Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
College of Liberal Arts
» http://cola.unh.edu
Architectural Studies Minor
The minor in architectural studies provides students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the history, theory, and methods of architecture and its symbolism. The program allows students who are interested in this field to receive programmatic recognition of their work. It is designed to assist those who are contemplating enrollment at a school of architecture; are particularly interested in architectural history; want to supplement their technical majors (e.g., civil engineering) with strong academic minors; or plan to pursue careers in preservation, education, community service, and public relations.
Minor Requirements
Five courses (18-20 credits), which consist of the following:
ARTS 532, Introductory Drawing
ARTS 574, Introduction to Architectural History
One of the following:
ARTS 455, Architectural Design Studio
ARTS 525, Woodworking
ARTS 567, Introductory Sculpture
Two electives from the list below chosen in consultation with the minor coordinators:
ARTS 600C, Internship in Architecture
ARTS 625, Wood/Furniture Design Workshop
ARTS 654, 17th and 18th Century American Architecture
ARTS 655, Early Modern Architecture
ARTS 656, Contemporary Architecture
ARTS 678, Romanesque and Gothic Art
ARTS 796G, Independent Study in Architecture
CIE 444, Housing: Everyone Needs a Place to Live (3 credits)
CIE 780, Building Information Modeling (3 credits)
CIE 795, Independent Study (with approval) (1-4 credits)
CIE 796, Special Topic: Green Building Design (3 credits)
CIE 796, Special Topic: Residential Construction (3 credits)
CLAS 510, Building Rome (a J-term course)
TECH 564, Fundamentals of CAD (Computer Aided Design) (3 credits)
For more information, contact the minor coordinators: Eleanor Hight, art and art history, or Tat Fu, civil engineering.