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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

University of New Hampshire at Manchester


Biology (BIOL)


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Associate Professor: Stephen R. Pugh
Assistant Professor: Patricia Halpin

Biological Sciences (B.A.)
Biology is the study of living organisms in both laboratory and field conditions. It concerns itself with questions of understanding the living world, its complex interrelationships, and the role of human beings within it.

The B.A. in biological sciences at UNH Manchester is designed to: 1) allow students to earn a baccalaureate degree in biology at UNH Manchester; 2) allow students to combine study in biology with other programs and disciplines by completing a second major, a minor, or a self-designed set of elective courses along with their biology degree; 3) allow students to complete a major in biology while taking required courses in education in preparation for the five-year MAT or M.Ed. programs and state certification in secondary science education; and 4) provide an opportunity for students to complete a baccalaureate degree in biology while completing the required courses for admission to medical, dental, veterinary, physician assistant, pharmacy, physical therapy, and other professional graduate programs.

The biological sciences program at UNH Manchester can also serve as a springboard for students interested in the B.S. programs in the life sciences at UNH Durham, which include majors in biology, microbiology, zoology, plant biology, wildlife management, environmental conservation, biochemistry, and animal sciences.

Employment opportunities in the public and private sectors include education, food, water, wastewater and other industrial laboratories, clinical laboratories, biotechnology, environmental research and monitoring, and animal behavior.

Students must complete a minimum of 128 credits and satisfy the University’s Discovery Program and foreign language requirements. BIOL 413, 414 may be used to satisfy the biological sciences Discovery requirement and CHEM 403, 404 may be used to satisfy the Physical Sciences Discovery requirement. PSYC 402 may be used to satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning Discovery requirement; however, students interested in graduate or professional programs are encouraged to take MATH 425, Calculus I, or MATH 424b, Calculus for Life Sciences, to satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning requirement.

The UNH Manchester B.A. in biological sciences program is structured with three levels of coursework.

Biology Core Curriculum (9 courses, 37 credits)
The biology core curriculum consists of five required biology courses:
BIOL 413-414, Principles of Biology I and II
BMS 503, General Microbiology
BIOL 541, General Ecology
GEN 604, Principles of Genetics

Two required chemistry courses:
CHEM 403-404, General Chemistry I and II

One course in mathematics:
MATH 418, Analysis and Application of Functions, or MATH 425, Calculus I, or MATH 424b, Calculus for Life Sciences

One course in statistics:
PSYC 402, Statistics in Psychology (other statistics courses such as BIOL 528 or BUS 430 may used to satisfy this requirement).

Depending on their specific academic and career goals and in consultation with their adviser, students may elect to take additional supporting science courses such as CHEM 545/546, Organic Chemistry with lab (one semester); CHEM 651/653 - 652/654, Organic Chemistry I and II with lab (two semesters); BMCB 658/659, Biochemistry with lab; MATH 426, Calculus II; and PHYS 407-408, General Physics I and II. These courses are often required for admission to medical, professional, and other graduate programs.

Self-Designed Concentration in Biology (4 courses, 16 credits)
Students will select, in consultation with their adviser, four biology courses at the 600-700 level to be taken at UNH Manchester or UNH Durham.

Capstone Experience
The capstone experience will be fulfilled by taking the one-credit course, BSCI 701, Senior Seminar, during either semester of the senior year and a capstone experience, such as BSCI 792, Research; BSCI 793, Internship; or BSCI 795, Independent Study. Senior Seminar will meet weekly during either semester of the senior year in a seminar format to share information about students’ research or independent study activities, listen to presentations on timely issues in biology, and support and provide training in poster production, PowerPoint and other methods of oral presentation and scientific writing as students prepare to present the results of their capstone activities at the Undergraduate Research Conference or other venues.

In addition, all students will take elective courses to fulfill the 128-credit requirement for a B.A. degree. These elective courses could fulfill the requirements for a major or minor in another program or they could fulfill a self-designed interdisciplinary concentration. They could include some of the supporting science courses listed above. These courses would be selected in consultation with the adviser and the appropriate faculty adviser in another program.

Note: Pre-medical and pre-dental students should enroll in CHEM 651/653 and 652/654. These courses may substitute for CHEM 545/546 and BMCB 658/659. In addition, students should also enroll in MATH 426.

For more information contact Stephen Pugh, program coordinator, at (603) 641-4128 or; or contact the Office of Admissions.

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