Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009
« Programs and Services for Students
From international education to residential life, academic advising to internships and writing, the University offers programs and services to help every student get the most out of their college experience.
Advising Services
Every UNH student is assigned an academic adviser, who provides help in choosing courses and planning a program of study. Each college within the University also has an advising office. Other sources of help, for academic or personal problems, are described below.
Center for Academic Resources (CFAR)
The Center for Academic Resources offers a comprehensive program of academic-related services to undergraduate students. Participants work on an individual basis or in group seminars with trained staff members to improve their academic performance and enhance their educational experience. The center offers learning skills instruction, drop-in subject area tutoring, study groups, computer usage, course information, clarification of academic goals, personal advising, and referral. The center serves approximately 1,600 students a year. There is no cost associated with these services.
Additional services are available through the Student Support Services component for students enrolled in four-year programs who meet income and disability criteria. These services include individualized subject-area tutoring, support for students with learning disabilities, graduate school advising and preparation, computer support, and scholarship search assistance. Student Support Services is 81 percent federally funded through a $303,867 TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education. UNH contributes 19 percent or $69,342 as matching funds.
Located at Wolff House (8 Ballard Street, next to Health Services), the center is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and evenings by appointment. For further information call (603) 862-3698 (voice/TTY), fax (603) 862-0840, or visit the Web site at www.cfar.unh.edu.
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center offers confidential professional consultation, individual and group therapy, and educational workshops for a broad range of emotional, psychological, and interpersonal concerns. Services are provided for all students who have paid their Health Services/Counseling fee and who may be facing a major crisis, confusion, depression, family difficulties, or other personal problems.
The center provides a scheduled intake system. Intake appointments can be made over the phone or in person. In addition, emergency services are offered by the Counseling Center during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and after hours by calling the Counseling Center at (603) 862-2090. When necessary, the center’s staff assists with outside mental health referrals.
The staff, which includes licensed psychologists, counselors, and consulting psychiatrists, is committed to the welfare and development of UNH students. The staff is available for consultation with faculty, administrative staff, and parents on matters relating to the welfare of students. The Counseling Center is fully accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services, Inc. and offers a predoctoral internship training program that is accredited by the American Psychological Association.
All information about a student’s visits to the Counseling Center is confidential and cannot be released without the written permission of the student.
For information or to schedule an appointment, call (603) 862-2090 or visit the Counseling Center’s Web site at www.unhcc.unh.edu/index.html.
Athletics, Men's and Women's
UNH participates in the following intercollegiate men’s athletics programs: basketball, cross country, football, hockey, skiing, soccer, cross country, track, and field. UNH also participates in the following intercollegiate women’s athletics programs: basketball, cross country, field hockey, gymnastics, ice hockey, lacrosse, skiing, soccer, swimming, track and field, and volleyball. An undergraduate ID provides access to sporting events; men's hockey requires picking up a ticket. (See also Campus Recreation.)
Cat's Cache
Cat’s Cache is a debit account accessed with a UNH ID card. Cat’s Cache is a convenient way to make purchases on-campus at many locations including all UNH dining operations, the UNH bookstore, and most vending machines, the Acorns Restaurant at the New England Center, the pro shop at the Hamel Recreation center, and many off-campus merchants. There are no minimums, no fees, and no penalty for withdrawals. Account balances carry from semester to semester and year to year. Cat’s Cache is available to all campus community members including students, faculty, and staff.
All UNH ID cardholders have a Cat’s Cache account. To make a deposit, use one of our convenient account management centers with cash or a credit or debit card, at onlinecardoffice.com/unh with a credit or debit card, or in person at the Dining and ID Office located in Room 101 of Holloway Commons with cash or a check. You may also make deposits through the on-line remittance form during eligible periods.
Cat’s Cache is intended for purchases and not for cash withdrawals as an ATM card would allow. You cannot withdraw cash from your account unless you withdraw the entire amount. For more information about Cat's Cache, visit www.unh.edu/dining and follow the Cat's Cache links.
Disability Services for Students
The University of New Hampshire (UNH) and the Office of Disability Services for Students (DSS) are committed to creating equal access for all UNH students with disabilities. It is our goal to help meet the needs of individuals registered and documented through the office, whether the disability is permanent or a temporary medical condition. The University will make reasonable accommodations to promote student independence and accessibility to a full range of college activities at UNH.
We strive to see that no student is excluded or discriminated against in participating in any program, function, or activity, while maintaining the highest level of academic integrity. We advocate responsibility for an accessible and holistic learning environment, through removal of informational, physical, and attitudinal barriers.
All students with disabilities who anticipate the need for accommodations and services should self-identify and provide appropriate documentation to the Director of Disability Services for Students. Please submit documentation and call to make an appointment with the DSS staff as soon as possible after acceptance to smooth coordination of available services. Documentation requirements are available at www.unh.edu/disabilityservices. Disability Services for Students is located in the Memorial Union Building, room 118, (603) 862-2607 (voice/TTY); (603) 862-4043 (fax.edux); or e-mail disability.office@unh.edu.
General Information for Students with Disabilities
Students seeking accommodations, assistive technology, or arrangements for accessible classroom locations should contact Disability Services for Students at (603) 862-2607 (voice/TTY).
Most major buildings have ramps and many have elevators and adapted restroom facilities. Contact Disability Services or Affirmative Action with questions about building facilities.
Students with disabilities who require accessible parking permits for on-campus use must seek the permits from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) of their home state (that is, the state where their driver’s license was issued). Applications for New Hampshire accessible permits are available at Parking Services. Processing of New Hampshire permits, however, must still be done by the DMV of the student’s home state. Please note: All students using accessible parking permits must still purchase either a commuter or on-campus resident pass. Questions about temporary accessible parking should be directed to Parking Services at (603) 862-1010.
For more information about dietary restrictions due to disability please contact Food Service, University Hospitality Services at (603) 862-2583.
Students with disabilities who need accessible housing and plan to live in campus residence halls should contact DSS early to allow for timely arrangements of appropriate rooms and location.
UNH has specifically-equipped vans with lifts which transport students on campus to other locations along the Wildcat transit routes. For information on this service or for special arrangements possible during periods of inclement weather; please contact Wildcat Access (formally known as Handivan) at (603) 862-2630.
All B.A. candidates must fulfill the University’s foreign language requirement by the end of their sophomore year. A student with a documented disability may petition the foreign language board for course substitutions on the basis that the disability will prevent him or her from successfully mastering the foreign language requirement. Students wishing to pursue this process must contact Disability Services for Students.
No otherwise qualified individual may be excluded from or denied access to any program, course of study, or any other offering of the University, solely on the basis of a disability. Concerns regarding the institution’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should be addressed to the ADA/504 Compliance Officer, Affirmative Action Office at (603) 862-2930 (Voice/TTY).
Greek Life at UNH
Greek life at UNH has a long and rich history, with the first fraternity founded in 1881 and the first sorority founded in 1913. Today the Greek community at UNH has more than 850 members, representing about 7 percent of the student body. The Greek community is comprised of five National Panhellenic Conference sororities, eight North American Interfraternity Conference fraternities, a National Multicultural Greek Council sorority, and a local fraternity.The governing bodies for the majority of these organizations are the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils. As values-based organizations, fraternities and sororities are committed to intellectual growth, leadership and campus/community involvement, social development, philanthropy and community service, and friendship.
Believing that involvement in or with a Greek organization can promote learning, development, and growth, the Office of Greek Life aims to cultivate a values-based and inclusive Greek community of excellence at UNH. This office is staffed by a full-time coordinator and several student interns. More information about the UNH Greek community can be found by visiting the Office of Greek Life at the Memorial Union Building Leadership Center (Room 122), visiting www.unhmub.com/greek, or by calling (603) 862-1002.
International Students and Scholars
The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) promotes international education at UNH by facilitating the enrollment and employment of foreign nationals and by providing them with essential support services. The OISS coordinates programs which encourage interaction between the international, campus, and local communities, thereby fostering awareness and appreciation of other cultures. It is the responsibility of the OISS to ensure University compliance with U.S. immigration and employment regulations and to assist international students, exchange scholars, faculty, and staff in the achievement of their academic and professional goals.
The OISS staff provides counseling, information on University policies, administrative support, and referral services. A variety of social and educational programming activities are offered, including orientation for incoming students, faculty, and staff, and others designed to enhance student interaction with the broader community and provide opportunities for sharing in family events. For more information on programs and services, visit the OISS Web site at www.unh.edu/oiss. To schedule an appointment, call (603) 862-1288 or send e-mail to OISS@unh.edu.
All international students are encouraged to maintain contact with the OISS and are required by law to report changes of address, academic program, or source of educational funds.
Multicultural Student Affairs
The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) creates opportunities for people to participate in an inclusive community and to explore and understand diversity, injustice, and equity. Their work is grounded in an understanding of diversity that includes people of all abilities, ages, ethnicities, genders, nationalities, races, religions/spiritual traditions, socioeconomic classes, and sexual orientation.
Providing support and development for students of color (Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander, Black, Middle Eastern, Latino/a, Native American, Biracial/Multiracial), and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning (LGBTQ), and allied students is at the heart of their work.
OMSA offers cultural and educational programs; offers opportunities for exploring leadership potential within a multicultural context; provides referrals to obtain support and help from other people and programs on campus; gets students connected; helps students to learn more about race, sexuality, and gender; responds to acts of intolerance; and helps all members of the University community to feel safe and welcome at UNH.
The office provides computers for student use, social and study space, a media library, and educational resources for faculty and staff. Staff members include the director, the LGBTQ coordinator, and a multicultural coordinator. For more information, stop by the office in room 327 of the Memorial Union Building (MUB), phone (603) 862-2050, or e-mail omsa.info@unh.edu.
Nontraditional Student Services
Since the 1970s, the nontraditional student population at the University of New Hampshire has been an active, hardworking group. These students remain dedicated to their education, to their families, and to helping one another deal with issues and concerns often experienced by those having challenging lives apart from a university setting.
To assure that the University and its activities respond to the needs, desires, and lives of nontraditional students, Commuter Student Services provides support, resources and services.
Commuter Student Services is located in the Leadership Center, MUB 122. Great information about services, resources, campus and local communities can be found at www.unhmub.com/off-campus.
In addition, the Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO) offers programs and support to students. The NTSO office is located in the Memorial Union Building (MUB), within the Non-Traditional Student Lounge (MUB 112). Students are encouraged to get involved with the NTSO, stop by for information, study in the lounge, or visit and relax with other students.
Office of Conduct and Mediation
The Office of Conduct and Mediation administers the student conduct process. Through the Student Code of Conduct, the office maintains community standards of behavior that are intended to preserve and protect the University’s educational mission of teaching, research, and public service, as well as promote the student’s academic achievement and personal development. To attain these aspirations, students must live, work, and learn in an environment of civility and respect where both rights and responsibilities are deeply valued. For the University community to thrive, the rules of conduct must be clear and understood by all members of the community. The Student Code of Conduct codifies and explains community standards of behavior and responsibility, as well as the rights and remedies accorded to all members of the community. It is available online at www.unh.edu/student/rights.
More specific information regarding the Student Code of Conduct and the conduct process can be found in Student Rights, Rules and Responsibilities. For more information, please call the Office of Conduct and Mediation at (603) 862-3377, or visit the Web site at www.unh.edu/ocm.
The UNH Mediation Program provides community members with an opportunity to talk about and resolve disputes in an alternative and non-adversarial manner. Students or University community members or organizations can access mediation or conflict resolution training or consultation by self-referral. Mediation and/or conflict resolution training or consultation is also available as an alternative to filing conduct charges against a student in some situations. Mediation is provided by trained neutral mediators, who are in charge of and guide the process in a neutral setting and confidential process. The mediators are not involved in the dispute, do not take sides, and do not make any decision for the disputants. The mediators are part of this community-based mediation program and are supervised by the Office of Conduct and Mediation Programs. Some examples of situations appropriate for mediation include issues arising out of relationships such as roommate, friendships, dating partners, neighbors, teammates, organization members, landlord/tenants, etc. Through mediation, disputants are able to identify the issues in a conflict, have their perspective be heard and acknowledged, and communicate about how to better understand and solve their problem(s). The mediators, who are often peers, facilitate communication between the parties and empower the students to generate options for resolution and ultimately assist the development of their own resolution to the dispute. The Mediation Program is a larger component of the effort to provide students with the opportunity to develop important life skills such as conflict resolution, anger management, and effective communication skills. For more information, call (603) 862-3377.
President's Commission on the Status of Women
The mission of the UNH President’s Commission on the Status of Women is to create equal employment and educational opportunities for all UNH women by promoting an environment free of sexism and discrimination through policy, advocacy, and education. Established in February, 1972, to serve as a sister organization to the New Hampshire State Commission on the Status of Women, its functions include: collecting information on the status of women in the UNH community; recommending policies to the president and other University administrators; providing education and programs to help women develop their skills; increasing networking among women; and informing the community of issues related to the status of women. The commission reports annually to the president on its activities and findings. Commission membership consists of a chairperson and volunteer representatives from University students, faculty, and staff. Candidates for membership are recommended by the commission and appointed by the UNH president. Located in Thompson Hall, the commission also maintains an e-mail discussion list for those interested in its activities. Call (603) 862-1058, e-mail womens.commission@unh.edu, or visit the commission’s Web page at www.unh.edu/womens-commission for more information.
President's Commission on the Status of People of Color
The UNH President’s Commission on the Status of People of Color proposes, recommends, and evaluates programs, policies, and services aimed at enhancing diversity and supporting people of color within the UNH community. Established in 1997, the commission acts to ensure implementation of goals to increase campus diversity through minority student, faculty, and staff recruitment and retention, and through curriculum development. As an advocacy group, the commission identifies, recommends, and supports creative strategies for promoting and supporting campus diversity; it responds to issues, needs, and concerns identified within the community; it works to establish effective and collaborative working relationships among departments, offices, committees, commissions, and special programs that play a role in fostering diversity on campus and ensuring that the environment is supportive of the minority populations. A central resource for people of color on campus is the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA). Contact OMSA at (603) 862-2050 or on the Web at www.unh.edu/omsa. The commission is located in Thompson Hall. Call (603) 862-1058 or visit the commission’s Web page at www.unh.edu/cspc for more information.
President's Commission on the Status of GLBT Issues
The mission of the UNH President’s Commission on the Status of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues is to facilitate the development of a university community that is equitable and inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identity and expressions. The commission assists the president in monitoring the campus climate for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender faculty, staff, and students; reviews policies and programs; and makes recommendations for improving the campus climate.
Established in 1992, the commission meets monthly during the academic year. Its membership includes gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and allied University faculty, staff, and students who are appointed by the president. Students from the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and allied community who are interested in participating on the commission are encouraged to contact the chair. Call (603) 862-1058, or visit the commission’s Web page at www.unh.edu/glbt.
Police, University
The University Police Department is committed to enforcing the laws of the State of New Hampshire and University policies while supporting the rights and dignity of all persons and maintaining a campus environment in which learning may thrive. Officers, professionally trained in their respective areas, staff both the Police and Support Services divisions. The department holds accreditation from both CALEA and IACLEA.
University Police Department personnel participate in a number of safety programs for the UNH community including adopt-a-dorm and a nationally recognized women’s self-defense program called R.A.D.—the Rape Aggression Defense Basic Personal Defense System. Department personnel will meet with groups to provide crime prevention information and tips for increasing personal safety and protection of personal property. A walking patrol provides an escort service for students, faculty, and staff. Engraving pencils to inscribe identification numbers on property in case of theft are loaned free of charge to members of the campus community. To take advantage of any of these services, contact the University Police Department, (603) 862-1427.
Residential Life
Residential Life staff members focus on integrating students’ learning outside the classroom with traditional learning in the classroom. Staff members work with students, helping them to succeed academically, become positively involved in the hall and University community, and make friends. They accomplish this by providing students with social and educational opportunities, along with daily interaction.
The Residential Life staff includes a director, a team of 32 professional staff members, and 150 resident assistants (RAs) who are a carefully selected group of undergraduate and graduate students. Each residence hall is staffed with at least one full-time professional and several resident assistants.
The director of residential life also serves as assistant vice president for student and academic services. In addition, Residential Life staff members often initiate responses to individual student emergencies. The assistant vice president also assumes co-responsibility for leadership development, establishing joint ventures with academic programs, orienting new students to the University, and educational and social programming.
Students are welcome to stop by the Residential Life Office, located in 13A Hitchcock Hall, or call (603) 862-2268 for more information.
Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP)
SHARPP is a University of New Hampshire-based crisis intervention center dedicated to providing free and confidential services to survivors of sexual assault, sexual harassment, childhood sexual abuse, incest, intimate partner violence, and stalking, and their allies. In addition, SHARPP’s Outreach Program provides education and awareness programs on sexual and interpersonal violence to the greater University of New Hampshire community. SHARPP’s services are largely supported by volunteers; volunteering for SHARPP provides many opportunities for the development of leadership skills.
SHARPP’s Direct Services include a 24-hour crisis line, emergency medical accompaniment, criminal justice and University judicial process advocacy, support in obtaining academic assistance, support groups, and information and referrals. SHARPP also provides crisis services and support for those who are close to the survivor, including roommates, parents, friends, family members, and instructors.
SHARPP’s Outreach program provides the highest quality awareness and educational programming, including campus-wide peer education programs for students in the residential halls, classrooms, and Greek houses, and orientation activities and training for athletic teams, student organizations, and faculty and staff. SHARPP also sponsors awareness events and activities throughout the year.
The SHARPP office is located at 6 Garrison Ave.,Verrette House. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Web site is www.unh.edu/sharpp/. The crisis line and administrative number is (603) 862-3494. SHARPP is also available through a toll free number at 1-888-271-7233 and by TTY at 1-800-735-2964. After hours, all calls will be returned by a trained advocate within 10 minutes. All calls are free and confidential.
Student and Academic Services
The University of New Hampshire has made a commitment to “provide students an innovative, high quality, coherent, and integrated educational experience.” This commitment—outlined in the Academic Plan—obligates us to create a learning environment that offers students the greatest opportunity to grow and that provides sufficient connection to the “outside world” for the opportunity to test the relevance and the effectiveness of what they are learning. Such an approach to higher education also requires that we provide the support and direction necessary for the success of our students’ endeavors.
The Division of Student and Academic Services seeks to forge integral links between the academic and non-academic aspects of students' lives, to create better connections between curriculum and co-curricular experiences, and to foster high expectations for academic and personal excellence for all students. The focus of this division is on assisting students to be successful at UNH, contributing to a process of intellectual, personal, and social development that produces graduates who are well-educated, well-adjusted, and prepared to realize their goals and contribute to their communities and society with intellect, professional competence, social awareness, the capacity for effective civic engagement, and respect and understanding for the diversity of people and the world around them.
The Office of the Vice President for Student and Academic Services provides students with information, assistance in problem resolution, and referrals. For more information or assistance, call the office at (603) 862-2053.
University Advising and Career Center
The University Advising and Career Center, Hood House, (603) 862-2064, provides academic advising to undeclared students in the College of Liberal Arts and to provisional English and provisional psychology majors. It supports all students and alumni in career exploration. The center’s professional staff provides assistance to students in clarifying their interests and skills as they relate to developing a program of study at the University and declaring a major, offering opportunities to explore career possibilities, and aiding in securing employment. Vocational assessments (Myers-Briggs type indicator and Jackson Vocational Interest Survey) are offered to help individuals to identify potential majors and careers. A career library, a nationwide parent/alumni career mentor network comprised of more than 500 members, and an internship office help students explore career possibilities. Job opportunities are offered through online recruiting. Specific job notices are also offered on the center’s Web site. Additionally, the center sponsors a variety of fairs and activities that bring students into contact with prospective employers and internship opportunities, and help to prepare students for careers.
The center is also the campus resource for students seeking admission to medical and related health profession schools and law school. More broadly, the center assists students considering graduate education, sponsors a graduate and professional school fair, administers national tests for post-baccalaureate study, and guides individuals to resources across the University. The center’s Web page is at www.unh.edu/uacc/.
University Internships
Supported by the federally funded Job Locator Development Program, the internship office in University Advising and Career Center helps students locate preprofessional internships in settings ranging from traditional business and research facilities to more uniquely tailored environments that reflect academic and career interests. Students who wish to engage in career-oriented work experiences should consult with an appropriate faculty sponsor regarding the possibility of receiving academic credit.
Students who wish to secure internships should consult the internship postings listed on the UNH Monster Trak link on the center’s Web site. Postings are also listed in the center. Several academic departments also have internship listings posted.
For more information regarding internships, consult the center’s Web site at www.unh.edu/uacc or contact the center at (603) 862-2064.
Veterans Information
The UNH veterans’ coordinator, located in the Registrar’s Office at (603) 862-1595, provides counseling on all aspects of veterans’ benefits and assistance in procuring and completing the required forms and certifications for veterans’ benefits. The veterans’ coordinator maintains a comprehensive directory to assist veterans in contacting state, local, and University resources for housing, day care, career planning, employment, financial aid, tutorial assistance, remedial training, handicapped services, and Vietnam Veterans Outreach. The coordinator also provides a framework for networking among campus veterans. For further information, e-mail Lonn.Sattler@unh.edu.
University Writing Program
The University Writing Program is dedicated to making all UNH students successful writers. The University Writing Committee and program staff research, organize, develop, and support a wide range of activities that help students and faculty. The writing program conducts routine and directed assessments of the University writing requirement and the writing intensive (WI) courses that all undergraduates must take. The Writing Committee reviews applications for WI course status as well as student petitions and waivers that allow non-standard and transfer courses to count as writing intensive. UNH has a highly successful writing fellows program that allows specially prepared students to work with writers in specific writing intensive courses. Frequent seminars, workshops, and classes offer both faculty and students the opportunity to learn more about writing, teaching with writing, and emerging technologies for writing.
Robert J. Connors Writing Center
The Robert J. Connors Writing Center provides individual writing conferences to members of the University community. Collaborating on writing helps students excel in classes and beyond. Writers of all skill levels are encouraged to visit the center to have conversations about their writing. Peer tutors are trained to help students with writing issues from thesis clarity to sentence structure to questions about genre writing and citation styles.
The Connors Writing Center stresses a focus on higher level concerns such as organization, development of ideas, and clarity, but writing assistants are also equipped to discuss sentence-level concerns such as grammar and punctuation. The center welcomes all students, including those whose first language is not English. Writing assistants are trained to work with ESL and EFL students of all levels.
The center offers one-on-one conferences by appointment or by walk-in. Conferences are free and usually last about 50 minutes. The writer’s goals set the course for the conference, and students decide whether tutors communicate the results of the conference to their instructors.
Students may call (603) 862-3272 for an appointment or visit the Writing Center in Hamilton Smith, room 7. The Writing Center also offers a walk-in satellite location at Dimond Library. Visit the Writing Program’s Web site at www.unh.edu/writing.