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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2007-2008

College of Liberal Arts


Education (EDUC)


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Chairperson: E. Scott Fletcher
Professor: Michael D. Andrew, Todd A DeMitchell, Ann L. Diller, Janet Elizabeth Falvey, David J. Hebert, Barbara E. Houston, Bruce L. Mallory, Sharon N. Oja
Research Professor: David C. Hagner
Affiliate Professor: Tom Franke, Jeanne E. Ormrod
Associate Professor: Eleanor D. Abrams, Grant L. Cioffi, Elizabeth A. Finkel, E. Scott Fletcher, Virginia E. Garland, Georgia M. Kerns, Barbara H. Krysiak, Ann L. Loranger, Michael J. Middleton, Jane A. Nisbet, Justus M. Ogembo, Joseph J. Onosko, Harry J. Richards, Judith A. Robb, Paula M. Salvio, Thomas H. Schram, Judy Sharkey, William L. Wansart, Dwight Webb, Ruth M. Wharton-McDonald
Affiliate Associate Professor: Wanda S. Mitchell
Assistant Professor: Vincent J. Connelly, Leslie J. Couse, Mary K. Fries, Suzanne E. Graham, John F. Hornstein, Loan T. Phan, Sarah M. Stitzlein
Research Assistant Professor: Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Mary C. Schuh
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Cari A. Moorhead
Clinical Assistant Professor: Janet L. Thompson
Lecturer: Timothy J. Churchard, Paul M. Loranger

Basic Programs
At the undergraduate level students have the opportunity to begin taking courses in teacher preparation programs which will lead to teacher licensing at the graduate level in elementary and secondary education. They may also wait to prepare to teach solely at the graduate level.

Students majoring in music, mathematics, nursery/kindergarten, and physical education have the option of participating in a five-year program leading to licensure and a graduate degree. Or they may choose the four-year option in those majors which leads to licensure at the undergraduate level. Students interested in the four-year option in these areas should contact the departments for information. Students interested in agriculture and occupational education should contact Professor Michael Andrew in the Department of Education.

Elementary teaching and most secondary areas require completion of a one-year graduate program which leads to a master’s degree and teacher licensure. Most students who plan to teach in elementary and secondary schools apply to the Graduate School to complete a five-year program. In the five-year program students begin preparation for teaching at the undergraduate level with a semester of field experience (EDUC 500, Exploring Teaching) and professional course work in education. Students complete a baccalaureate degree outside of education and move into a fifth year of study and a full-year internship leading to the M.Ed. or M.A.T. degree and licensure in teaching.*

There are also opportunities for study or certification at the graduate level in administration, counseling, elementary and secondary teaching, early childhood, reading, special education, and adult and occupational education. The department encourages students interested in graduate study or in relevant undergraduate courses to meet with these graduate program coordinators in the Department of Education.

Students at the undergraduate level who are interested in special education or early childhood education can begin to complete prerequisite coursework for the graduate program leading to certification in special education (K-12) or early childhood education. For students seeking the M.Ed. in special education or early childhood education without certification in general education, it is not necessary to complete Education 500. For coursework that can be taken at the undergraduate level, students should see program advisers in the Department of Education.
*Students in the five-year program may combine their program for teacher licensure with a master's program in their major field department.

Program Philosophy and Mission
Unit Mission Statement The following conceptual framework guides all of the programs which prepare professionals in education at the University of New Hampshire.

The professional education unit at the University of New Hampshire seeks to prepare practitioners who will become leaders in their own practice settings and within their profession, applying knowledge to improve education for all students and enrich the lives of clients. Immersion in subject matter, research, theory, and field-based experience provides a base for our graduates to make well-reasoned judgments in complex situations, render informed decisions, model exemplary practice, and take initiative for planned change.

Students learn to establish caring environments which celebrate individual differences and backgrounds while fostering cooperation and educational improvement. We stress reflective critical inquiry as a mode of study and community-building as a means for promoting change. We value and support both our students’ local practice and their broader leadership within the profession.

Mission of Programs in Teacher Education
The following mission statement gives direction to the basic and advanced programs in teacher education.

We seek to prepare beginning teachers who demonstrate excellence in classroom practice and who will become educational leaders. Our graduates will possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for outstanding classroom practice and eventual leadership within the local school community and the larger education community.

Undergraduate Work toward Teacher Certification in Elementary and Secondary Education

Phase I. Enroll in Exploring Teaching: Education 500
Students are encouraged to take EDUC 500, Exploring Teaching, as a sophomore, but completion during junior or senior year could also leave enough time for other education course requirements.

Exploring Teaching is also available through the Live, Learn, and Teach summer program, which is open to juniors and seniors. For information, contact the Department of Education, 203 Morrill Hall. A positive recommendation from the Exploring Teaching instructor is required before further coursework is taken in the teacher education program.

Phase II. Professional Coursework in Education at the Undergraduate Level

Education 500 is a prerequisite to further work in the teacher education program. An undergraduate receives a co-adviser in the Department of Education (usually the Exploring Teaching instructor). This co-adviser works with the students, along with the major adviser to plan the undergraduate portion of the five-year teacher education program.

Every student must take 4 credits in each of five areas (EDUC 700, Educational Structure and Change; EDUC 701, Human Development and Learning: Educational Psychology; EDUC 703, Alternative Teaching Models; EDUC 705, Alternative Perspectives on the Nature of Education; EDUC 751, Educating Exceptional Learners). EDUC 707, Teaching Reading through the Content Areas, is required for some secondary subject licensure areas. Elementary education students are required to have four methods courses: one each in the teaching of reading, mathematics, science, and social studies. Those who do not intend to use this coursework for initial licensing may enroll with instructor permission. All 700-level education courses at UNH are restricted to students with junior or senior standing. These courses may also be taken at the graduate 800-level.

Any course taken in the Department of Education that will be used to fulfill a teacher licensure requirement must be completed with a grade of B- or above.

Phase III. Internship and Graduate Phase of the Teacher Education Program

Undergraduates should apply to the Graduate School by Nov. 1 in the first semester of the senior year for the final phase of the teacher education program.

The final phase of the program includes a full-year internship, electives, and a program portfolio and colloquium. This phase normally takes an academic year plus a summer to complete.

Students with an undergraduate G.P.A. of 3.2 or greater may be allowed to begin the program in the second semester of the senior year, earning a maximum of 8 graduate credits.

The year-long internship (EDUC 900/901) is part of the final stage of the five-year program. It meets the goals of increased clinical experience and better integration of theory and practice.

The internship is a teaching and learning experience in which the intern is involved in an elementary or secondary school over the course of an entire school year. Interns become a part of the school staff, sharing appropriate instructional tasks, and often carrying the full instructional duties in one or more classes.

Interns are mentored and supervised by a school staff member who is designated as a “cooperating teacher.” A UNH faculty member collaborates in intern supervision and conducts a weekly seminar for all interns with whom he/she is working.

The internship is a full-time experience for 6 graduate credits each semester. It typically begins in September and runs through May or June. Due to the intensive time commitment, it is recommended that, at most, only one course be taken in addition to the internship each semester.

Before the internship, all students will have completed a bachelor’s degree with a major outside of education. Because of this, they will possess a depth of knowledge in a subject area and a broad general education, in addition to substantive preparation for teaching. Secondary education candidates must have completed an approved major, or its equivalent, in the subject that they intend to teach. Elementary education candidates may pursue an undergraduate major in any area; however, majors in the core disciplines taught in elementary schools are desirable.

Undergraduates should apply for internship in September/October of their senior year. At the same time, it is advisable to begin the application process for graduate school. Arranging an appropriate placement is a time-consuming process. Starting early will facilitate finding the best setting for students’ needs and goals. The director of field experiences in Durham and the associate director of teacher education at Manchester play a major role in identifying internship sites and should be consulted regarding placement. Internship applications are available at the Department of Education, Durham, and the Office of Teacher Education, Manchester. Admission to the internship requires a completed application to the internship, admission to the graduate school, and a consultation with the director of field experiences. Please note: undergraduates interested in the master’s degree in early childhood education, the early childhood special education option, and special education do not apply for internships in their senior year. Internships for this program are arranged with program faculty, once core graduate requirements are met.

Admission to the Program
Phase I Exploring Teaching is open to all students subject to available space. Approximately 150 students are accepted each semester.

Phase II
Continuation in Professional Coursework is dependent upon positive recommendations from Education 500, Exploring Teaching.

Phase III Admission to the Internship and the Graduate Program requires acceptance to the Graduate School. The process is competitive because of high admissions standards and limited space in the program. Approximately 80 percent of applicants for Phase III are accepted.

In determining admission of students to teacher education graduate programs, several criteria are used:

1. Undergraduate Grade-point Average
The undergraduate grade-point average of the middle 50 percent of students admitted to the graduate programs in teacher education falls in the range of 3.15-3.53.

2. The Graduate Record Examination Scores
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores of the middle 50 percent of students admitted to the graduate programs in teacher education fall in the following range: Verbal, 410-550; Quantitative, 450-600; Analytical, 540-650.

3. Recommendations
Positive recommendations from EDUC 500, Exploring Teaching, or the equivalent and from those able to relay information about a candidate’s performance in teaching situations or related areas are important. Recommendations from undergraduate subject major professors are also important.

In our admission process, we seek evidence that our students have the following knowledge, abilities, and dispositions: 1) motives to teach that include a strong social commitment to contribute to society through education; 2) a disposition to care for students--each and every one; 3) the ability to interact positively with children and adults; 4) the capacity to win the respect of their peers and be effective in group interaction, showing openness to the needs and views of others; 5) well-developed communication skills, including speaking, writing, and listening skills as well as an ability to engage others in both the giving and receiving of information and feelings; 6) perceptiveness: the ability to identify and process the relevant details in a given environment, especially in the context of a classroom; 7) the ability to make reasonable judgments in the context of complex situations that change from moment to moment; 8) the capacity for clear thinking and an ability to translate complex thoughts into simple and clear explanations; 9) superior academic skills: extensive knowledge of at least one major discipline, intellectual curiosity, and the ability to be open to the unknown; 10) a disposition to take charge of one’s own learning, which includes the active pursuit of feedback and the willingness to take thoughtful risks.

Early Admission
Provision exists for UNH seniors to apply for early admission to the Graduate School, i.e., admission for the second semester of the senior year. Such candidates may petition to have up to 8 credits of graduate coursework simultaneously count toward the bachelor’s and master’s degree. A student must be admitted to the Graduate School before the start of the semester in which the course(s) will be taken in order to receive graduate credit. A minimum of a 3.2 cumulative grade-point average is required to qualify for early admission.

Students interested in early admission apply using the regular graduate school application.

Four-Year, Undergraduate Option
A bachelor’s degree including a one-semester teaching requirement allows students to be recommended for licensure in certain specialized areas. Those areas are: mathematics, music, nursery/kindergarten education, and physical education.

These program options include a major appropriate for the licensure being sought, in addition to the following core professional courses or their equivalent: EDUC 500, Exploring Teaching; EDUC 700, Educational Structure and Change; EDUC 701, Human Development and Learning: Educational Psychology; EDUC 703, Alternative Teaching Models; EDUC 705, Alternative Perspectives on the Nature of Education; EDUC 751, Educating the Exceptional Learner; and EDUC 694, Supervised Student Teaching.

For admission to supervised student teaching, a minimum 2.50 overall (2.80 for nursery/kindergarten) grade-point average at the time of application is required. Applications are due by March 1 of the junior year for the fall semester and October 15 of the senior year for the spring semester, An unofficial transcript and a current résumé must accompany your application. Return applications to the Department of Education Office, 203 Morrill Hall.

Students may also become licensed for kindergarten through grade three (early childhood licensure) by completing the master’s degree program in early childhood.

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