Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009
College of Liberal Arts
» http://www.unh.edu/liberal-arts/
Justice Studies Minor
(For program information on the dual major in justice studies, see COLA/Justice Studies Dual Major.)
Justice studies is an interdisciplinary area that blends topics from humanities departments (e.g., philosophy), social science departments (e.g., psychology, sociology, women’s studies), departments that include both humanities and social science faculty (e.g., history, political science), and professionally-oriented departments (education, family studies, social work). Some of the topics studied include courts, family violence, rights, substance abuse, juvenile justice, school law, children as witnesses, hate crimes, and community policing. The goal is to produce graduates who have a higher level of knowledge about law and justice in American society and in the world so that they will mature into more knowledgeable and effective citizens. The justice studies minor is intended for students who are looking for careers in the justice system but do not have the time in their academic schedule to complete the dual major program.
The minor in justice studies requires students to take a total of five courses (20 credits) each completed with a grade of C- or better in order to complete the program. Students are allowed to “double count” no more than two courses towards their major and minor, and are not allowed to take more than two courses from any one department (except for justice studies).
Required Courses
POLT 507, Politics of Crime and Justice, and/or SOC 515, Introduction to Criminology
JUST 401, Introduction to Justice Studies
Elective Courses
Students are required to select three elective courses from the Justice Studies approved course list. This list is approved and published yearly by the Justice Studies Executive Committee. Departmental offerings that are currently accepted for the minor include:
CD 717, Law of Community Planning (offered every other year)
CMN 698, Studying the Police
EC 718, Law of Natural Resources and Environment
EDUC 767, Students, Teachers and the Law
FS 794, Families and the Law
FS 797, Children, Adolescents and the Law
HMP 734, Health Law
HIST 497W, Crime and Punishment in Modern Society
HIST 509, Law in American Life
HIST 559/560, History of Great Britain
HIST 609, Special Topics: American Legal History
HMGT 625, Hospitality Law (only HMGT majors allowed)
HMGT 627, Employment Law
HUMA 650, Humanities and the Law: The Problem of Justice in Western Civilization
JUST 401, Introduction to Justice Studies
JUST 501, Justice Studies Research Methods
JUST 550/551, Mock Trial (must take year-long course)
JUST 601/602, Field Experience
JUST 650, Special Studies in Comparative Justice Systems
JUST 651, Field Studies in the Hungarian Justice System
JUST 695, Special Topics in Justice Studies (no more than two courses)
JUST 701, Senior Seminar (writing intensive course)
KIN 798, Sports Law
MGT 647, Business Law (only Business Administration, Accounting and Business Administration, and Management allowed)
MGT 648, Business Law II
NR 566, Wildlife Enforcement I
PHIL 436, Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 635, Philosophy of Law
PHIL 660, Law, Medicine and Morals
PHIL 701, Value Theory
PHIL 740, Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Law
POLT 407, Law and Society
POLT 507, Politics of Crime and Justice
POLT 508, Supreme Courts and the Constitution
POLT 513, Civil Rights and Liberties
POLT 520, Justice and the Political Community
POLT 660, Terrorism and Political Violence
POLT 701, The Courts and Public Policy
POLT 707, Criminal Justice Administration
POLT 708, Administrative Law
PSYC 591, Forensic Psychology
PSYC 755, Psychology of Law (Research Methods Prerequisite)
PSYC 756, Psychology of Crime and Justice (Research Methods Prerequisite)
PSYC 791, Advanced Topics: Psychology of Hate
RMP 772, Law and Public Policy in Leisure Services (must have junior/senior status)
SOC 515, Introductory Criminology (or POLT 507)
SOC 525, Juvenile Crime and Delinquency
SOC 535, Homicide
SOC 620, Drugs and Society
SOC 650, Family Violence (must have junior/senior status)
SOC 655, Sociology of Crime and Justice
SOC 697, Spc. Top. Perspectives on Terrorism
SOC 715, Criminological Theory
SOC 720, Sociology of Drug Use
SOC 780, Social Conflict
SOC 797, Special Topics: Crime and Justice
SW 525, Introduction to Social Welfare Policy
WS 595, Special Topics: Violence Against Women
Students who are interested in minoring in the justice studies program will need to file an intent to minor form. This form is available in the justice studies office or can be downloaded from the Web site at www.unh.edu/justice-studies. Offices are located in Room 202, Huddleston Hall, and are open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more information contact Ellen Cohn at (603) 862-3197, e-mail ellen.cohn@unh.edu; or Debbie Briand at (603) 862-1716, e-mail justice.studies@unh.edu.