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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2007-2008

College of Liberal Arts


French (FREN)


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Professor: Barbara T. Cooper, Claire-Lise Malarte-Feldman
Associate Professor: Nadine S. Bérenguier, Juliette M. Rogers

The French major offered by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures provides knowledge of the language, literature, and culture of France and other French-speaking countries around the world. An undergraduate major in French is useful in a variety of careers, such as business, law, government or public service, and teaching. Students considering a career in teaching should consult with the Department of Education. In addition, they should include LING 505 (which also satisfies a general education requirement for group 7) in their overall program and make special note of the FREN 791 requirement (which does not count toward completion of a major in French). Students interested in other types of careers are urged to consult with members of the French faculty and with other appropriate departments early in their studies.

A major consists of 40 credits in courses numbered 631 or above, in which readings are in French. Coursework for the French major must be completed with a grade of C or better. Majors are required to take FREN 631-632, 651, 652, 790, and at least two 700-level literature courses at the Durham campus. Students are required to enroll in at least one course each semester in their major program and to spend at least one semester abroad in a French-speaking country. The year-long UNH Junior Year in the Dijon Program is highly recommended. Only in exceptional circumstances will a student be able to attend a non-UNH program. Such an option will need to be carefully considered with a major adviser. Transfer students must earn a minimum of 12 major credits at the Durham campus. Of these 12 credits, one course must be FREN 790 and at least one 700-level course in French/Francophone literature. To complement their major, students are strongly encouraged to take either HIST 647 or 648 and courses in the literature of other countries as well as in fields such as music, art, philosophy, history, political science, and sociology that provide insight into nonliterary aspects of culture.

The French Studies Major
This major gives students a variety of perspectives not only on French culture but also on Francophone cultures worldwide. A major in French studies prepares graduates to negotiate successfully the economic reality of an increasingly international job market, and provides them with a wide range of career prospects after they leave the University.

The major consists of 44 credits in French courses numbered 631 or above and of cross-listed courses in other departments, including the following requirements: FREN 631-632, 651, 652, 675 or 676 or 677, 790, and two 700-level courses in French or Francophone literature. In addition, at least three elective courses (12 credits) closely related to French and Francophone cultural studies are required. These are to be chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser from among the following departments: history, geography, or anthropology, one 600- to 700-level course; art history or music, one 600- to 700-level course; economics, political science, or education, one 600- to 700-level course. Coursework for the French Studies major must be completed with a grade of C or better. Students are required to enroll in at least one course each semester in their major program and to spend at least one semester abroad in a French-speaking country. The year-long UNH Junior Year in Dijon Program is highly recommended. Other options are available, but non-UNH programs must be chosen in close consultation with a major adviser. Students are required to enroll in at least one French course each semester. Transfer students must earn a minimum of 12 credits on the Durham campus. Of these 12 credits, one course must be FREN 790 and at least one 700-level course in French/Francophone literature.

The French Minor
A minor in French consists of 20 credits in French courses numbered 503 and above. No fewer than three courses have to be taken at UNH. No more than one course conducted in English (e.g., FREN 525, 526, 527, 621, 622) will be counted toward the minor, although students may elect to take more than one such course provided they earn more than 20 credits. Those entering the minor at FREN 504 or higher will be expected to complete FREN 651 or 652. FREN 791 does not count for the minor. Members of the department supervise the work of both majors and minors.

The French Studies Minor
The minor in French studies consists of 20 credits numbered FREN 503 or above. No fewer than three courses have to be taken at UNH. No more than one course conducted in English (FREN 525, 526, 527, 621, 622) will be counted toward the minor. Students entering the minor at FREN 504 or higher will be expected to complete FREN 651 or 652. FREN 791 does not count toward the minor. Members of the department supervise the work of both majors and minors.

Study Abroad in Dijon

The department offers a junior year and spring semester abroad at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France (see FREN 690). This program is open to all qualified students at the University of New Hampshire who have completed, with a grade of B- or better, FREN 631-632, 651 or 652 by the end of their sophomore year. Early consultation with the director of the program is urged. Non-credit orientation meetings are required during the semester prior to departure.

Study Abroad in Brest
In addition to its summer school offerings at the Durham campus, the department sponsors a program at the Centre International d’Études des Langues (CIEL) in Brest, France, where students may enroll in courses equivalent to FREN 503, 504, 631, and 632, and above. Students interested in this program should consult the program’s on-campus director early spring semester. This program is open to majors, minors, and other interested students.

Study Abroad in Paris

Students attend the University of Delaware program in Paris where they take one French language course—ranging from intermediate (FREN 503) to advanced (FREN 632)-and three or four other courses taught in English on French topics. Full semester credit, gen. ed. 5 credit. Two courses can be applied toward the French or French studies minor. Students should consult with the program director at the beginning of the fall semester. This program is not for French majors or French Studies majors.

Teaching Assistantship in France
Each year the French government offers a teaching assistantship in a French secondary school to a graduating French major nominated by the department. Applications are accepted during the fall semester.

Five-Year Program in French and Business Administration
This program permits students to earn both a B.A. in French and an M.B.A. in five years. Students must meet all requirements for both the French major and the M.B.A. program offered by the Whittemore School of Business and Economics. Students interested in this program should consult with the departmental adviser to the program early in their freshman year.

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