Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011
College of Liberal Arts
» http://www.unh.edu/liberal-arts/
Queer Studies Minor
The queer studies minor provides students with opportunities to research and understand a rapidly growing field whose focus is study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and allied peoples, their histories and cultures. Queer studies is a method of inquiry that explores the role of same-sex desire and constructions of gender across and among cultures and histories. In these classes, students will consider sexualities and genders as identities and social statuses, as categories of knowledge, and as lenses that help to frame how we understand our world. The minor consists of interdisciplinary coursework in queer studies and is open to all students. Students who wish to pursue the queer studies minor should consult with the queer studies coordinator at queer.studies@unh.edu or contact the program through the Women’s Studies office, (603) 862-2194.
Queer Studies Course Offerings (may vary by instructor)
ANTH 625, Female, Male, and Society
ANTH 685, Gender, Sex, & HIV in Sub-Sahara Africa
CMN 583, Gender and Expression
CMN 697, Gender and Sexuality in US Public Culture
ENG 586, Women Writers of the 19th & 20th Century
ENG 693/798Q, LGBT Writing, Queer Reading
ENGL 746, No More Drama: Studies in American Drama
ENGL 785, Virginia Woolf: Public Intellectual, Cultural Icon
FS 746, Human Sexuality
FS 757/857, Race, Class, Gender, and Families
HIST 497, Gender and Sexuality in African History
HIST 595, Colloquium: Gender and Sexuality in Pre-Modern Europe
HIST 595, Colloquium: Sex and Sexuality in Islamic History
HIST 596, Introduction to Gay and Lesbian History
HIST 665, Sex in the City
HUM 401, Sex and Love in Literature and Philosophy
INCO 404, Honors Seminar: History of Body and Sexuality
JUST 695, Topics in Race, Gender
POLT 525, Multicultural Theory
PSYC 595, Applied Psychology (Research, Field, or Academic Experience)
SOC 520, Sociology of the Family
SOC 570, Sexual Behavior
SOC 630, Sociology of Gender
SOC 675, Sociology of AIDS
SW 715/815, Social Work Practice with GLBT People
WS 405, Gender, Power, & Privilege
WS 444, Trans/Forming Gender
WS 444B, Gender and Diversity in Sports
WS 595, Violence Against Women
WS 595, Gender, Race & Sexuality in Visual Culture
WS 595, Special Topic: Transgendered Identities and Politics in American Culture
WS 632, Feminist Thought (depending on instructor)
WS 632, Honors Thesis (or other departmental designation)
WS 795, Independent Study (or other departmental designation)
WS 798, Colloquium: Race, Gender & Representation
WS 798, Colloquium: Gay Marriage and Kinship
WS 798, Colloquium: Women in Prison
Approved Electives (may vary by instructor)
ARTS 690, Women Artists of the 19th & 20th Century
CMN 567, Images of Gender in the Media
CMN 583.02, Gender and Communication
CMN 697.01, Contemporary Feminist Rhetoric
EDUC 507, Mentoring Adolescents
EDUC 705/805 Contemporary Educational Perspectives
ENGL 786, 20th Century British Fiction
ENGL 618, Film Theory
ENGL 685, Dreamgirls: Black Music, Black Beauty, and Diva Autobiography
FS 545, Family Relations
HUMA 401, Introduction to Humanities/Marriage
INCO 450, Introduction to Race, Culture, & Power
LLC 440, Cultural Approaches to Film and Facism
POLT 522, Dissent & Political Community
POLT 721/821, Feminist Political Theory
PSYCH 763, Community Psychology
SOC 630, Sociology of Gender
SOC 570, Human Sexual Behavior
SOC 697, Women, Health, and Illness
SW 840, Implications of Race, Culture, and Oppression for Social Work Practice
THDA 762, Women in 20th & 21st Century Theatre
WS 401, Introduction to Women’s Studies
WS 444A, Race Matters
WS 595, Feminisms & Global Perspectives
WS 595, Activism: VAW, Poverty, Repro Rights
WS 632, Feminist Thought
WS 796, Capstone Experiences
WS 797, Internship (or other departmental designation)
WS 798, Colloquium: Violence Against Women/Activism