Communication Arts  

CA 450 - Introduction to Public Speaking
Credits: 4.00
Theories of rhetoric applied to the practice of speech composition, oral performance, and critical evaluation. Focus on student speeches for a variety of situations and audiences. Not for credit if credit earned for CMN 500.

CA 501 - Internship/Communication in the Urban Community
Credits: 1.00 to 4.00
Provides opportunities for field-based learning experiences. Connects students to the urban community and integrates their classroom education within a business or organizational setting where the communication practice of their interest is the focus of everyday activity. Students work under the direction of a faculty advisor and workplace supervisor to fulfill the obligations of the workplace internship plan and to complete individually designed academic projects. Projects must be approved in advance by the faculty advisor and are expected to promote critical reflection on the connections between on-site learning experiences and related coursework in the Communication Arts curriculum. Open to matriculated students with a GPA of 2.5 or better and junior standing who have completed CMN 455, 456, and 457. May be repeated for up to 8 credits, with 4 credits maximum accepted toward satisfaction of requirements for the CA major. Credit/Fail.

CA 502 - Image and Sound
Credits: 4.00
Image and Sound is a foundation course in the aesthetics of motion picture and sound production. This course explores the aesthetic principles that are used to communicate stories, emotions and messages in popular media. Students will study film, television and new media and survey production methods. This is not a production course per se, but is particularly helpful to students interested in video and film production.

CA 503 - Techniques for News Reporting
Credits: 4.00
Focuses on the essential elements of fact-based reporting and discussion of the principles and ethics of independent journalism. Techniques include determining the different perspectives and voices that belong in a story, developing research skills for locating information, strategies for reconciling conflicting information, and procedures for effective interviewing. Prereq: ENGL 401 plus CMN 455; or permission.

CA 504 - Film Criticism
Credits: 4.00
An introduction to the practice of film criticism. Critique of film as both art form and medium of communication. Examines the process of film production, basic principles of film form, techniques of film style, and major approaches to film criticism. Prereq: ENGL 401 and CMN 455 or permission. Special fee.

CA 506 - Gender
Credits: 4.00
How gender is created, maintained, repaired, and transformed through communication in particular historical, cultural, and relational contexts. Examines a variety of topics including the relationship between sex and gender, language, cultural mythologies, identity, health care, sexuality, and strategies for resisting conventional gender definitions. Prereq: CMN 457 or permission.

CA 508 - Conflict in Relational Communication
Credits: 4.00
Introduces communication theories relevant to the study of conflict interaction in interpersonal relationships. Considers interpersonal concerns contributing to conflict such as power, face-saving, and goals. Examines behaviors that affect our ability to resolve conflict, and strategies, such as mediation, to resolve conflict. Develops the ability to diagnose productive and destructive conflict patterns in relationships. The course is both theoretical and practical in orientation. A combination of lecture, discussion, case studies, and in-class group assignments are employed. Prereq: CMN 457.

CA 510 - Language and Interaction
Credits: 4.00
Examines how identities, relationships, and social realities are constituted through language and interaction. Specific topics include perception, meaning, metaphor, power, gender, illness, and the environment. Prereq: CMN 457 or permission.

CA 512 - Scriptwriting
Credits: 4.00
Examines the preproduction phase of moving image media, focusing especially on the art and business of writing for the screen. Covers the process of developing student work from original story idea to completed, first draft screenplay. Topics include script formats, narrative structure, plot development, characterization, style, and marketing strategies. Prereq: ENGL 401 plus either CMN 455 or 456; or permission.

CA 513 - Radio News Production
Credits: 4.00
Theory and practice of producing news stories for radio. Covers the research, organization, and technical skills necessary to produce a basic three-and-half to four-minute radio piece that includes three interviews, a scene created with sound, instructions for a studio mix, and a host introduction. Intended for beginning and intermediate students who have a strong interest in news writing and news production. Prereq: ENGL 401, plus CMN 455; or permission. Special fee. Writing intensive.

CA 514 - Fundamentals of Video Production
Credits: 4.00
Beginning electronic field production using digital video and nonlinear editing formats. Covers basic aesthetic principles and practices of video communication. Introduces techniques for effective image and sound recording in the field, fundamentals of shot and sequence construction, and basic postproduction practices on nonlinear editing systems. Prereq: ENGL 401, CA 502, CMN 455 or permission. Preference given to CA majors. Special fee.

CA 515 - Advanced Video Production
Credits: 4.00
Advanced electronic field production and post production using digital video and nonlinear editing formats. Emphasizes original student work of increasing conceptual, formal, and technical complexity that begins to incorporate a wider range of images, sounds, and editing techniques. Prereq: CA 514 or permission. Preference given to CA majors. Special fee.

CA 516 - Speechwriting
Credits: 4.00
The strategies of art and persuasion in the craft of professional speechwriting for a variety of modes, audiences, and exigencies. Examines a wide array of famous speeches from political, literary and cinematic sources to uncover the fundamental theories of rhetoric and persuasion at work in these texts. Application of these theories and strategies of persuasion in original speechwriting projects. Prereq: ENGL 401 plus CMN 456; or permission.

CA 520 - Special Topics in Applied Communication
Credits: 1.00 to 4.00
New or specialized topics in applied communication not covered in regular course offerings. Topics vary; descriptions listing course content and any prerequisites are available during preregistration. May be repeated for credit if topics differ for a maximum of 12 credits. Prereq: contingent on topic.

CA 525 - Media Programming
Credits: 4.00
Process of program planning for electronic media. Covers the contexts -- social, cultural, institutional, economic, technical, regulatory -- within which decisions concerning program selection, form, content, and scheduling are made. Prereq: CMN 455 or permission.

CA 526 - Organization of Newswork
Credits: 4.00
Examines news as socially situated discourse. The professional norms, work routines, representational practices, ideologies, and ethics of news producing organizations. Prereq: CMN 455 or permission.

CA 527 - History of Film
Credits: 4.00
The history of film since 1948. Historical analysis of the development of cinema since the emergence of television, both in the United States and abroad. Selected topics include cinema and the cold war, international stylistic movements, film exhibition, the decline of the studio system, new technologies, third cinema, globalization and economic consolidation. Prereq: CMN 455 or permission. Special fee.

CA 528 - Media Policy and Law
Credits: 4.00
Nature, scope, history and current practice of federal regulation over broadcast and related telecommunications media. Emphasis on FCC policies and procedures in the United States with some coverage of comparative regulatory systems. Prereq: CMN 455 or permission.

CA 530 - Celluloid Relationships
Credits: 4.00
Considers the complex dialogue between filmic representations of relationships and lived experience. Topics include ethnicity, sexuality, class, gender, friendship, marriage, family, conflict, and intercultural relationships. Hollywood, independent, and foreign films are screened. Prereq: CMN 457 or permission. Special fee.

CA 531 - History and Organization of Advertising
Credits: 4.00
Examines the development of advertising in historical context, focusing on the evolving structure and function of advertising agencies, market research practices, advertising design, anthropological approaches to advertising and consumer culture, and contemporary policy issues. Prereq: CMN 455 or permission.

CA 535 - Marital Communication
Credits: 4.00
Introduces students to the study of communication in marital relationships. Examines the major theoretical orientations that characterize the marriage field and investigates the processes by which communication facilitates or hinders marital adjustment and stability: understanding, and relationship satisfaction. Also explores popular cultural constructions of marriage and intimacy and how these influence personal expectations for marital relationships. Students need not be married to take or benefit from this course. Prereq: CMN 457, or permission. Writing intensive.

CA 539 - Communicating in Families
Credits: 4.00
Explores the role of communication in the creation, maintenance, and transformation of family systems. Focus on how meanings of "family" are constructed through familial and popular discourses, and the consequences these communication practices have for lived experience. Prereq: CMN 457 or permission.

CA 550 - Special Topics in Communication Organization, History, and Policy
Credits: 1.00 to 4.00
New or specialized topics in the organization, history, and policy of communication practices not covered in regular course offerings. Topics vary; descriptions of course content and any prerequisites are available during preregistration. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits if topics differ. Prereq: contingent on topic.

CA 600 - Research Methods in Media
Credits: 4.00
Qualitative research practices for the study of mass communication. Tools for investigating the production contexts of media institutions, the cultural and ideological meanings of media texts, and the social dimensions of media consumption in home and family. Emphasis on how to review literature, develop a research question, define a unit of analysis, select and apply method, interpret data, and draw conclusions grounded in theory. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 455 is prerequisite or permission. Writing intensive.

CA 601 - Research Methods in Relational Communication
Credits: 4.00
Critically examines the myriad ways qualitative researchers approach the study of interpersonal communication. With an emphasis on the artistic practice of fieldwork, the course considers the process of research design, the relationship between researcher and researched, the moral and ethical aspects of research, issues of representation and audience, and evaluation strategies. Students design, conduct, and present original qualitative research projects. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 457 is prerequisite or permission.

CA 610 - Communication Technologies and Culture
Credits: 4.00
The role of communication technologies in shaping cultural meanings and human consciousness. Covers the work of Innis, McLuhan, Ong, Postman, Carey and others to understand the historical development of shifting communication technologies and patterns of culture from orality to computer communication. Also explores the dynamic between mass culture and subcultural appropriations of media forms and content. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 455 is prerequisite or permission. Writing intensive.

CA 611 - Theories of Relational Communication
Credits: 4.00
Critically examines a variety of theories which seek to explain the dynamics of interpersonal relationships including performance theory, social construction theory, systems theory, feminist theory, and narrative theory. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 457 is prerequisite or permission. Writing intensive.

CA 612 - Narrative
Credits: 4.00
Considers the ways humans make sense of experience through the stories we construct within particular relational, cultural, and historical contexts. Explores a variety of topics including narrative conventions, canonical stories, subjectivity and reflexivity, the relationship between story and audience, space and time, memory and imagination, and narrative truth. Each student will conduct an original narrative research project. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 457 is prerequisite or permission. Writing intensive.

CA 615 - Film History/Theory and Method
Credits: 4.00
Intensive study of philosophical, rhetorical, and methodological issues in film history research. Examines a series of selected historical problems in the areas of social, aesthetic, industrial, and technological film history up to 1948 and reviews existing historiography on these problems. Focus is on original student research. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 455 is prerequisite or permission. Special fee. Writing intensive.

CA 617 - Aesthetic Theory in Moving Image Media
Credits: 4.00
Major theoretical approaches to film and video as modes for art, social communication, and cultural representation. Provides access to the work of important film and video artists and examines this work in relation to readings in aesthetic and cultural theory. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 455 is prerequisite or permission. Special fee.

CA 618 - Documentary
Credits: 4.00
Exploration of the historical development, ethics, funding, sociocultural significance, and communication strategies of documentary film and video. May focus on a particular genre or genres. Prereq: any two courses from both areas A and B for which CMN 455 is prerequisite or permission. Special fee. Writing intensive.

CA 720 - Seminar
Credits: 4.00
Intensive readings and research course in a highly focused area of study. Topics vary. Descriptions of course content and any prerequisites are available during preregistration. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 12 credits if topics differ. Prereq: contingent on topic. Writing intensive.

CA 795 - Independent Study
Credits: 1.00 to 4.00
Advanced individual study under the direction of a faculty member. Content area and research project to be developed in consultation with faculty supervisor. Prereq: permission. May be repeated for up to 8 credits, with 4 credits maximum accepted toward satisfaction of requirements for the CA major.