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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2007-2008

College of Liberal Arts


Communication (CMN)


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Professor: Beverly James, Sheila McNamee, Joshua Meyrowitz, Lawrence J. Prelli
Associate Professor: Patrick J. Daley, James M. Farrell, John Lannamann
Assistant Professor: Jennifer L. Borda, Carol B. Conaway, Melissa D. Deem, Mardi J. Kidwell
Lecturer: R. Michael Jackson

The Department of Communication offers a major that emphasizes a range of integrative studies in human communication, including rhetorical studies, media studies, and interpersonal/small group studies. Students are taught analysis of communication transactions through historical, critical, and empirical investigations. Students examine verbal, nonverbal, and mediated messages across a wide spectrum of communication interactions: intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, and mass. They explore connections and interrelationships among various types of communication, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches.

While the major emphasizes critical analysis and understanding grounded in theory and research, application of understanding to a variety of communication settings and processes is an important dimension of study.

Students wishing to declare communication as a major should contact the director for majors, Professor Patrick Daley, for application information and requirements.

Communication Major
Majors must complete nine courses (36 credits) with a 2.00 overall average in the major. The distribution of required courses for the major is as follows:

Three introductory courses
CMN 455, 456, and 457 (12 credits). Majors must earn a grade of C or better in each introductory course before moving on to the same area 500-level courses.

Three 500-level courses (12 credits), one from each of the following areas
Media Studies (prerequisite: C or better in CMN 455): CMN 515, 519, 550, 567, 596
Rhetorical Studies (prerequisite: C or better in CMN 456): CMN 504, 507, 557, 597
Interpersonal Studies (prerequisite: C or better in CMN 457): CMN 503, 530, 572, 583, 598

Majors must earn a grade of C- or better in all intermediate-level courses. CMN 599 cannot be used to fulfill an intermediate course requirement.

Three advanced 600- and/or 700-level courses (12 credits) from among any of the three areas of study (prerequisites: CMN 455, 456, and 457 with grades of C or better, and an area-relevant 500-level prerequisite course with a grade of C- or better). Majors must earn a grade of C- or better in all advanced-level courses.

A maximum of 4 credits of independent study (CMN 795) may be counted toward the major. CMN 799 (Honors Thesis) and CMN 796 (Commentary) cannot be used to fulfill an advanced course requirement.

Transfer students must complete 18 credits of their communication coursework at UNH to complete the major satisfactorily. Exchange students may transfer no more than 10 approved credits from another institution to be applied toward completion of the communication major at UNH.

Rhetoric and Public Address Minor
The rhetoric minor consists of five courses (20 credits). Students must complete CMN 456, Propaganda and Persuasion, with a grade of C or better. Any additional four rhetoric courses with a grade of C- or better from the following list will satisfy the minor requirements; however, one of the listed 500-level courses is required prior to enrollment in any 600- or 700-level course: CMN 504, 507, 557, 600, 607, 645, 656, 657 (may be taken more than once, with different topics), 697, and 703.

Media Practices Option
This option is designed for qualified students who want to augment their Communication major at Durham with training in media production and applied media communication through courses in the Communication Arts Department at the Manchester Campus. Qualified students who meet all requirements will graduate with a BA degree in Communication with a Media Practices Option. In addition to Communication major requirements, students are required to take two designated media practices courses at the Manchester campus and complete a media practices internship (CMN 599). Students must maintain both an in-major and cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 to satisfactorily complete the Media Practices Option.

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