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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2007-2008

General Information

« General Information


What makes the University of New Hampshire (UNH) a great institution? Every day, brilliant, dedicated, inventive, hard-working people come together to teach, learn, and discover, always with an entrepreneurial spirit that has made many of our academic and research programs world-class. They are motivated by passion, by a spirit of inquiry, and by a desire to give back to their communities.

What makes UNH outstanding is that we combine the "best of both worlds." We offer students the living and learning environment of a small New England liberal arts college with the breadth, spirit of discovery, and civic commitment of a land-, sea-, and space-grant research university. This is rare among American institutions of higher education, and students and faculty will tell you it is our greatest asset.


UNH welcomes campus visitors. Prospective students are encouraged to visit the the Office of Admissions Web site in order to arrange a campus tour and/or group information session. Campus tours are led by student admissions representatives who provide a general overview of academic programs and campus life opportunities. Professional staff members are available to provide information about the criteria used by the Admissions Committee in reviewing candidates and to address specific concerns. For further information or to schedule a campus visit, connect to the Admissions Web site at

Financial Aid

The University Financial Aid Office assists students who are unable to meet educational expenses entirely from their own family resources. Aid is available in the form of grants and scholarships, loans, and part-time employment. The financial aid brochure gives program information, application procedures, and deadlines.

In many communities, scholarships and loans are available locally. School principals and guidance counselors have information about these sources of assistance, which are available to both high school seniors and adult students.

Before applicants may be considered for assistance by the University, they must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applicants may obtain the FAFSA from local high schools or from the UNH Financial Aid Office.

The financial aid application deadline for aid awarded by the University is March 1. This is the date by which your fully completed FAFSA must be received by the federal processor.

The importance of meeting this deadline cannot be overstated. While there are some types of aid (e.g., Pell Grants and Stafford Loans) for which you may apply after this deadline, it is likely that you will receive substantially less total aid if your application is late. For the past several years, applicants applying after the deadline did not receive any aid awarded by UNH (SEOG, tuition grant, Perkins Loan, or work study).

It is the University’s position that the student applicant is accountable for the accuracy and timely submission of the FAFSA. We realize that in most cases a student’s parent(s) also participates in completing the form. However, it is the student who is ultimately responsible for monitoring the application process. Students should not wait until being admitted to the University before applying for financial aid.
Note: There is reference on the FAFSA to a “deadline” of May 1. Do not be misled by this date. It is not the financial aid deadline at UNH or most other colleges.

Campus Life

At the University of New Hampshire, getting involved is a big part of campus life. Inside the classroom and beyond, UNH students bring energy and passion to everything they do.

Programs and Services for Students

From international education to residential life, academic advising to internships and writing, the University offers programs and services to help every student get the most out of their college experience.

Health Services

The University has a state-licensed and nationally-accredited ( health and wellness program.

Fees and Expenses

All charges quoted in this section reflect 2006-2007 rates.

The cost for 2006-2007 at the University averages about $21,000 for residents of New Hampshire and about $33,500 for nonresidents. See the following chart for a breakdown of these costs.

UNH bills are sent electronically only. Bills are posted to student MyUNH ( accounts. Students are notified through UNH assigned e-mail addresses when new bills are posted.