Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
» http://www.colsa.unh.edu/
Wetland Ecology
Students in biology, environmental conservation studies, forestry, plant biology, environmental sciences, wildlife and conservation biology, and related majors should consider obtaining a minor in wetland ecology. There is a strong demand among consulting firms, and state and federal agencies for employees with knowledge and experience relevant to wetland resource management. The minor consists of 20 credits (totaling five courses) with grades of C- or better, and no pass/fail courses. No more than 8 credits used to satisfy major requirements may be used for the minor.
NR 504, Freshwater Resources, or NR 703, Watershed Water Quality Management
NR 711, Wetland Ecology and Management
NR 716, Wetland Delineation; NR 719,Wetlands Restoration and Mitigation; ZOOL 708, Stream Ecology; MEFB 525, Introduction to Aquatic Botany; or PBIO 747, Aquatic Plants in Restoration, Management and Conservation
PBIO 566, Systematic Botany
PBIO 722, Marine Phycology
GEN 713, Microbial Ecology and Evolution
NR 527, Forest Ecology
NR 765, Community Ecology
NR 751, Aquatic Ecosystems
NR 425, Field Dendrology
NR 501, Studio Soils
NR 602, Natural Resources and Environmental Policy
NR 621, Field Description of Soils
NR 706, Soil Ecology
ZOOL 725, Marine Ecology
For additional information, contact David Burdick, (603) 862-4523..