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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015

University of New Hampshire at Manchester


Humanities Minor

The humanities minor is an excellent way to add breadth of perspective to specialized study in particular disciplines. Many professions encourage students to develop skills and knowledge outside their area of professional interest. The humanities minor can meet this objective and make college education a more enlightening and rewarding experience.

To earn a minor in humanities, students must complete 20 credits with a minimum grade of C in each course. Students must take the following courses: HUMA 411, Humanities I; HUMA 412, Humanities II; one course in any humanities discipline at any level; one 600- or 700-level humanities course; HUMA 795, Humanities: Study of Creativity, or HUMA 796, Humanities: Study of Contemporary Issues.

For more information, contact Jack Resch, minor supervisor, at or (603) 641-4134.