Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
College of Liberal Arts
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Classics (CLAS)
» http://cola.unh.edu/llc/program/classics-ba
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Professor: Stephen M. Trzaskoma
Associate Professor: Stephen Andrew Brunet, Robert Scott Smith
Senior Lecturer: Richard E. Clairmont
Lecturer: Susan Curry, Anna Newman, Robert Constantine Newman
Classics encompasses the interdisciplinary study of the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as the ways in which the ancient world’s influence extends to the Medieval Period, the Renaissance, and contemporary societies. To study the classics, therefore, means to approach a wide range of material from several thousand years through the study of languages, literature, history, politics, law, archaeology, art, mythology and folklore, gender and sexuality, religious studies, philosophy, and more—all with methods derived from a variety of humanistic and social science perspectives. This breadth provides an excellent liberal arts education that prepares students for a variety of careers, as well as for further study. Classics majors from UNH have gone on to law school, medical school, and graduate school in classics and many related disciplines.
The classics major is offered by the classics program of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The minimum requirements for a major in classics are 40 credits offered by the classics program, at least 3 of which must be taken at the Durham campus. The core of the major is the study of Greek or Latin and at least 24 of these 40 credits must be in Greek (GREK) and/or Latin (LATN) language courses. At least one of these courses must be a 700-level course in Greek or Latin. Students should be sure, however, to pursue the study of areas of interest through courses in translation offered under the CLAS rubric. Opportunities also exist to study Hittite and Sanskrit to satisfy major requirements. Students are highly encouraged to take courses in related fields such as ancient history, archaeology, ancient philosophy, classical art, modern languages, and English, and to take part in overseas study programs in Greece and Italy such as the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome. (UNH is a member of the consortium of this program.) Up to two outside courses may be used toward major requirements if they are tightly focused on the ancient world and the student obtains the permission of his or her classics major adviser. The Discovery Program capstone requirement may be fulfilled by completing any classics, Latin, or Greek course at the 700 level or through another option (Honors thesis, etc) approved by the adviser.
Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of each individual major program. Bachelor of arts candidates must also satisfy the foreign language proficiency requirement.
Classics majors may satisfy Discovery Category requirements with CLAS, GREK, and LATN courses, but they may only count the credits from a maximum of two such courses for both major requirements and Discovery.
A minor in classics consists of five courses (20 credits) in classics, Greek, and/or Latin.
The coordinator is Stephen Brunet, Murkland Hall; Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; (603) 862-2077; e-mail stephen.brunet@unh.edu.