Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
» http://www.colsa.unh.edu/
GeoSpatial Analysis
The geospatial analysis minor is designed for students who wish to have more learning and experience using the tools of geospatial analysis such as statistics, aerial photography, satellite imagery, and geographic information systems (GIS) as they relate to their chosen field of study. Students interested in completing the geospatial analysis minor must complete a total of 20 credits (usually 5 courses) from the list below. A grade of C- or better is required in each minor course and no course can be taken P/F. A total of not more than 8 credits from the student’s major requirements can be counted toward the minor.
Basic Statistics (choose 1 course)
BIOL 528
PSYC 402
Other basic statistics course as approved by minor adviser
Introductory/Field/or Overview Course (choose 1 course)
NR 458, The Science of Where
CIE 505, Surveying and Mapping
NR 542, Forestland Measurement and Mapping (2 credits)
NR 603, Landscape Ecology
GEOG 650, Field Methods in Geography
NR/GEOG 757, Remote Sensing of the Environment
A GIS course (choose 1 course)
NR/GEOG 658, Introduction to GIS
NR/GEOG 760, GIS in Natural Resources
CIE 796, GIS in Water Resources
CT 250, GIS Applications in Sustainability
FORT 281, GIS for Foresters
A Remote Sensing Course (choose 1 course)
NR/GEOG 757, Remote Sensing of the Environment
NR/GEOG 759, Digital Image Processing
An Advanced Analysis Course (choose 1 course)
NR 782, Monitoring Forest Health
SOC 797, Sociological Methods – Survey Research
NR 713, Quantitative Ecology
NR 740, Inventory and Modeling of Ecological Communities
NR 749, Forest Inventory and Modeling