Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009
Special University Programs
Race, Culture, and Power 
How does the category of race shape our lives, our politics, and our possibilities? Events in this country and internationally constantly remind us that race is an explosive issue. To be able to function as citizens of the world, one must understand the dynamics of race, culture, and power.
This minor reflects intellectual currents now being felt around the world. It prepares students to live in the twenty-first century.
Courses for the minor enable students to develop critical perspectives on the ways in which cultural differentiation and racial explanations have been used to maintain social, economic, and political power and justify inequalities and injustices.
To complete the minor, students are required to take one of the following three courses: INCO 450, an introductory course, ANTH 760: Race in Global Perspectives, or EDUC 797/897; Teaching Race, in addition to 16 credits of electives. Students must earn a C- or better in each course, and must maintain a 2.00 grade-point average in courses taken for the minor.
Elective Courses
Electives are approved for the minor and announced each semester in the Time and Room Schedule. Ordinarily, not more than two electives may be taken from the same academic department. A relevant internship may be substituted for one of the electives. Many electives are special topics and require student petition. Students should consult the minor coordinator before registration.
For further information please contact the coordinators, Nina Glick Schiller, Department of Anthropology, (603) 862-1848; ninaglickshiller@unh.edu or Justus Ogembo, Department of Anthropology, (603) 862-2401; jogembo@unh.edu or Mimi Winder, Administrative Assistant, Race, Culture, and Power Office, 329 Huddleston, (603) 862-3753; rcp.minor@unh.edu.