Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009
Special University Programs
Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research 
» http://www.unh.edu/undergrad-research/
In keeping with this research University’s mission to create and disseminate knowledge, UNH’s Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research offers undergraduates—working in concert with UNH faculty mentors—both funding and administrative support for individually designed academic projects ranging from laboratory research to humanist scholarship and fine and performing arts creations. Once completed, projects and their student authors may receive further support from Undergraduate Research for presentations at national and international conferences and for on-line publication in the undergraduate research journal, Inquiry.
Initially known as UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program), the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research currently offers year-round academic opportunities both in the U.S. and abroad via competitive grant applications. Undergraduate Research Awards (URA) are available each semester (research time commitment is flexible); Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) awards for the U.S. and abroad offer support between academic years. By registering for INCO 590: Student Research Experience, students can work directly with faculty members while receiving academic credit and support for research expenses. The International Research Opportunities Program (IROP), a research summer abroad under the direction of both a UNH mentor and a colleague at the research location, offers nearly unlimited possibilities for exploration of any topic anywhere in the world (recent destinations: Mongolia, Thailand, Namibia, Germany, Australia; recent topics: moose habitats, neo-natal care in China, Bangkok police department organization, impressionist strategies for open-air painting).
Grants from the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research open doors on real-world disciplinary practice, graduate schools, post-baccalaureate fellowships, and careers; Undergraduate research develops first-hand knowledge of the world and one’s place in it. For information about all awards, programs, and Inquiry, contact the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research, in 209 Hood House, (603) 862-4323, or visit the Web site at www.unh.edu/undergrad-research.