Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
» http://www.unhm.unh.edu
» http://www.unhm.unh.edu/programs/psychology/
Associate Professor: Gary S. Goldstein, Alison K. Paglia, John E. Sparrow
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior. The UNH Manchester psychology program provides students with a broad background in psychology, introducing them to both the experimental and clinical perspectives in the field. Students majoring in psychology will explore the fundamental principles involved in how people and animals learn and adapt to their environments.
The psychology program, through its independent study and internship programs, offers opportunities for participation in cooperating New Hampshire mental health, human services, and rehabilitation facilities. Students have worked in hospitals, halfway houses, mental health centers, and other agencies. The department also invites guest speakers to discuss important issues in the field.
Psychology graduates find employment as trained research assistants, mental health aides in a wide variety of human services agencies, social welfare caseworkers, teachers in special education programs, and professionals in government, business, and industry. It is normally expected that students who wish to do professional work in the field of psychology will pursue graduate training at the M.A., M.S., Ph.D., or Psy.D. level.
Psychology Program of Study
Students majoring in psychology must complete a minimum of 128 credits, satisfy the University’s Discovery Program and foreign language requirements and complete 44 credits with a minimum of C- in each course and a 2.0 overall grade-point average in all major requirements.
Transfer students who elect to major in psychology must complete at least 24 credits in the program at UNH/UNH Manchester to qualify for the degree in psychology. Transfer students must earn a total of 44 approved credits for completion of the psychology major. The department’s academic adviser will determine the distribution of these credits. Transfer students should note that courses are allotted only the number of credits granted by the original institution (after adjustments for semester-hour equivalents). Thus, students transferring from an institution at which courses carry less than four credits each must make up for any credit deficit created by acceptance of transfer credits into the psychology major.
Specific course selections should be discussed with the adviser. Exceptions to the requirements for the major require a petition to the department.
Program Requirements
A. Three core courses (PSYC 401, 402, and 502)
B. Four 500-level breadth courses, as follows:
Group I: Two courses:
PSYC 511, PSYC 512, PSYC 513, PSYC 521, PSYC 531, PSYC 591 (only Behaviorism section)
Group II: Two courses:
PSYC 552, PSYC 553, PSYC 561, PSYC 571, PSYC 581, PSYC 582
C. Four 700-level depth courses, as follows:
Group I: One or more:
PSYCH 702, 705, 710, 712, 713, 720, 722, 731, 733, 735, 737, 741A-D
Group II: One or more:
PSYC 702, 705, 755, 756, 758, 762, 763, 765, 771, 780, 783, 785, 791A-G, 793
The Durham psychology major has slightly different requirements. Students who plan to transfer to Durham should consult with their adviser.
For more information about the psychology program, contact Gary Goldstein, program coordinator, (603) 641-4179, or e-mail gary.goldstein@unh.edu. Or contact the UNH Manchester Office of Admissions at (603) 641-4150, e-mail unhm.admissions@unh.edu