Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
» http://www.colsa.unh.edu/
Animal Behavior Minor
The animal behavior minor is designed for students who are interested in learning more about the mechanisms underlying the behavior of many different types of animals, as well as the reasons why certain behaviors may have evolved. Students interested in the animal behavior minor must complete a total of 20 credits of coursework (approximately five courses), from the list of courses below. Students must receive a grade of C- or better in each of these courses and no more than eight major requirement credits can be counted toward the minor. If a student is interested in using a relevant course that is not included in the following list, they must seek permission from either Michelle Scott or Win Watson in the Department of Biological Sciences.
Required Courses:
ZOOL 713, Animal Behavior
ZOOL 777, Neurobiology and Behavior
Elective Courses (must take three, and one must be a psychology course):
PSYC 512, Psychology of Primates
PSYC 521, Behavior Analysis
PSYC 531, Psychobiology
PSYC 710, Visual Perception
PSYC 731, Brain and Behavior
PSYC 733, Drugs and Behavior
PSYC 735, Neurobiology of Mood Disorders
PSYC 737, Behavioral Medicine
PSYC 741, Animal Cognition
BCHM 702, Endocrinology
ZOOL 714, Ecology of Animal Behavior (Shoals)
ZOOL 733, Behavioral Ecology