rhiel
Lecturer: Mary Marshall Campbell
The German major is offered by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. This program is of interest to the following groups of students:
• Those who have a special interest in the German language, literature, and culture.
• Those who intend to enter fields in which a background in foreign languages and literatures is desirable, such as international business and law, trade, journalism, science, library science, government service, and international service organizations.
• Those who plan to teach German in secondary schools. Since most secondary schools require their teachers to teach more than one subject, students planning to enter teaching at this level should plan their programs carefully. They should combine a major in one of the languages and its literature with a minor or at least a meaningful sequence of courses in another subject. Dual majors also are possible. For certification requirements, see the section coordinator.
A major consists of 10 courses in German beyond German 402. Required for the major are GERM 503, 504, 525, 601, 631, 632 (or their equivalents), and four more courses, which must be taken at the 600 or 700 levels. A grade of C- or better is required in all major coursework. Majors are required to spend a minimum of one semester in an approved German-speaking study abroad program, or equivalent. For students spending one semester abroad, three of the four upper-level courses are normally taken in Durham. For students spending an academic year abroad, two of the four upper-level courses are normally taken in Durham. LLC 791 does not count for major credit; 791 is recommended as an elective and required for teacher certification. The Discovery Program capstone requirement may be fulfilled by completing any 700-level German course (including 797 and 798).
Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of each individual major program. Bachelor of arts candidates must also satisfy the foreign language proficiency requirement.
Major department courses taken to satisfy major requirements cannot be used to satisfy Discovery category requirements. However, majors may use the required study abroad experience to satisfy the World Cultures Discovery category requirement.
A minor consists of five courses in German numbered 503 and above. The minor may include one course taught in English (521, 523, 524, 525) but not LLC 791.
Study Abroad
The University allows both German majors and minors and other students to attend approved study abroad programs for UNH credit. Students may attend accredited semester or year programs at universities such as Berlin, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Innsbruck, Marburg, Munich, Tübingen, or Vienna. Most study abroad programs require a minimum of two years of college German. Intensive language study programs include the Goethe-Institut centers in Germany, which offer four- or eight-week courses. For details, see the German coordinator or the foreign study coordinator in the Center for International Education. Students may also do an internship in a German firm or organization (see GERM 595). Financial aid applies to all approved programs.
Summer Study in Berlin, Germany
The UNH German Program manages a five-week program in Berlin, Germany. Students earn 4 or 8 credits through German 586, designed to give students an immersion experience in the German language and culture. In the course of five weeks, students will receive eighty hours of intensive language instruction at the appropriate level (elementary, intermediate, or advanced) at the BSI Private Language School in central Berlin. No prior German language study is required. On designated weekday afternoons, students will gather for cultural excursions and discussions with the on-site UNH faculty member. Students enrolling for 4 credits can receive the UNH German Program language course equivalent of one semester of language study. Students enrolling for 8 credits will receive the UNH German Program language course equivalent of one semester of language study as well as engage in additional UNH faculty-guided cultural study, fulfilling German 525 and Discovery World Culture. Students may fulfill the bachelor of arts language requirement by taking the equivalent of Intermediate German at the BSI Language School or by taking the equivalent of the first semester of Elementary German with the program and then independently continuing language instruction at the BSI for one month beyond the program study period, for a total of 8 weeks. Required pretravel meetings at UNH will prepare students for the Berlin experience. In line with UNH’s goals to educate students to become global citizens, this immersion experience will give students insight into what it means to experience a different culture and language. For more information, contact Mary Rhiel at (603) 862-0063, e-mail berlin.program@unh.edu, or visit cola.unh.edu/study-abroad/program/germany-berlin.