Undergraduate Course Catalog 2014-2015
General Information
The University Financial Aid Office assists students who are unable to meet educational expenses entirely from their own family resources. Aid is available in the form of grants and scholarships, loans, and part-time employment. The financial aid website gives program information, application procedures, and deadlines.
In many communities, scholarships and loans are available locally. School principals and guidance counselors have information about these sources of assistance, which are available to both high school seniors and adult students.
Before applicants may be considered for assistance by the University, they must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applicants will find this at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
The financial aid application deadline for aid awarded by the University is March 1. This is the date by which your fully completed FAFSA must be received by the federal processor.
The importance of meeting this deadline cannot be overstated. While there are some types of aid (e.g., Pell Grants and Direct Loans) for which you may apply after this deadline, it is likely that you will receive substantially less total aid if your application is late. For the past several years, applicants applying after the deadline did not receive any aid awarded by UNH (SEOG, tuition grant, Perkins Loan, or work study).
It is the University’s position that the student applicant is accountable for the accuracy and timely submission of the FAFSA. We realize that in most cases a student’s parent(s) also participates in completing the form. However, it is the student who is ultimately responsible for monitoring the application process. Students should not wait until being admitted to the University before applying for financial aid.
Note: There is reference on the FAFSA to a “deadline” of June 30. Do not be misled by this date. It is not the financial aid deadline at UNH or most other colleges.
Grants and Scholarships
Admitted undergraduate degree candidates who will attend UNH on a full- or part-time basis may be considered for tuition grants and University scholarships. The basic consideration is financial need, although some scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic attainment, participation in extracurricular activities, or meeting specific requirements of a donor.
The University participates in the federally sponsored Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program, which is designed to assist needy students who are admitted degree candidates.
Federal Pell Grant Program
Students may apply directly to the federal government for a Pell Grant using the FAFSA. Students must reapply each year for a grant.
Loan Programs
Two loan funds are administered by the University: UNH Loan Fund and Federal Perkins Loans. Admitted undergraduate and graduate degree candidates who will attend the University on at least a half-time basis may be considered for these loans. Financial need must be clearly demonstrated, and loans may be used only for educational expenses.
The University also participates in the federal government's Direct Student Loan Program.
Part-Time Employment
The Federal Work-Study Program, both academic year and summer, assists students who, as determined by the Financial Aid Office, need financial assistance for their educational expenses. Admitted undergraduate and graduate degree candidates attending at least half time are eligible for consideration.
Students who do not qualify for the Work-Study Program may find part-time employment on or near campus.
ROTC Scholarships
Reserve Officer Training Corps scholarships are offered on a competitive basis by both the Army and the Air Force. Entering freshmen may compete for four-year scholarships during the last year of high school. A variety of scholarships are also available to students already attending the University.
Scholarships pay up to full tuition, all mandatory fees, and for required textbooks. In addition, all scholarship recipients receive a tax-free monthly subsistence allowance. Finally, students with a four-year or three-year ROTC scholarship compete for a room and board grant for the entire time they are on the scholarship.
For more information, contact the Admission Officer: Army ROTC at (603) 862-107, or Air Force ROTC at (603) 862-1480.