Undergraduate Course Catalog 2010-2011
College of Liberal Arts
» http://www.unh.edu/liberal-arts/
Women's Studies Minor
The women’s studies minor offers students an interdisciplinary introduction to the status and contributions of women in various cultures and historical eras. (An interdisciplinary major is also available. For a more complete description, see Women’s Studies.)
For the women’s studies minor, students must complete 20 credits of women’s studies courses with a grade of C or better. Courses taken pass/fail may not be used toward the minor. No more than eight credits used to satisfy the requirements for the major may be used for a minor. Students electing the Women's Studies minor must complete WS 401, Introduction to Women’s Studies, or WS 405, Gender, Power, and Privilege, and WS 798, Colloquium in Women’s Studies, normally taken at the beginning and end of the course sequence, respectively. It may be possible to substitute WS 797, Internships, for WS 798, Colloquium, with permission from a Women's Studies adviser. Additionally, students must complete three other women's studies courses, either program courses or those that are cross-listed with other departments.
Other Women’s Studies courses are WS 595, Special Topics in Women’s Studies; WS 632, Feminist Thought; WS 795, Independent Study; WS 796, Advanced Topics in Women’s Studies; and WS 797, Internships.
Departmental offerings include the following regularly repeated courses:
ARTS 487, Themes and Images in Art: Major Mythic Images of Women
ARTS 690, Women Artists of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
CMN 567, Images of Gender in the Media
CMN 583, Gender and Expression
ECON 698, Topics in Economics: Women in Economic Development
ENGL 585, Introduction to Women in Literature
ENGL 586, Introduction to Women Writers
ENGL 685, Women’s Literary Traditions
ENGL 785, Major Women Writers
FS 545, Family Relations
FS 757, Race, Class, Gender, and Families
HIST 565, Women in Modern Europe
HIST 566, Women in American History
NURS 595, Women’s Health
PHIL 510, Philosophy and Feminism
SOC 630, Sociology of Gender
Students may complete the minor requirements by selecting from other courses that are offered as special topics by the departments. In the past, such offerings have included the following:
AMST 696/HIST 609, Women, Law, and Culture
ANSC 415, Women in Science
ARTS/ENGL/HUM 608, Arts in American Society: Women Writers and Artists, 1850 to Present
CMN 597, Rhetoric of Early Women’s Rights
CMN 696, Feminist Voices
EDUC 701, Sex Roles, Learning, and School Achievement
ENGL 694, GLBTQ Literature
ENGL 797, Shakespeare’s Sisters: Women Writers of the English Renaissance
FREN 525, French Women: Subject and Object
FREN 635, French Women in Life and Literature
GERM 520, Women in German Literature and Society
GERM 523, Women in German Film
HIST 665, Themes in Women’s History
FS 797, Race, Class, Gender, and the Family
PHIL 510, Philosophy and Feminism [Rev. 10/06]
SPAN 798, Women Writers of the 20th Century
Students who wish to minor in women’s studies should consult with the coordinator, 203 Huddleston Hall, (603) 862-2194.