Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
College of Liberal Arts
» http://cola.unh.edu
American Studies Minor
American studies is the interdisciplinary study of United States culture in all its varied aspects. Students learn to connect history, art, politics, religion, popular culture, literature, and other features of American life and to examine both the differences and the similarities among, for example, different racial and ethnic groups, historical periods, and media. Students may wish to focus their coursework in the minor around a coherent topic, either chronologically or thematically. Examples include, but are not limited to, a specific historical period (for example, the twentieth century); race, ethnicity, gender, or class in America; popular culture; the arts; Native American studies; regional studies; urban, rural, and natural environments; American institutions (such as education, sports, religion).
The American studies minor consists of five courses. Students must take AMST 501, Introduction to American Studies, as early in their careers as possible. In addition, students must take at least one course concentrating on issues of race, gender, or ethnicity in America. No more than three courses of the five may be at the 400/500 level (departmental prerequisites may be waived for American Studies students at the discretion of the instructor). Ordinarily, not more than two electives may be taken from the same academic department. A relevant internship may be substituted for one of the electives. Students should consult with the minor coordinator before registration. Students must earn a C- or better in each course and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average in courses taken for the minor.
Students interested in completing an American Studies minor should contact Jessica Fish, jessica.fish@unh.edu, 322 Huddleston Hall, (603) 862-0939.
AMST 444B, New Orleans: Place, Meaning, and Context
AMST 444E, Fly Fishing and the American Experience
AMST 501, Introduction to American Studies
AMST 502, Introduction to African American Literature and Culture*
AMST 503, Introduction to Native American Studies*
AMST 604, Landscape and American Culture
AMST 605, Film in American Culture
AMST 607, Religion in American Life and Thought
AMST 608, Women Artists and Writers, 1850-Present*
AMST 609, The African American Experience in the Twentieth Century*
AMST 610, New England Culture
AMST 611, Indigenous New England*
AMST 612, Periods in American Culture
AMST 613, Regions in American Culture
AMST 614, Native American Studies Topics*
AMST 615, Asian American Studies Topics*
AMST 695/6, Special Topics in American Studies
AMST 697/8, Seminar in American Studies
AMST 795, Independent Study
*These courses concentrate on issues of race, gender, or ethnicity in America.
Elective Courses
Electives are approved for the minor and announced each semester in the Time and Room Schedule and on the American studies website.