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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011

College of Life Sciences and Agriculture


Environmental Horticulture


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Professor: J. Brent Loy
Associate Professor: John M. Roberts
Extension Professor: Alan T. Eaton, Catherine A. Neal
Extension Associate Professor: Rebecca Grube Sideman

For (PBIO) courses, see Plant Biology. For course descriptions, go to

This program offers a flexible curriculum for students interested in a multifaceted view of plant agriculture that also embraces issues of environmental stewardship, food safety, international development, and other topics of broad public concern. A degree in environmental horticulture will prepare students for careers managing greenhouses, nurseries, farms, and golf courses; in teaching; in consulting and applied research; in practicing journalism; in working for park and highway planning commissions; in working in sales or brokerage aspects of wholesale and retail marketing; and in finding employment in food- and feed-processing firms.


Students are required to take the core courses, support courses, and 20 credits of approved elective courses. One capstone experience, supervised and approved within the major, is required of all seniors.  The capstone explores areas of interest based on the integration of prior learning.  The capstone requirement may be satisfied through a course, created work or product, or some form of experiential learning (e.g., honors theses, mentored research projects, and other special student activities).  Departments are responsible for certifying that graduating seniors have met the capstone requirement for their majors.  In addition, courses for the Discovery Program and the University Writing Requirement must be completed.

Core Courses

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
PBIO   412   Introductory Botany   4  
PBIO   421   Introductory Horticulture   4  
PBIO   501   Basic Biochemistry   3  
or BMCB   658/659   General Biochemistry   5  
NR   501   Introduction to Soil Sciences   4  
or HT   215   Soils and Land Use   2  
and HT   217   Soils and Plant Nutrition   2  
PBIO   547   Environmental Horticulture   4  
HT   204   Plant Propagation   4  
PBIO   566   Systematic Botany   4  
PBIO   600   Field Experience (Horticulture Related)   4  
PBIO   701   Plant Physiology   3  
PBIO   702   Plant Physiology Lab   2  
PBIO   612   Plant Genetics and Reproduction   4  
or GEN   604   Principles of Genetics   4  
PBIO   651   Plant Pathology   4  
PBIO   760   Insect Pest Management   4  
PBIO   795   Investigations    


A minimum of 20 credits (see department for list of electives applicable).
Students are offered some flexibility in selection of electives, although these electives should be related to horticulture and selected in consultation with an adviser.

Support Courses Required from Other Programs

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
BIOL   528   Applied Biostatistics I   4  
CHEM   403   General Chemistry I   4  
CHEM   404   General Chemistry II   4  
EREC   411   Environmental and Resource Economic Perspectives   4  

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