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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

University of New Hampshire at Manchester


Biological Sciences


Associate Professor: Stephen R. Pugh
Assistant Professor: Patricia Halpin, Sandra M. Rehan

Biological Sciences (A.S.)
Biology is the study of living organisms in both laboratory and field conditions. It concerns itself with questions of understanding the living world, its complex interrelationships, and the role of human beings within it.

The associate of science in biological sciences program at UNH Manchester is designed to serve either as a terminal degree or as a springboard for students interested in the life sciences, which include majors in biology, microbiology, zoology, plant biology, wildlife management, environmental conservation, biochemistry and animal sciences. Employment opportunities in the public and private sectors include education, food, water, wastewater and other industrial laboratories, clinical laboratories, biotechnology, environmental research and monitoring, and animal behavior.

Students must complete a minimum of 64 credits to graduate. There are two tracks in the A.S. degree program at UNH Manchester: biology and microbiology.

Biology Track Requirements
Math 425, Calculus I, or MATH 424b, Calculus for Life Sciences
PSYC 402, Statistics in Psychology (other statistics courses such as BIOL 528 or BUS 430 may be used to satisfy this requirement).
BIOL 413, Principles of Biology I
BIOL 414, Principles of Biology II
CHEM 403, General Chemistry I
CHEM 404, General Chemistry II
BMS 503, General Microbiology
CHEM 545/546, Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
BMCB 658/659, General Biochemistry and General Biochemistry Laboratory
BIOL 541, General Ecology
GEN 604, Principles of Genetics

Microbiology Track Requirements
Students opting for the microbiology track must take all courses listed in the biological sciences program with the exception of BIOL 541, General Ecology. Two additional courses selected from BMS 504, Brewing and Industrial Microbiology; BMS 602, Pathogenic Microbiology; or BMS 601, Bacteriology of Food are required of students in the microbiology track.

Note: Pre-medical and pre-dental students should enroll in CHEM 651-652 and 653-654 at Durham. These courses may substitute for CHEM 545/546 and BMCB 658-659. In addition, students should also enroll in MATH 426.

For more information, contact Stephen Pugh, program coordinator, at (603) 641-4128, or, or contact the Office of Admissions.

The associate of science degree includes the following Discovery Program course requirements:

Discovery Foundation Skills Inquiry course (or INQ attribute course). 
This course may fulfill a Discovery category and/or a departmental requirement. It should be taken during a student’s first or second year or prior to completion of 48 credits.

One course in writing skills. Most students will satisfy the first-year writing requirement with English 401. This course should be taken during a student’s first year or prior to the completion of 32 credits.

One course in quantitative reasoning. This course must be completed by the end of the first year or 32 credits.

Discovery in the Disciplines
Students must take courses from the Discovery categories at the 400-600 levels. Inquiry courses that carry Discovery category designations may be used to satisfy this requirement.

Two courses chosen from two of these three categories: Biological Sciences (BS)*,Physical Sciences (PS)*, or Environment, Technology, and Society (ETS).

* One of these two courses must have a lab component.

Three courses chosen from three of these five categories: Historical Perspectives (HP), World Cultures  (WC), Fine and Performing Arts (FPA), Social Science (SS), or Humanities (HUMA) with no more than one course from any single category.

Additional Information
Discovery Program requirements shall not be waived on the basis of special examinations or placement tests, except for the College Board Advanced Placement tests and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests. All students transferring to UNH in academic year 2013-14 will come in under Discovery Program requirements. For students who transfer in with 26 or more credits, the INQ requirement is waived.

Note to Faculty: Waiver of requirements in the Discovery Program. Students may petition the Discovery Committee to waive or replace a requirement. The student’s petition must be approved by his or her major adviser and the dean of his or her college.

The required courses cannot be taken on a pass/fail basis. No single course may be counted in more than one Discovery discipline category. Academic departments may or may not permit Discovery courses to count toward requirements for a major. Thompson School of Applied Sciences (TSAS) courses may not be used for general-education (1984-2009), writing-intensive, or foreign language requirements. TSAS courses that are 400-600 level and Discovery-approved may count for Discovery requirements. All Discovery courses carry 3-4 credits.

The most current list of Discovery courses may be found on the Registrar’s Office website at

Discovery Program Courses

Writing Skills (WS)
ENGL 401

Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
+BUS 430
BIOL 528, 555
EREC 525
HHS 540
+MATH 444
MATH 420, 424A, 424B, 425, 439
PHIL 412
PSYC 402
SOC 502

Biological Science (BS)
BIOL 411 (DLAB), 412 (DLAB), 413 (DLAB),414 (DLAB), 420 (DLAB), 444B
BMS 407, 444A (DLAB), 501 (DLAB), 507 (DLAB), 508 (DLAB)
BSCI 405 (DLAB), 406 (DLAB), 421, 422, 431 (DLAB
ECE 444 (DLAB)
HMP 501 (DLAB)
KIN 527 (DLAB), 607
NR 410 (DLAB), 433 (DLAB), 444E
OT 513 (DLAB)
PBIO 400 (DLAB), 412 (DLAB), 421 (DLAB)
ZOOL 401 (DLAB), 412 (DLAB), 444, 444A

Physical Science (PS)
CHE 410
CHEM 403 (DLAB), 404 (DLAB), 405 (DLAB), 409, 444, 444A, 444B, 444G
ESCI 401 (DLAB), 402 (DLAB), 405, 409 (DLAB), 410, 420, 444, 501 (DLAB)
GEOG 473 (DLAB), 572, 574
MS 401
NR 504 (DLAB)
PHYS 401 (DLAB), 402 (DLAB), 404 (DLAB), 405, 406 (DLAB), 407 (DLAB), 408 (DLAB), 409 (DLAB), 444A

Fine and Performing Arts (FPA)
ARTS 444, 444A, 480, 487, 532, 574
CA 444, 502
HUMA 510A, 511A, 512A, 513A, 514A, 515A
ITAL 525
LLC 444D
MUSI 401, 402, 444, 511
PHIL 421
THDA 435,436, 438, 440, 442, 444, 444A, 444B, 459, 462, 463, 583

Historical Perspectives (HP)
ANSC 444
ANTH 444
BMS 444B
CLAS 405, 406, 444C, 550, 560
COLA 657F1
FS 444
HIST 405, 406, 410, 421, 422, 435, 436, 444, 444A, 444B, 444C, 444D, 444E, 444F, 483, 498, 506, 511, 521, 522, 532, 565, 579
HMP 505
HUMA 510C, 511C, 512C, 513C, 514C, 515C
ITAL 681A, 682A
KIN 444B, 561
LLC 444G, 540
POLT 403
+PS 501, 503, 508
PSYC 571
RS 483
RUSS 525
SW 525
WS 444A, 444C, 505

Humanities (HUMA)
AMST 444B, 444E, 501, 502
CLAS 401, 421, 422, 444, 444A, 444B, 520, 530
CMN 444, 456
+ECN 444
ECS 550
ENGL 403, 444D, 444E, 444G, 444J, 444K, 444M 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 520, 521, 533, 535,
550, 555, 575
GERM 521, 524
HUMA 401, +411, +412, 444, 444A, 444B, 444C, 500, 510D, 511D, 512D, 513D, 514D, 515D, 519
IA 444A
ITAL 521, 522, 657F2, 681B, 682B
LLC 444, 444C, 444E, 444F, 551, 552
PHIL 401, 430, 436, 444A, 565
POLT 401, 444A, 524
+PS 504
RMP 511
SPAN 651, 652, 653, 654
WS 405

Social Science
ADMN 444
ANTH 412
CEP 415
CLAS 506
CMN 455, 457
+ECN 411, 412
ECON 401, 402, 444
EDUC 444, 444A, 444B, 520
ENGL 405, 444B, 444F
EREC 409, 411
FS 444A, 525, 545
GEOG 581, 582
HHS 444
HMP 401
+INTR 438
KIN 444A, 444C
LING 405, 444B, 444F
NURS 535
NUTR 405
POLT 402, 512, 560
+PS 407, 502, 505, 507
PSYC 401, 444A
RMP 444, 444A, 490
SOC 400, 444, 540
SW 444, 550
WS 401, 444, 444B

World Cultures (WC)
ANSC 510
ANTH 411, 500, 501
CHIN 425, 503, 504
COLA 657
COMM 525
ENGL 581
EREC 444
FREN 503, 504, 525, 526
GEOG 401, 402, 550
GERM 503, 504, 525
GREK 503, 504, 505, 506
HIST 425, 563
HMP 444A
HUMA 510B, 511B, 512B, 513B, 514B, 515B
ITAL 425, 503, 504
JPN 425, 503, 504
LATN 503, 504
LLC 444A, 444B, 503, 504
MUSI 515
POLT 543, 550
RUSS 425, 503, 504
SPAN 503, 504, 525, 526, 631, 632, 686
TECH 685

Environment, Technology, and Society (ETS)
ARTS 552
BIOL 520, 444A, 544
BMS 650
CIE 402, 444
COMP 405, 411
CS 401, 404, 408, 444
DS 444
ENE 520
GEOG 560
HMP 444
IA 555
JUST 405
MATH 445
MGT 444
NR 415, 435, 444B, 444C, 502
NURS 450
OT 444
PBIO 405
PHIL 424, 435, 444, 447, 450
PHYS 444, 444B
POLT 444
SOC 444A, 565
WS 444D
+ = UNHM
(DLAB) = Discovery

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