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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

University of New Hampshire at Manchester


Accelerated Master’s – UNH Seniors

Qualified senior students at the University of New Hampshire may be admitted to the Graduate School provided they have followed normal application procedures; they must have been admitted for the semester in which they wish to enroll in courses for graduate credit. A 3.20 cumulative grade-point average is normally required to be considered for admission to the accelerated master’s program.

Such seniors are normally admitted prior to the start of their last undergraduate semester, but may be eligible to apply for admission in the first semester of their senior year. Seniors who have been admitted under Accelerated Master’s admission early admission may register for a maximum of 12 credits of graduate-level courses prior to completing their bachelor’s degree. Such courses may upon recommendation of the department and approval of the Graduate School count toward both a bachelor’s and master’s degree.

When seniors admitted to the accelerated master’s program have registered for graduate courses, they must maintain a grade-point average of 3.20, complete their undergraduate degree as planned, and pass graduate courses taken for credit with a grade of B- or better. If these conditions are not met, admission is withdrawn.

Not all graduate programs participate; each program’s faculty retain discretion regarding whether their program admits students under the accelerated master’s program and the maximum number of graduate credits permitted (not exceeding 12) (e.g., some programs will accept one course, others two). Applicants are strongly recommended to meet with the graduate coordinator in the program’s faculty to discuss specifics.

Dual-credit forms must be completed and approved by the dean of the Graduate School at the beginning of the semester for which dual credit is sought.

Consortium (NHCUC) Student Exchange Program

Under the Student Exchange Program of the New Hampshire College and University Council (NHCUC), full-time UNH Manchester students may be eligible to enroll for one or two courses, one semester of courses, or a full year of coursework at a member school, on a space available basis. The consortium exchange program allows matriculated undergraduate students in good academic, financial, and social standing to use educational resources that are not available at the home campus and are considered appropriate for their degree programs. The consortium exchange will be used only when academic reasons or other special circumstances warrant it. Students pursuing full-time study at a host institution must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. Students pursing part-time study at a host institution must be in good academic standing as defined by the home institution. Approval of the UNH Manchester advisor and college registrar is required. Schools in the NHCUC consortium include: Colby-Sawyer College, Franklin Pierce University, Granite State College, Keene State College, New England College, Plymouth State University, Rivier University, Saint Anselm College, Southern New Hampshire University, and UNH.

Students will remain as degree candidates and continue to pay normal UNH Manchester tuition and fees, but must make their own room and board arrangements if they plan to spend a full semester at another consortium school. The host institution may charge additional fees. Online, summer school courses, January term, and continuing education courses are excluded from the Exchange Agreement. For more information and application forms, students should contact Doreen Palmer in the Registration office at (603) 641-4164.

Engineering Access Programs

Students interested in physics or one of the engineering majors on the Durham campus can begin their education at UNH Manchester by working closely with an adviser in selecting appropriate mathematics, science, and Discovery Program courses.

At UNH Manchester, students in the program enter as candidates for the associate in arts degree with a concentration in general studies or as undeclared bachelor's degree candidates. Academic advisers assist students in selecting first-year course plans that are compatible with their engineering major interest. During the first year, students complete most program requirements in residence at UNH Manchester.

English for Speakers of Other Languages Program

UNH Manchester offers at least one course in English for Speakers of Other Languages every semester. English 301A (4 credits) is appropriate for low intermediate to intermediate ESOL students and is offered during the fall semester. English 400 (4 credits), also offered during the fall, is appropriate for intermediate to advanced ESOL students. English 401A, offered during the spring, is the First-Year Writing course for ESOL students (4 credits) and is appropriate for advanced students. Interested students should contact the Center for Academic Enrichment at (603) 641-4113 to schedule a placement test.

During the summer, an intensive (non-credit) course in reading, writing, and speaking English aimed at preparing students for college is offered for intermediate and advanced ESOL learners who are at least 16 years of age and plan to attend a post-secondary institution.

In addition to intensive practice with English, the summer students participate in workshops about college admission, time management, learning styles, financial literacy, note taking, and math literacy. This program requires a separate application available through Dr. Michael Pugh at (603) 641-4155 or the Center for Academic Enrichment at (603) 641-4113.

Study Abroad

UNH considers study abroad to be an important educational experience, enriching both personally and professionally, and crucial in preparing the new generation of decision makers for the challenges of the global world. UNH Manchester encourages all students who meet the eligibility requirements to expand their horizons beyond the campus for a week, summer, semester, or academic year.

At the time of application, students who are admitted to a bachelor's or associate's degree, have earned at least a 2.5 overall GPA, have a declared major, and have completed at least 32 credit hours, at least 12 of which have been earned at the University of New Hampshire baccalaureate level, are eligible to study away.

Students can take advantage of opportunities to study outside of the United States through University-managed programs such as the Florence Summer Program, University Exchange programs, or UNH-approved programs. With all these options, students can study abroad almost anywhere in the world!

If going abroad is not for you, you may be interested in the National Student Exchange. This allows a student to take a semester or year at a public college or university throughout the U.S. and U.S. territories.

For more information or to begin planning your study away experience, contact the Academic Counseling Office at (603) 641-4170 or

Teacher Education Programs

UNH Manchester, in cooperation with the Durham campus, offers state-approved education programs and is authorized to prepare students for certification in the areas of elementary education and secondary education. Certification under secondary education includes biology, English, English as a second language, and social studies. This five-year program is an integrated undergraduate-graduate program culminating in a fifth-year, year-long internship. Before the internship, students must earn a bachelor’s degree outside the field of education. Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree outside the field of education are encouraged to apply to the Graduate School. 

For the undergraduate portion of the program, students are advised to select a major related to their desired teaching field (for example, biology, English or history). Several undergraduate majors, including psychology and humanities, are well suited to those with interests in elementary school teaching. Entering first-year students who are uncertain about a choice of major are encouraged to enroll as undeclared majors.

Graduate students participate in a year-long teaching internship in a local elementary or secondary school. The internship is usually done as part of a program leading to either the master of arts in teaching (M.A.T.) or the master of education (M.Ed.) The internship offers 12 graduate credits. If students attend full time, both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree may be obtained in approximately five years.

The procedural steps involved in the five-year program in teacher education are:

1. Enroll in Exploring Teaching, EDUC 500. Open to first-year students and above. Recommended for sophomores.

2. Enroll in teacher education coursework; 700-level courses are open to juniors and above.

3. Apply to a master’s degree program and to fifth-year internship. Students must apply for the fifth-year internship and master’s degree program during the fall of their senior year so that they will have enough time to explore a variety of career and/or graduate study options and conclude their program plans before second semester of that year.

More detailed materials on the teacher education programs are available from the Office of Admissions, the UNH Graduate School Manchester Campus at (603) 641-4313.

UNH Emerging Technology Center

The UNH Emerging Technology Center creates an environment where students collaborate with business partners and faculty to work on real-world projects. Together, they develop prototypes, systems, and innovative solutions to meet the needs of businesses and organizations across northern New England. Students interested in working at the ETC should submit a resume and cover letter via email to

The center provides a considerable range of resources including, but not limited to, the following: business services, digital media communications, engineering services, mobile application development, technical writing services, and web development.