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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

College of Liberal Arts


European Cultural Studies Major and Minor

To learn about the European cultural studies major, see the European cultural studies program.

European cultural studies (ECS) is an interdisciplinary minor (interdisciplinary major also available) in which students study the field of cultural analysis through an individually designed focus on a European topic. The ECS major and minor are driven in part by the belief that language is an integral part of culture and not merely a tool for the study of its literature. By the same token, the study of European history, philosophy, politics, and so forth can only be enriched by the addition of critical perspectives developed in language and literature study.

The minor in ECS consists of 20 credits: ECS 500, 504 level in a European language, two foundation courses (see below), and one elective.

Foundation Courses
The foundation requirement is designed to give students an introduction to European languages; European social and political institutions; and the European arts and humanities. Each student must take two such courses (8 credits).

504 or equivalent (intermediate level) in a European language, or an approved alternative

Arts/Humanities or Social Sciences (one course from the following):
ARTS 480, Introduction to Art History
ENGL 651 or 652, Comparative Literatures when inclusive of European literatures
HUMA 501, 502, 503 (when focused on European topics)
MUSI 402, Survey of Music History
ECON 630, Comparative Study of Economic Systems
HIST 435 or 436, Western Civilization
HIST 565, Women in European History
HIST 650, European Socialism
HIST 656, 20th Century Europe
POLT 550, Major Foreign Governments
POLT 552, Contemporary European Politics

For more information on the ECS minor, contact Professor Mary Rhiel, coordinator, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Murkland G10E; (603) 862-3052;