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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences


Independent Study and Projects

All departments within the college offer independent study opportunities and projects. The content of these courses varies and is based upon current scientific and technological needs in addition to the interests of the student and faculty involved.

Permission of the faculty member and/or department chairperson is required. One should review the course descriptions for the independent study and project courses for specific requirements. Students interested in working with a faculty member on a project or independent study should discuss this with the faculty member and their academic adviser prior to registering for the course.

Research Opportunities
The talents and expertise of the faculty in all departments are reflected in the number of ongoing research projects. Undergraduates are included in many of these research projects with the intent that they will discover and foster their creative talents. When involved with a funded research project, students may have an opportunity to receive pay while learning about the research area.

The college has world-class laboratories and computer facilities in many areas. A few of these are coastal and ocean mapping, space science, environmental engineering and science, fluid dynamics, wind turbulence, information systems, materials science, nanotechnology, sustainability, and medical imaging.  These and other ongoing research areas within the college are described on the college’s website:

Students have the opportunity to acquire applied experience by working with faculty members who undertake sponsored professional projects in technical and managerial areas for business, industry, and federal, state, and local governments.

Special Provisions
The requirement of a given topic/course prescribed to meet the requirements of major curriculum may be waived by the faculty of a student’s department. This rule offers students the opportunity to develop a somewhat individualized plan of study with intellectual incentives and opportunities in addition to those found in a regular curriculum. The student’s petition must be approved by his/her major adviser and the dean of the college. This power usually will be delegated by the faculty to the dean or to a committee. (Senate Rule 05.21(s): Waiver of Requirements in a Prescribed Curriculum)

A student with senior status and a grade point average of 3.2 may petition to take a graduate course for undergraduate credit. In addition, upon the recommendation of the department chairperson, a superior student may be allowed to count credits from up to two 800-level courses toward both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, provided that the student has been admitted to the master’s program.

Study Abroad Programs

The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences provides its students with the opportunity to spend a semester at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in Budapest, Hungary. Most CEPS majors choosing to study abroad spend the fall semester of their junior year at BME. Electrical and computer engineering students spend the spring semester of their junior year at BME. Courses at BME are taught in English and receive prior approval for degree credit. Students studying in Budapest maintain their status as full-time UNH students, pay UNH tuition, and maintain their expected graduation date. For more information, visit the program’s website at

Scotland, Heriot-Watt University Exchange Program
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences students are eligible to participate in a spring semester exchange with Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. The current program is designed for civil and environmental engineering majors. For more information, contact Ray Cook at (603) 862-1411 or the Center for International Education, Hood House.


Preparing for Teaching

Students interested in mathematics education (elementary, middle/junior high, or secondary), Earth science, chemistry, or physics teaching should refer to the appropriate department for a description of the program requirements.

Combined Programs of Study

In addition to pursuing a single major, students may combine programs of study as follows:

Minors: See University Academic Requirements; see also Degrees and Major Programs of Study and Departmental Programs of Study.
Second majors: See University Academic Requirements.
Interdisciplinary majors: Many departments in the college offer programs that combine a major with another field of interest. See the descriptions that follow.
Dual-degree programs: See University Academic Requirements.
Student-designed majors: See Special University Programs.
Other combined and interdisciplinary opportunities: See Special University Programs.