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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2007-2008

University of New Hampshire at Manchester




Professor: Fred Metting
Associate Professor: Susanne F. Paterson, Susan A. Walsh
Assistant Professor: Gail Fensom
Senior Lecturer: Robert M. Pugh

Through the study of a wide variety of literary materials, English majors deepen their understanding of history, culture, language, and human behavior. They also gain skill in writing, reading, and critical thinking.

The faculty of the UNH Manchester English department specialize in Twentieth-century poetry, poetry writing, women’s literary traditions, American literary folklore, New England culture, protest literature, nature writers, American and British fiction, Victorian literature and art, Renaissance drama, interdisciplinary studies, composition, journalism, grammar, and the use of computers to teach literature and writing.

Many upper-level courses are conducted as seminars, and individual conferences with professors are common. Field trips to see local performances of drama and poetry readings are often planned in conjunction with specific literature courses.

Job prospects for English majors after graduation are varied. English majors find employment in libraries and museums, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, publishing companies, journalism, the media, social work, banking, and many other fields.

English Program of Study
For the English major at UNH Manchester, students must complete a minimum of 40 credits in major coursework. Introduction to Critical Analysis (ENGL 419) must be completed with a grade of C or better. Except for ENGL 419, all courses must be completed with a grade of C- or above in order to count towards the English major. Major requirements include ENGL 419, two additional 500-level courses, and seven courses numbered 600 or above with an overall G.P.A. in the major of 2.0 or better. In selecting these courses, students must meet the following distribution requirements:

ENGL 419, Introduction to Critical Analysis, or ENGL 529, Writing About Literature

Literature before 1800: Either two advanced courses (numbered 600 or above), or one advanced course and ENGL 513

Literature after 1800: Either two advanced courses, or one advanced course and one course from the following list: ENGL 514, 515, or 516

Total English courses must include three 500 level courses and seven courses numbered 600 and above.

A typical freshman program in the first semester consists of Freshman English and three general education requirements or electives.

In the second semester the student typically would take Introduction to Critical Analysis, an introductory literature course, and two general education requirements or electives.

For more information about the English program, contact Fred Metting, Ph.D., program coordinator, (603) 641-4161 or e-mail Or contact the UNH Manchester Office of Admissions at (603) 641-4150, e-mail

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