Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009
College of Health and Human Services
» http://www.shhs.unh.edu/
Undeclared Major
A limited number of well-qualified freshmen who have expressed an
interest in a health-related career, but who are undecided about a
specific major may enter the College of Health and Human Services as
undeclared students. Undeclared students should explore possible majors
by selecting courses from those listed below.
Required Courses
ENGL 401, First-Year Writing
PSYC 401, Introduction to Psychology
ZOOL 507-508, Human Anatomy and Physiology
Exploration Courses
COMM 520, Survey of Communication Disorders
FS 525, Human Development
HMP 401, U.S. Health Care Systems
KIN 500, Historical and Contemporary Issues in Physical Education
KIN 585, Emergency First Responder
NUTR 400, Nutrition Health and Well Being
RMP 490, Recreation and Leisure in Society
SW 424, Introduction to Social Work
All SHHS undeclared students are advised by a professional academic
counselor. Upon declaration of a specific major, each student is
assigned to a faculty adviser within the major department.
Disabilities Minor
This interdisciplinary minor is offered by several of the Departments in the College of Health and Human Services. The minor will prepare undergraduate students to apply their unique disciplinary skills in an interdisciplinary service delivery environment to work with and support individuals with disabilities and their families to become fully engaged in their communities achieving independence and increasing quality of life. The 18 credit curriculum consists of 2 required courses (EDUC 750, HHS 798), 2 elective courses, and a 2 credit independent study.