Administration-UNHM |
ADM 400 - Introduction to Business
Introduces the study of business: examines the origins and
development of American business, its place in a global
economy, and its legal and ethical roles in modern society.
Includes an overview of the functional areas of business
such as finance, marketing, and organizational behavior.
Designed for business majors as well as for students
considering a major in business.
ADM 430 - Introduction to Business Statistics
The use of statistical methods for managerial decision
making. Emphasis is on understanding concepts, including
inferences from sample data and model formulation, as aids
in decision-making. Lab: Using class-focused statistics
problems, designed to provide opportunity to develop
course-specific problem solving strategies; to adapt from
mathematical to statistical thinking; to analyze and
communicate significance and meaning of numerical outcomes;
to develop course-specific test taking prowess. No credit
for students who have received credit for BIOL 528;
ADMN 420; EREC 525; HHS 540; MATH 639; MATH 644; PSYC 402;
SOC 502.
ADM 532 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
Fundamental concepts of accounting and their impact on the
business world and society as a whole. Emphasis on the
recording of economic transactions, and preparation and
analysis of financial statements. No credit for students who
have had ACFI 501, 502, ADMN 502.
ADM 533 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Emphasizes how organizational managers use accounting
information to support their functions of planning, control,
and decision making. Examples taken from corporations, small
business, and not-for-profit organizations. No credit for
students who have received credit for ACFI 503, ADMN 503.
Prereq: ADM 532.
ADM 601 - Financial Management
Study of investment, finance, and dividend decisions of the
business firm. Topics include capital budgeting, designing
and issuing securities, management of working capital and
evaluating manager performance. Prereq: completion of
Introductory Business Core or permission.
ADM 610 - Marketing Principles and Applications
Studies the process of planning and distributing goods and
services to the marketplace. Topics include product
planning, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Emphasis on
the application of marketing principles to real world
business cases. Prereq: ADM 400, ECN 412.
ADM 620 - Organizational Behavior
Applications of behavioral science concepts to work
settings. Topics include worker incentives and perceptions
toward work, group versus individual decision making,
conflict resolution, interpersonal and leadership skills,
and the study of other behaviors relevant to effective
managing of a business organization. Prereq: Completion of
Introductory Business Core or permission.
ADM 650 - Operations Management
Studies the operational issues and problems related to the
design and implementation of an organization's production
process. Topics include production planning and analysis,
inventory and quality control, scheduling, and methods for
evaluating production performance in both the goods and
service sectors of the economy. Prereq: Completion of
Introductory Business Core or permission.
ADM 675 - Special Topics Business Admn
Provides students with an opportunity to explore a topic in
business administration such as marketing, management,
finance, or accounting. Topics will vary. Barring
duplication of subject, may be repeated for credit. Prereq:
Completion of Introductory Business Core or permission.
ADM 685 - Applications in Business Management
Selected topics. Topics will vary. Barring duplication of
subject, may be repeated for credit.
ADM 695 - Independent Study in the Political Economy of Business
1.00 to 4.00
Independent study exploring a special topic emphasizing the
political and economic context within which business
decisions are made. Prereq: permission of instructor.
ADM 701 - Business, Government and Society
Examines relationships between business and its broader
social, political and economic contexts. Topics include
business ethics, social responsibilities, the impact of
globalization, the impact of government policies, and how
business influences government. Prereq: senior standing or
permission. Writing intensive.
ADM 750 - Business Internship Seminar
A seminar course in which students report on and discuss
their business internship experiences. Selected group
readings and written and oral student presentations. Prereq:
senior standing or permission.
ADM 760 - Applied Senior Project
An independent study research project involving an in-depth
exploration into a business topic chosen in consultation
with a faculty member. Designed for students with extensive
prior work experience. Prereq: senior standing or
ADM 770 - Special Topics Senior Seminar
In-depth exploration into the theoretical and applied
aspects of a special business topic. Topics vary according
to instructor. Prereq: senior standing or permission.