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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2007-2008

University of New Hampshire at Manchester


Engineering Technology


Engineering technology requires the application of engineering and scientific knowledge and methods combined with technical skills in support of engineering activities. Graduates may work in a variety of areas including engineering design, manufacturing, field service, testing, and sales, and may work in management positions related to engineering, manufacturing, and computer technology.

The Engineering Technology Program at UNH Manchester offers only junior- and senior-level coursework. Students admitted to this program must have an appropriate associate degree from the New Hampshire Technical Institute or an equivalent institution accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board of Engineering Technology (TAC/ABET) or show academic evidence of ability to successfully complete the requirements of this calculus-based program.

The programs at UNH Manchester are designed to meet the needs of both full- and part-time students with a mix of classes scheduled during the day and in the evening.

Engineering Technology Program of Study
Students may major in electrical engineering technology, mechanical engineering technology, or computer technology. Regardless of the preferred academic specialization, all entering students should have completed a minimum of twelve semester hours of college level mathematics, including two semesters of calculus. Students without this background will be required to take either MATH 426 Calculus II, MATH 527 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, or MATH 644 Statistics during the first semester of the junior year. The typical junior and senior year course selections follow.

Electrical Engineering Technology (EET)
ET 625, Technical Communications
ET 630, Analytical Methods in Technology
ET 671, Digital Systems
ET 674, Control Systems & Components
ET 677, Analog Systems
ET 733, Business Organization and Law
ET 680, Communications and Fields
ET 734, Economics of Bus. Activities
ET 762, Illumination Engineering
ET 763, Lighting Design & Application*
ET 788, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
ET 790, Microcomputer Technology
ET 791, Electrical Engineering Technology Project
CS 410C, Introduction to Scientific Programming
General Education requirements (5)

Electrical engineering technology students must also complete a minimum of nine credit hours of courses in communication skills.

Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)
ET 625, Technical Communications
ET 630, Analytic Methods in Technology
ET 639/640, HVAC 1 & 2
ET 641, Production Systems
ET 644, MET Concepts in Design and Analysis or
ET 649, Production Tooling and Manufacturing Process
ET 674, Control Systems and Components
ET 675, Electrical Technology
ET 733, Business Organization & Law
ET 734, Economics of Business Activities
ET 745, Instrumentation or ET 762 Illumination Engineering
ET 763, Lighting Design & Application*
ET 751, Mechanical Engineering Technology Project
CS 410C, Introduction to Scientific Programming
General Education Requirements (5)

Mechanical engineering technology students must satisfactorily complete CHEM 403, General Chemistry, or offer evidence of equivalent coursework. They must also complete a minimum of nine credit hours of courses in communication skills.

EET Computer Technology Option
ET 625, Technical Communications
ET 630, Analytical Methods in Technology
ET 601, Data Structure & Databases
ET 671, Digital Systems
ET 647, Adv. Perspectives on Prog.
ET 707, Object Oriented Design
ET 733, Business Organization and Law
ET 734, Economics of Bus. Activities
ET 790, Microcomputer Systems
ET 791, Electrical Engineering Technology Project Technical Electives
ET 627, Adv. Developmental Theory of E-commerce
ET 667, Graphics and Animation
ET 717, Network Security
ET 737, Web Server Databases
ET 747, User Interface Design
ET 777, Adv. Distributed Programming Trends
ET 787, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
ET 790, Microcomputer Systems

For information about the engineering technology program, contact B.S. Engineering Technology Program Chair and Program Coordinator for the Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) and the EET Computer Technology Option Programs: Professor David A. Forest, (603) 641-4322 or by e-mail to or

For information about the engineering technology program, contact Professor Ralph Draper, B.S.,  Mechanical Engineering Technology program coordinator, (603) 641-4323 or e-mail
For admissions information, contact the Undergraduate Office of Admissions at (603) 641-4150, e-mail

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