Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
» http://www.colsa.unh.edu/
The agribusiness minor is designed to provide students in disciplines other than environmental and resource economics training in the economics and management of agricultural and other natural resource business firms. This program prepares students to work for private companies, governmental agencies, or nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations. Students who are interested in operating their own businesses will also find this minor very useful. The courses in the agribusiness minor emphasize the applications of economic and business management principles.
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
EREC 501, Agriculture and Natural Resource Product Marketing or MKTG 550, Survey of Marketing
EREC 504, Business Management for Natural Resource Firms
EREC 606, Land Economics Perspectives: Uses, Policies, and Taxes
EREC 715, Linear Programming and Quantitative Models
For additional information, contact John M. Halstead, Environmental and Resource Economics Program coordinator, 114 James Hall, (603) 862-3914.