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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

College of Health and Human Services


Disabilities Minor

The purpose of the interdisciplinary disability minor is to prepare undergraduate students to apply their unique disciplinary skills to work with and support individuals with disabilities and their families to become fully engaged members of their communities, and to improve their quality of life. The minor also helps to prepare students to work in an interdisciplinary service delivery environment. A secondary purpose is to create a core group of interdisciplinary faculty to work collaboratively with students on issues related to disability. The 20 credit-hours curriculum consists of two required 4-credit courses and three to six elective 2-4–credit courses. The minor offers students a unique opportunity to explore disability from several vantage points, including an overview of the disability experience, societal barriers individuals face, service delivery systems, disciplinary perspectives, current research, and relevant legislation.

Required Courses

Three to six elective courses totaling 12 credits are required from the following:

EDUC 750, Introduction to Exceptionality (4 credits) or RMP 550, Perspectives on Disability (4 credits), whichever was not taken as required above
EDUC 556, Transition to Work: Mentoring Adolescents with Disabilities (2 credits)
EDUC 760, Introduction to Young Children with Disabilities (4 credits)
EDUC 754, Contemporary Issues in Developmental Disabilities (4 credits)
HHS 740, Collaborative Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs (4 credits)
KIN 781, Inclusion in Physical Education (4 credits)
NUTR 740, Nutrition for Children with Special Needs (2 credits)
OT 444, Living and Doing with Technology (Inquiry course) (4 credits)
OT 722, Introduction to Assistive Technology (4 credits)
OT 724, Assistive Technology and Physical Disabilities (4 credits)
OT 726, Assistive Technology and Sensory, Cognitive, and Communication Impairments (4 credits)
OT 685, Psychosocial Disorders and Everyday Life (4 credits)
RMP 501, Recreation Services for Individuals with Disabilities (4 credits)
SW 712, Social Work and Developmental Disabilities (4 credits)
SW, OT, EDUC, KIN, NUTR, RMP Independent Study (2-4 credits)*

* Independent Study (2-4 credits). Explore a topic that provides a detailed focus on an important issue related to individuals with disabilities. A student may also choose to engage in a small-scale research project to investigate an issue that affects individuals with disabilities. Each project will be negotiated with the student’s departmental faculty adviser and the coordinator of the minor program.

Please Note: Additional elective courses may be added in the future as deemed appropriate and approved by the disabilities studies coordinator.

Also Note: Students must achieve C- or better and a 2.00 grade-point average in courses that the minor department approves. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used for a minor. No more than 8 credits used to satisfy major requirements may be used for a minor. There is no limit on the number of overlapping credits allowed between minors. Students should declare an intent to earn a minor as early as possible and no later than the end of the junior year. During the final term, an application should be made to the dean to have the minor shown on the academic record.