Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009
College of Liberal Arts
» http://www.unh.edu/liberal-arts/
Latin American Studies Minor
The Latin American studies minor provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Latin America. People of Latin American or Latino heritage will soon comprise the largest minority group in the U.S. Knowledge of Latin America is especially valuable for students who plan to work in education, international organizations, government, social services and business, as well as for those who plan to undertake graduate study in Latin America. The minor requires five courses which represent three disciplines. Latin American history (HIST 531 or 532) is required. Spanish or Portuguese language courses through the intermediate level are required (completion of SPAN 504 or PORT 504 at UNH, or equivalent courses or equivalency testing). Academic study in Latin America is strongly recommended. Elective courses must be approved by the Latin American Studies minor coordinator or committee and at least 50 percent of any selected course must focus on Latin America.
ANTH 500B, Peoples and Cultures of the World: South America
ANTH 501, World Prehistory: Meso America
ANTH 697, Mayan Culture
AOE 630, Development of Food/Fiber
EC 535, Environmental Conservation*
FOR 502, The Endangered Forest
FS 773, International Perspectives on Children and Families
HIST 425, Foreign Cultures**
HIST 532, Modern Latin America
HIST 631, 632, Latin American History
POLT 554, Politics of Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean
POLT 559, Politics of South America
POLT 565, United States- Latin American Relations
POLT 651, Selected Topics in Comparative Politics**
PORT 401, Elementary Portuguese
PORT 503, 504, Intermediate Portuguese
SPAN 601, Phonetics
SPAN 522, Latin American Literature in Translation
SPAN 526, Latin American Culture and Civilization
SPAN 622, Latin American and Brazilian Literature in Translation
SPAN 653, 654, Introduction to Latin American Literature and Thought
SPAN 771, Latin American Drama
SPAN 772, Latin American Novel
SPAN 773, Latin American Short Story
SPAN 797, Latin American Literature
*Since less than 50 percent of this course deals with Latin America, you must talk to the professor at the beginning of the semester and declare your intention to apply it to the Latin American studies minor. All research paper/projects must focus on a Latin American topic.
**When course content is relevant.
For more information on the Latin American studies minor, contact Marco Dorfsman, Latin American studies minor coordinator, Murkland 210F, (603) 862-3448; e-mail marcod@cisunix.unh.edu.