Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
» http://www.colsa.unh.edu/
Marine Biology
The minor is designed to provide a foundation in marine biology and related sciences to any UNH undergraduate student with the exception of students majoring in Marine, Estuarine and Freshwater Biology. It is offered through the Department of Biological Sciences. The minor consists of 20 credits with grades of C- or better and no pass/fail courses. No more than eight major requirement credits may be used towards the minor. All courses in the program are selected in consultation with the minor adviser (contact Larry Harris, Department of Biological Sciences).
Students should declare their intention to minor in marine biology before the end of the junior year. During the final term, students should apply to the dean to have the minor shown on their transcript.
Five courses (20 credits); two of the five courses (eight credits) can count toward the major.
Introductory course in Marine Science (choose one):
ZOOL/PBIO 503, Introduction to Marine Biology
ESCI 501, Introduction to Oceanography
ZOOL 674, Field Marine Science
Four additional courses selected in consultation with the minor adviser.
In addition, students are encouraged to become involved in a research project, either by working in a professor’s laboratory or by participating in the Undergraduate Ocean Research Project (TECH 797).