Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
» http://www.colsa.unh.edu/
Sustainable Living
Issues of sustainable living involve every aspect of life. Humans are part of, and dependent upon, healthy functioning ecosystems. Sustainable living requires learning to live with ecosystem limits. Students increase their knowledge and awareness of environmental issues and problems, gain an understanding of ecology, and develop thinking and communication skills in order to help solve complex problems and move humanity toward a more sustainable future. The minor consists of 20 credits with grades of C- or better, and no pass/fail courses.
Required Courses
1. NR 784, Sustainable Living
2. NR 601, Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Living Internship
3. NR 785, Systems Thinking for Sustainable Living
4. Environmental Issues - One course below
NR 415, Global Biological Change
NR 435, Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness
NR 502, Forest Ecosystems and Environmental Change
NR 650, Principles of Conservation Biology
NR 720, International Environmental Politics and Policies for the 21st Century
NR 724, Resolving Environmental Conflicts
GEOG 673, Environmental Geography
5. Ecology - One course below
NR 433, Wildlife Ecology
BIOL 541, General Ecology
NR 527, Forest Ecology
NR 660, Ecology and Biogeography of New Zealand
ZOOL 474, Intro to Marine Science (Shoals Marine Lab)
ZOOL 503, Intro to Marine Biology
For additional information, contact Robert Eckert, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, (603) 862-2508.